《When Paths Converge: A MHA Fanfic》30. A Rat's Offer
Sitting outside Recovery Girl’s office while she performed surgery was not where Yui had expected to be when they finally got Izuku back. She was sitting in one of the chairs, in a borrowed gym uniform after Eraser had forced her to shower after Recovery Girl had started the surgery for his hand. The relief at seeing that he still had it was short lived when she saw how mangled it was, the entire hand was purple and swollen, his fingers bent at odd angles. He had electrical burns along his arms, and broken ribs and a concussion, and bruising all over his chest and stomach like Voltage had used him as a punching bag.
Dabi was leaning against the wall as Himiko reached up for his hand, both looking at the door every so often. Eraser was sitting across from her, looking at his phone but his eyes also flicked up to the door more often than not. Her own eyes were glued to the door as she waited, the right side of her face and left arm throbbed and the burns along her arms stung. The worst part was the high-pitched ringing in her ear wouldn’t leave, but she could still hear out the left just fine.
“Mic and Midnight are wrapping things up with the police. They’ll be here as soon as they can,” Eraser informed, dark eyes rising up to meet teal.
Himiko spoke up, “What’s going to happen now? Do the police now about Yui-chan and Izu-chan?”
The pro hero’s eyes flicked to the two before he sighed as he nodded. “Voltage woke up and started screaming that heroes had interfered with the vigilantes Null and ControlFreak. He’s telling them everything and Tsukauchi can’t keep this under wraps. Either Null and ControlFreak disappear or the Commission is going to send Endeavor or even All Might after them.”
Eraser’s eyes caught how Yui’s fists seem to tighten, but he didn’t comment.
“My, what a predicament!” A cheery voice called out. Their heads snapped to look at the white mouse…dog…bear? Yui narrowed her eyes at the principal of U.A. as he came to stand in front of her. “I’d like a word with ControlFreak, if I may?”
Himiko growled as she shot up, only Dabi’s grip on her arms holding her back. “Leave her alone! Izu-chan’s in surgery and she’s hurt! It can-“
“It’s fine, Himi.” The vigilante stood up, nodding politely to the being in front of her. “I’m sure the principal will inform me once Izuku is out of surgery.”
“Of course! I would never try and keep you two apart. Shall we?” he gestured with his paw down the hallway.
She nodded as she followed him, keeping him on her left side. Soon enough she was in front of massive steel doors that opened right when Nedzu stepped before them. Surrounded by bookshelves, as she entered the office, the smell of books and two plush love seats facing each other with a coffee table between them. Further back there was the large wooden desk with a set of monitors behind it.
“Tea?” She blinked, looking down at the principal who had a cart with a teapot and cups and a tray of cookies.
“That…that would be nice, thank you.” Her voice was soft, was she speaking at the right volume or was she too loud and couldn’t hear it because of her right ear?
“Please take a seat, Andenryū-san,” She frowned softly at the mention of her family name.
She sat down on the love seat, sinking in the plush padding. “Please call me Yui, Nedzu-san. I have tried to cut as many ties to that name as I could.”
“I understand, Yui-san.” He handed her a cup before taking his seat across from her, taking a sip of his tea. She followed suit, sighing in contentment at the taste and soothing warmth. Okay, so the rat can make a really good cup of chamomile.
“I believe we have some matters to discuss, but if you would indulge me, I would like to make sure my facts are correct?” She nodded, even though she had a feeling this rat was rarely wrong about anything. He felt too much like a predator in his lair, the politeness, the casual confidence...He smiled, not showing his teeth.
“Excellent! Now to start off, you are the daughter of Miyu and Haruto Andenryū, otherwise known as A-ranked villains Break and Hack. And you used to be the villain Hijack. For a child of…eleven? That ranking is certainly impressive.”
She frowned, meeting those black eyes that followed her every movement. “Yes, impressive that the information my parents had me track down was detrimental to killing people and stealing large sums of money.” Her voice was dry but there was an edge to her words.
“Did you know what the information was used for?”
“Not until I was…eight? I think. But I didn’t stop after I knew, I’m a villain, principal.” I tried to kill a man today, I would have if Eraser hadn’t stopped me…
“Hmmm, titles can be damming, can they not? The child of villains, would become a villain themselves, knowing nothing else but what their parents let them know.” He sipped his tea before he focused those black eyes at her. “Then why would a child turn on their parents and have them turn themselves in to the police?”
She looked down at her hands, at the delicate tea cup cradled there. “They were going to hurt someone I had grown to care for…I…I couldn’t let them.”
“Your partner Null, or Izuku Midoriya?” She tried not to bare her teeth or glare at the rat. He chuckled softly, “You two are quite the intriguing case, the Commission asked me to research you both. Never using Quirks, working as vigilantes even though you are both children, bonding with three heroes under my staff that would defy the Commission for you. But investigating an orphaned Quirkless child around Null’s supposed age in Japan was easy, there aren’t that many of them after all!”
“So, you know everything. When do the police show up to take us away?” If she was quick, she should be able to get Izu and leave. Forging new identities wouldn’t be that hard and maybe they could go to America? They were both fluent in the language.
“Oh, come now, if I really wanted the Commission or police involved, you would have been arrested when you first arrived! No, I have a much more…exciting plan for you and your friend.” She didn’t like the sound of that. Her mother’s idea of exciting was pitting her nine-year-old daughter against a group of adults in a ring and watching them fight.
“And what would that be?”
“You and Izuku to attend U.A. of course!”
She blinked, staring at him for a full minute before she put the cup down on the table. “Okay, maybe this is the concussion talking. But what the fuck? Did you just say you want a villain to be in your school? The Commission would throw a fit! They’d never accept it!”
“Oh, the Commission will accept. You two will stop being vigilantes and that’s all they care about. Of course, you’d both have to be under observation of trusted heroes, but since you’re already close to Aizawa and Yamada, that shouldn’t be a problem! You two are very skilled, Yui-san, the Commission would much rather have you be on the side of heroes than villains.”
She stared into the black depths that were the principal’s eyes, but couldn’t find any answers there. It was Izuku’s dream to go to U.A. and here the fucking principal was offering it to her on a silver platter. “What’s the catch?”
“Of course, you’d have to give up being vigilantes, and you’d have to go to school here. You’re fourteen, so normally you’d have to take the entrance exam, but I have a feeling that some legal matters will interfere. So, if everything goes according to my plan, you’d be enrolled as a reformation student!” he poured new cups of tea.
“A reformation student?” was this shock? Was she going to lose consciousness soon? Maybe she was in a coma and this was some weird dream.
“My plan for you to attend U.A. would be as a sort of reform from your time as Hijack. It’s the plan with the highest percentage of success, so that is the plan I shall follow unless the Commission is particularly stubborn.” He looked up at her, “Izuku would have to take the entrance exam or recommendation exam. Having the first Quirkless hero would be quite a challenge, so we can’t show favoritism with him. Also, he isn’t technically a vigilante according to the law, as you are aware.”
“He wouldn’t want anyone to give him special treatment anyway.” She sighed softly, “I’d be pretty stupid not to take this offer, it’s either this, prison, or running away.”
He nodded, “You have caught my interest, you have been the one sneaking past my security, haven’t you?” Those dark glossy pits of his gleamed with restrained glee. There’s the teeth
“You’re the only one who gives me a challenge in terms of my computer skills, Nedzu-san. The Commission isn’t even as challenging as I thought it would be.” Yui raised her shoulders in a shrug.
He chuckled softly into his tea, the affable principal once more, “Do we have a deal then, Yui-san?” he extended one paw toward her.
She clasped it in her right hand, ignoring the jolt of pain from the burn as she shook it. “We do, I look forward to learning from you, Nedzu-sensei.”
“Do you think he’ll wake up soon?” was the first thing Izuku’s mind could decipher from the fog of sleep. There was a beeping noise and something warm on his left hand.
“Himi, he’s been through a lot. It’s better that he rests.” That was Dabi’s gruff voice.
“But I just want to make sure he’s okay…” Himi-chan was pouting. He felt his lips twitch in a smile, turning his left hand around to trace his fingers over bandages?
“Izu? Green Bean?” He forced his eyes open at the tone, Yui-nee’s voice was soft, cracking at his name and he could hear the fear hiding in her tone.
He looked into stormy teal eyes, eyes that glistened with tears when his own eyes met hers. Her cheek was swollen and red, and both arms were wrapped in bandages. The right side of her head was bandaged. “Y-Yui-nee?” he rasped out her name as he went to sit up before her hand was on his shoulder.
“I’m fine, Izu. Let me get you some water.” She went to stand when a bottle with a green silly straw was held out to her. Mic sent them a small smile.
“Here you go, lil’ listener.” Izuku sipped gratefully as the cool water soothed his throat. How long was he out for?
He cleared his throat, “Thank you…what happened to Voltage?”
There was a moment when Mic and Yui-nee looked at each other, their eyes darkening before Himi-chan bounced forward.
“Yui-chan messed him up! There was so much pretty blood, Izu-chan! She took a chunk out of the bastard’s hand-“
“He’s heading to Tartarus, Izu. He won’t be able to lay a finger on you again…” Yui-nee squeezed his left hand, “Do you remember what happened? It’s okay if you don’t want to think about it.”
He squeezed her hand, he’d been trying not to think about it, being taken and chained up and electrocuted and that damned hammer. He gulped, biting down on his lip as he looked up at her. “M-My hand…i-is it…”
“Granny Chiyo had to perform surgery and you’ll have scars and it’ll be a little crooked…but she said as long as you do the therapy and exercises, you’ll have full mobility in it. It’ll be a painful recovery though. And you’ll have some new scars on your arms, but she was able to heal most of the burns and the concussion. And she wants to do another session to help your hand when you have more stamina.” Her voice was gentle as she squeezed his hand back.
His shoulders sagged in relief, the pain of having him break his fingers bone by bone had made him pass out, but he’d seen some of the bones break through skin. Izuku thought he really wouldn’t be able to use it again. Tears welled in his eyes when he looked over at his hand, in a cast but still there, he hadn’t lost it!
“I’m so sorry, Izuku, I should have been with you. This never would have happened if I’d been with you…” He blinked away his tears to look up at her. His sister’s shoulders were shaking as tears fell down her cheeks. He sat up to throw his arms around her, crushing her against him.
“No! It’s not your fault, Nee-chan! I wasn’t strong enough and he got the drop on me! I didn’t even hear him behind me until something hit me…I was glad it was just me, that he couldn’t hurt you too.” He sniffled, his tears soaking through her jacket.
“It’s not either of your faults.” They both turned to Eraser’s firm voice, his eye bags were worse than the last time he saw him, but he didn’t look hurt. Izuku looked at the others in the room, only he and Yui-nee had bandages.
“Voltage is the one who decided to hurt you. The fault is on him and he will be dealt with appropriately.” He placed a gentle hand on his curls, “We’ll be here with you, problem child.”
“Yeah! You’re living with us while you recover! No arguments, ya hear?” Mic put his hand on Izu’s shoulder, “We actually have a question for you two.” He nudged Eraser as the siblings dried their eyes.
The usually stoic man fidgeted, looking at the ceiling and the wall before he sighed to meet their gazes. “Would you two want to move in with us permanently?”
- In Serial135 Chapters
Aevalin and The Age of Readventure
Below you can find the blurbs for each arc of Aevalin and The Age of Readventure. Aevalin: Klause Schuar the Grand Bastard (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #1) Klause Schuar, the Grand Bastard who destroyed the world in his pursuit of magical power, believed to be a only legend by some, is a horror of the distance past. Though seven-hundred years after the Age of Darkness, the world is birthing itself anew—the dark magicks have receded and the festering plague that extinguished entire kingdoms is no more. The roads have been opened and regular travel between nations is now possible. The newly formed guilds are active. Where monster hunting and dungeon diving are lucrative trades, long dead kingdoms are being rebuilt in this glorious age of rediscovery. This is the story of Arlian Brennovo, lord and commander of the City Watch during the last days before the Age of Darkness—before the Age of Readventure! * Glorious New Age (Aevalin and The Age of Readventure, #2) Yoreno Brendara, a relatively sheltered noble, has joined his father in the mythical kingdom of Aevalin with his mother and sister. His father has arranged for him to train under Dantera Brennovo, a descendant of the legendary Arlian Brennovo who fought in the Grand Bastard’s war against King Balthazar and his High Mage to save the world. Now Yoreno will become an adventurer, fighting alongside a successful lady in arms—and a rich one at that. It is a grand opportunity for Yoreno to become a knight of Aevalin and to participate in the glorious new Age or Readventure! * Knight of Aevalin (Aevalin and The Age of Readventure, #3) After being conferred with a knighthood, Yoreno plans to enjoy the Age of Readventure festival with his friends and mentor. During the festivities Yoreno witnesses a plot to assassinate king Branlin. Dantera Brennovo, top-tier adventurer, knight of Aevalin and lady of rank, is charged by the king to quietly uncover the plot. As her newly knighted protégé, Yoreno must assist Dantera in her efforts to keep the king and his new Age of Readventure alive. * Errant Adventurer (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #4) Having unexpectedly received Dantera’s lands and titles after her banishment, Yoreno places Yorinius in command of the Roaming Lions. Together with his friends, Yoreno and the members of the Emblazoned Party set out in search of Dantera as she pursues King Branlin’s assassin far outside of the safety found within the borders of Aevalin. * Kingdom of the Blue Dragon (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #5)Having survived capture and escape from the barbarous tribal stronghold in the hills, Yoreno and his friends set forth with Dantera to scout out the assassin clan responsible for King Branlin’s death. Weather they have the necessary strength to challenge the assassins, they do not know. Meanwhile Yoreno’s close proximity to Dantera continues to distract him from their quest at hand.
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