《When Paths Converge: A MHA Fanfic》14. All in


“So, when were you going to tell me about being a vigilante, Yui-nee?”

The girl in question stiffened, pausing as she poured herself a second cup of coffee. Their new found family members were asleep in the guest bedroom and Izuku was grateful for the moment alone with his sister.

“I…I didn’t want you to know,” her voice was soft, “It just sort of happened? I saved a lady from a mugger and it felt good to help people…I can’t be a hero, Izuku, not with my past, but I don’t need a hero license for this.” She dropped into a ramble, turning to face him. “I know you’re mad but-"

“I want in!” He blurted out, his hands clenched in front of him and his eyes lit up with an inner fire.

She choked on air, reaching out to hold on to the counter “What?”

“I want to be a vigilante with you!” he pressed, standing in front of her. “If I want to be a hero, I’ll need real world experience! I need an edge to make up for my lack of Quirk!”

“Izuku…we can train. I can teach you but…”

“If you do this, so do I!” he lifted his chin, “Please, nee-chan, I…I froze up with Kacchan…I…I need this,” his voice shook as he stared up at her, “I can’t freeze up again…”

Those teal eyes bore into his, searching and watching for any indecision. She turned away with a sigh before she downed the mug in a few gulps.

“If we do this, you follow my lead. Consider this like a work study, you shadow me. We’ll work on your stealth and analysis. I have to make communication devices…they’ll only be able to connect to each other. You will only engage when I say you’re ready.” She listed off, poking a finger on his chest as he nodded rapidly.

“Yes ma'am!” he smiled, trying not to bounce in excitement, to try to show he was serious but it was so hard! He was going to be working with her to stop villains!

“Okay, green bean. Think up a vigilante name while I start getting gear together.” She stretched, “You don’t want to end up with a weird name. I went with ControlFreak cuz I panicked and couldn’t tell them I was Hijack.”

Izuku grinned as he ran to get his notebook and his phone, he had so much to research!

“Ooh Izu-chan you look so cool!” Himiko squealed, jumping up and down. It’s been a few weeks since they’d moved in. Yui-nee had taken them out to buy clothes and necessities. And Himiko found out she really liked to cook, so she tried new recipes on them every day!

The night that Yui-nee had got with Dabi and showed him her computer skills by hacking into Endeavor’s bank account and siphoning money and accessing his cameras in his hero agency office had cemented the bond between the two.

And the fact that they now had video proof of Endeavor heating cup ramen in his hand with his Quirk before a sidekick walked in and startled him into incinerating it certainly helped. And if Dabi had saved that video on his phone to laugh at the face Endeavor had made with noodles hanging off his head? No one but the family knew.


Izuku had to admit…having a bigger family was nice. Himiko was an energetic older sister that helped him pick out clothes and suggested products to help tame his curls and baked him the best chocolate chip cookies. Dabi was sarcastic and moody but he helped him study, and listened to him babble on about his Quirk and what he could do so it wouldn’t hurt him, and he helped him with his scars when they felt so tight.

He beamed at her, “Thanks Himi-chan!” He looked like Yui-nee, he was wearing one of those suits she had under his clothes to protect himself. She'd found him black leggings that had a bright green zigzag down the side, and a dark green hoodie. He had a utility belt on his hips that held zip ties, one of the taser bo staffs she had made, smoke bombs and pepper spray. He'd changed out the bright red sneakers he favored for black, though they did have a bright red steak.

A black mask covered most of his face and hair, it covered everything but his eyes, which were behind bright green goggles that matched Yui-nee’s. She said his hair and freckles were too distinct and it was best to hide them. Once he pulled the mask over his nose, the voice modifier would deepen his voice, and it linked to the ear pieces in their right ears so they could communicate. Gloves that had reinforcements in the knuckles and blocked electricity completed his look.

“He looks like a green mini-Yui,” Dabi chuckled, looking up from his phone.

“Yeah! Yui-chan was so badass when she came down and hit those assholes where it hurt! I know she scared the shit out of you!” Himiko giggled, bouncing up and down.

Dabi’s face flushed, before he grabbed a throw pillow and nailed her with it. “We do not speak of it!” She cackled before she launched herself at him, bopping him with the pillow as he scrambled away from her, “Get away you little flea!”

"Aw don't be like that, she surprised me too dropping down like that!" Himiko chirped flashing her fangs in a cheerful grin.

“You know…I don’t know if we can trust them here alone, Izu.” Yui came out of her room ready to go, the voice modifier changing her tone to something closer to Himiko's.

Beside the ear piece she had one new piece of equipment on her right wrist. It was a cuff of black metal with a rounded curved part on top, a metal barbed tip peaking out of the opening. The curved part housed a spool of specially made metal thread that was as thick as standard yarn. There was twenty feet of it on the spool, and the tip was a small grappling hook. It was strong enough to hold up to three hundred pounds and was controlled by a sensor connected in the palm of her glove. It was specially made to not conduct electricity.

When he’d asked, she told him that she had designed it based on a spider hero from the pre-Quirk comics she read. She had sold the design and had asked for two in exchange for payment. The other one was locked in her room, she didn’t want him to be tempted to rappel down buildings until she was ready for him.


“Don’t worry, Yui-chan! We won’t ruin Izu-chan's big night!” Himiko chirped, springing away from Dabi; he looked like he’d just survived a hurricane with his hair in disarray and his shirt hanging off his shoulder with his eyes wide.

Izuku chuckled softly, “They’ll be fine.”

Yui-nee sighed, “We better not come home to a burned down apartment building. Come on, Izu.” She opened the window and jumped out. Izuku raced to follow her, pulling up the mask to hide his grin.

“What is the plan?”

Izuku glanced down from the rooftop they were on, gazing down at the two muggers cornering the woman in the alley.

“I stay up here and observe only!” he whispered.

Yui-nee nodded before she dropped down, knocking the knife out of the one muggers hand as her foot slammed into the other's stomach. She flipped the first over her shoulder before she quickly restrained them. She made it look so easy!

She slapped post it notes to their foreheads before she walked over to the woman, who already had her phone out. Yui-nee raised her right arm before the arrow shot out and imbedded in the brick before she shot up and landed on the edge of the rooftop.

“That was amazing!” he gushed, bouncing up and down, “You were just like a hero!”

She chuckled, “Come on, the cops will be here soon,” With that she ran off, jumping across rooftops with Izuku on her heels.

The night had been going so well! Izuku had seen Yui-nee take down five others before they’d run into a small group of thugs near the docks. She held up a finger as she adjusted her earpiece, he copied her so the sound was amplified.

“The truck will be here in an hour, Inu, then we’re done,”

“I don’t like this, there’s kids in there,” the other voice was younger.

“Stop your sniveling brat! Or I’ll put you in the crate with them!” a gruff voice barked out.

She frowned, adjusting it back before she pulled out her phone. “Tsukauchi, it’s ControlFreak, I need you to send backup to the docks in sector seven, there’s a group that I’m seventy percent sure is trafficking people…and hey, bonus, if they come fast enough, they might catch me too! That’s incentive. Bye, gonna see if I can get shot,”

She hung up before she looked at Izuku, “Stay in the shadows, do not engage. Don’t fan boy if any heroes show up,” she commanded before she jumped down. He peeked out to watch a scrawny teenager fall with her fist to his neck. There were six others who rushed out, two pulling out knives while the biggest man's hands transformed into sledgehammers.

She was doing well, three more fell as she dodged and weaved, the bo staff swinging in her hands as she flipped over a man whose eyes glowed orange and his hand grazed the sliver of skin between her glove and sleeve.

She stumbled, a hand going to her head before the big guy swung his arm, the hammer crunching into her side and slamming her into a shipping crate.

“Ha! My Quirk makes people lose their balance with skin contact! How’s it feel bitch?!” The guy cackled.

“Strip her and put her with the rest, the boss likes them feisty,” the big man turned his back on her.

One moment Izuku was on the roof, the next he was sliding down to a terrace before leaping with his bo staff extended and sparking as he jammed it into the hammer guys neck. His body twitched and jerked as his eyes rolled back, legs crumpling as Izuku flipped to stand in front of her.

“Another little brat wants to party? We can use the extra dough, Ren, get him!” In a flash the orange eyed man was wheezing on the ground, his arm held in gloved fists after being slammed on the ground.

“You brat!” Izuku dodged the knife that thrust past his ear, slamming his feet down on the stomach of the thug on the ground and jumping away. A metal staff swung into the last guy’s face, Yui-nee holding her staff like a bat as she panted.

“Nee-chan! Are you okay?!” he ran up to her, his hands going to support her before she waved him off.

“I’m fine, restrain them before they get up.” She knelt to get the big guy, and Izuku scrambled to help.

She groaned as she stood up, walking to the shipping crate and opening it. Inside were twelve people, huddled together in the back and staring at them with wide eyes, the sound of sirens could be heard.

“Folks, the police are on the way, we have to go. Be careful, they’re restrained but I would let the police take care of them,” she called out before she wrapped an arm around Izuku’s waist, holding him tight before she shot the grappling hook and they were in the air. She stumbled up on the roof, “Come on,”

“Nee-chan, wait, you’re hurt…” he tried to say but she was already running. He bit back a groan as he raced after her. They took a winding way back to their apartment, jumping in through the open window.

“Yui-nee…I’m sorry my feet just moved…” he panted before her arms wrapped around him.

“Izu! You did so good!” she pulled her mask down to grin at him, “Just like we trained, quick and vicious! They didn’t know what hit them!” she pushed the goggles up.

“what about you?! I heard something crack!” he squeaked, his hands flailing.

“Just some ribs. I’ll be fine.” She pulled off the hoodie slowly, pressing against her side. “yeah, just cracked, they aren’t broken. The suit has shock absorption, that’s what helps make it bulletproof.” She smiled, taking off his goggles and mask. “You did great, Izuku. Just like a hero! You didn’t hesitate when I needed you. Thank you, green bean.”

Tsukauchi sighed, after the call he’d started to pull together officers but the fifteen minutes that had taken them to get there wasn’t fast enough. The thugs restrained and the victims were being taken to the hospital to be checked out. An almost typical ControlFreak take down, except the two green post-its, when hers were blue.

“Sorry if I was too rough on these guys, but CF needed backup! See you later! -Null"

“Dear Kami, there’s two of them…”

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