《Reid Ghealach - Home》Chapter 32.


“What the hell is going on? Reid! Reid!” Matt yelled behind me. I just rested my head against the cold wood of the door, thinking quickly. The Pack Law was quite simple; no human outside of those mated to a wolf were allowed to know the truth. If somehow a human found out the truth, for the sake of the species they had to be killed. I didn’t want to lie to him, but if I was to tell him the truth, he would die. My wolf roared his disapproval at that and I more than agreed with him. “I swear to God Reid, if you don’t talk right now I will—”

“My family is a mafia,” I said quickly, hating myself for it. I turned around to face his stunned expression, even more confused than before. “I ran away from the mafia life a long time ago, but then a… a rival mafia family killed someone who was close to me so I came back, but now we’re in a war and they got you here because they somehow found out I cared about you,” I said, spouting all the lies at once.

Matt just watched me, those beautiful blue eyes making my breath catch, making me want things that we didn’t have time for right now. “You’re kidding me right?” he said after a second.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. “Does it look like I’m kidding?” I let him think about it for a while and went to the bathroom to look at my damaged face. Damn, I was covered with bruises, a stream of blood flowed down from my eyebrow to my jaw. I lifted up my shirt. There was an ugly purple bruise on my ribs. I rinsed off the blood, my eyebrow was almost healed. The bruises wouldn’t last long and that would be hard to explain. I walked out of the bathroom, to find Matt sitting on my bed with a complicated look on his face.


“You know, I always knew you were trouble… I mean, with how much you frequent the bars and clubs and how shady you sometimes act I thought that maybe you were part of some gang or something. But mafia? Damn…” he said, looking me up and down.

“Damn? That’s it?” I raised my unhurt eyebrow. “No yelling? No ‘I want to go home you crazy sonofabitch’? Nothing?”

“Well considering your house is fucking huge and I have seen about fifteen people here who can’t be all your family and I had coffee with your father…” He shivered suddenly looking scared. “The most intense coffee of my damn life…” He shook his head to chase away the memories. “And you don’t seem to have actually invited me here and then your father started talking about guards and patrols… Well, I think I believe you.”

“I’m sorry, Matt,” I said sadly. I’m sorry I’m lying to you, I’m sorry you’re in danger, I’m so fucking sorry.

“It’s… fine. I guess…” he said, his look weirdly blank. I slowly sat down next to him, leaving him plenty of personal space. “Your father…” He frowned suddenly. “He said something about a pack?”

Oh. Uh. Fuck. “That’s… That’s our name. We don’t just call ourselves the Mafia, that would be stupid,” I said quickly, the lies tasting sour in my mouth. “We are the Pack and the rival family is called The Mercenaries.”

He raised his eyebrows, a smile creeping onto his face, totally surprising me. “Yeah, right, because the Mafia would sound stupid.”

“Are you really not gonna throw a fit or anything? Aren’t you surprised at all?” I asked. I would be.

“I mean… You always did have that aura of danger around you and that intense look of yours.” He reached out, touching my face and it felt oh so good. He laughed a bit. “I know now who you got it from…”


“I can’t believe you just had coffee with Father,” I said, shaking my head.

“God, I almost shat my pants when I saw him. He’s scary as hell…” Matt admitted and I had to smile, lean into his warm hand.

“I’m sorry for this…” I sighed.

“Hey, you didn’t drag me into this. The… other family did,” he said and he was suddenly on my lap, his body beautiful in my hands, so small, so fragile, so human… “Because,” He looked down, his face going pink as he said, “… because you care about me?” And he was so unsure, so uncertain. “I mean that’s what you said.”

Did I? I couldn’t remember, though I could hardly think of anything outside of dirty thoughts when he looked like this, straddling me, blushing. Fuck having him in my old room felt so unreal. I never did anything with a boy here, always too scared Father would find out. For some reason even now I felt a bit nervous like he would walk in any minute… “Did you seriously just get up and leave for Alaska because I wrote you a sad message?” I asked rather than answering. He blushed even more, looking away.

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