《Guns in another world》Conclusion


"Good evening, everyone, my name is Richard Raymond, and I am the chief inspector of this establishment, the item I'm about to show is one of a kind; I've never seen a specimen of such calibre in my life, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present you with a perfectly mutated beast." Master Raymond declared as he withdrew the cage from his spatial ring.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes became transfixed to the cage as soon as it emerged; some less knowledgeable persons looked confused, but the well-read ones had a stunned expression on their faces as their eyes got red from the constant staring.

"This is a mutant beast with the heritage of a One Horned Demonic Rhino and a sting rat. I'm still perplexed as to how such a creature came to be. Following a thorough examination, I determined that the mutant has a bloodline potential of a rank 1 and a poison potent enough to kill an average rank 1 within seconds. Its defence will also be impressive once the creature matures. According to my observations, if properly trained, this beast has the potential to become a lethal assassin. More observation is required to provide a more comprehensive report on skills; nonetheless, I'd like to inform you all that we only obtained this beast this morning, so don't blame us for the lack of Information. " Explained Master Raymond.

"Now that I've spoken my piece, I'll request Miss Harmony to handle the proceedings," Master Raymond concluded as he exited the stage.

People sat calmly in the hall, as though waiting for the bidding to begin. If an outsider walked into the hall right now, he would believe it was simply a regular object being auctioned, but upon closer inspection of the attendees' expressions, one would wonder how anyone can convey so many emotions at the same moment. The atmosphere in the hall was similar to the quiet before the storm.

"Thank you for the explanation, Master Raymond," said the auctioneer as she took the stage, adding, "Now that everyone has a basic understanding of the item, let's start the bidding, the opening bid for this item is 200000 low grade crystals, and any subsequent raise must be at least 1000 low grade crystals."

A frenzy of bidding began immediately following the auctioneer's announcement, with prices skyrocketing.




First floor, private room 15.

"Looks like you're going to make a fortune," Neal said with a smile.

"I hope so, but why hasn't anyone from the VIP rooms joined the bid yet?" Fionn wondered.

"It occurs all the time, they wait for someone from other VIP rooms to take the lead, they have ego issues, who knows what's going on in their heads," Neal explained.


"What's the price at this point?" Master Raymond inquired as he stormed through the door.

"300000," Neal responded, taken aback by his abrupt appearance.

Hearing Neals' response, Master Raymond placed his hands on the relic and roared "500000" while inserting his mana.

Upon hearing that bid those in the ground sighed and said to themselves, "as anticipated."

"600000," said the guy from private room no. 6, haughtily as usual.

"750000," a woman from private room no. 11 said.

"1000000," Master Raymond yelled, intending to bulldoze through every competitor.

A brief silence filled the hall until the voice of a man from private room 4 spoke calmly, "1100000."

When he heard this voice, Master Raymond's expression darkened and he roared, "1300000."

"1350000," the man from private room 4 stated calmly.

At this moment, the people of the ground floor had only one thought: "as always, we're here to just watch the show."

"1500000," Master Raymond exclaimed, his eyes bloodshot and his intention to spend all of his savings plain.

Everyone waited with baited breaths, but no further bids sounded

"SOLD! The item is going to the gentleman from Private Room No. 15. "Not getting any further bids, the auctioneer announced.

"He gave up pretty quickly," Neal exclaimed, bewildered.

"It's already overpriced, do you think he's a fool to spend so much, and there's still the last item up for auction." Master Raymond replied, glaring at Neal.

"Congratulations, sir, you got what you wanted," Fionn remarked, smiling.

"Of course, but the sum I paid was exorbitant." Master Raymond responded with a little heart ache.

"You guys do what you want, and I'll go grab my cherished possession," Master Raymond said as he bolted out the door.

Fionn and Neal both laughed as they looked at his antiques.

"Now it's the time you've all been waiting for," said the auctioneer as she waved her hands and a pyramidal object materialised in her hands, pitch black in colour with obscure carvings on its surface.

"What is it?" Neal inquired, unable to identify the object.

"It's a Liaison Tracer, which is typically used to track a Chaos plane." Fionn answered.

"How does it work?" Neal inquired.

"It's really straightforward; the relic is made up of two parts: one is left on the plane to transmit coordinates, and the other, which you can see right now, is the part that receives signals and provides the exact coordinates of the plane." Explained Fionn.

As a response, Neal nodded, indicating comprehension.

The bid had already hit 1000000 while they were conversing, and the bidders were largely VIPs.




The price kept rising steadily.

"According to my findings thus far, the ones that will cause you problems appear to be only three. First, the guy from Private Room No. 6; if I'm not mistaken, he's the youngest son of the Norris family, a family with a rank 4 bloodline. Second, the woman in private room 11, her identity is rather obvious; she is the daughter of Merchant Union's president, her family is filthy rich as well as nobility. Third, the man in room no. 4, I don't know much about him, but he's obviously important if he can secure a private room; other private rooms must be unoccupied because no one has called in a bid from them. " Said Neal.

"How much do you think they'll pay for the coordinates?" Fionn inquired.

"I'm not sure, but according to the statistics, the coordinates of a newly born chaos plane will sell for between 2000000 and 8000000 depending on the depth of information offered by the seller. Because the seller of these coordinates offered no information about the threats or the type of plane, they may be willing to pay up to 3000000 for it. Planer exploration is exceedingly dangerous and demands both money and manpower, thus paying anything more than that may result in a loss trade. " Neal elaborated.

"I can handle that much," Fionn responded, before inserting his mana into the relic and saying "2000000."

Hearing this, people on the ground floor thought "guys in private room 15 sure are filthy rich."

"2200000" called the women from Private Room No. 11.

Not to be outdone, "2500000" yelled the guy from private room no. 6 in his customary pompous tone.

Let's see how accurate your prediction is, Fionn stated to Neal, grinning, before announcing "3000000" through the relic.

After a brief moment of stillness, the speaker from Private Room No. 4 said, "3200000."

"I told you this person is a variable," Neal said , a little embarrassed.

After some thought, Fionn said, "It's just crystals anyhow, I'll earn them back eventually," and then again raised the price, saying "3500000."

"3600000," the man's monotone voice said once more.

Fionn, annoyed, decided to go all in and announced "4000000."

"Don't bid any more; it's not worth it to pay so much for such an obscure Chaos plane," Neal warned.

"I think so too," Fionn said.

As time passed and no subsequent bids were heard, the auctioneer probed again and again, attempting to extract more money from the attendees.

"SOLD! The item is going to the gentleman from Private Room No. 15. "Not getting any further bids, the auctioneer announced.

"Sigh, that was close," Fionn thought to himself.

"Congratulations, bro; please let me know if you require anything in the future; I still need to keep my promise." Neal said with a sincere smile.

" Without a doubt," Fionn responded, laughing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our heartfelt thanks for helping to make today's auction a success. You can all collect and pay for the goods you purchased at the reception, and we'll see you next time." announced the auctioneer amid deafening applause.

Fionn and Neal were walking downstairs from the first floor when they ran into Master Neal, who was coming upstairs with a cage in his hands.

"Follow me, you guys, let's collect the stuff you bought," Master Raymond stated as he led the way.

"You actually helped us a lot today, and we are truly grateful," Fionn stated respectfully.

"Don't thank me; I'm only doing this because I'm in a good mood," Master Raymond replied nonchalantly.

Following Master Raymond's lead, the three of them entered a room behind the reception hall, a room that was fairly large and seemed like a storage room with a variety of materials packed, there were two people already present inside the room, a lady and a guy, they seemed to be arranging things.

Master Raymond nodded to them and said, "I'll be there shortly," then moved to a specific shelf and got a small chest from which he took out two spatial rings and handed one to Fionn and Neal.

"Your goods are inside of it, you can check it out, and take this ring as a token of appreciation from our establishment," Master Raymond said.

"What about these crystals inside my ring?" Fionn inquired after checking the ring given to him by Master Raymond.

"It's your payment, all 1350000 crystals after deducting our commission," Master Raymond explained.

"How should I submit my payment to you? I don't have any spare spatial rings "Fionn inquired.

"Simply place all of the crystals into that relic, and it will count and reveal the number." Master Raymond replied, pointing to a relic that resembled a washing machine in the corner.

After 5 minutes.

After finishing the payment, just as Neal and Fionn were about to again express their heartfelt gratitude, Master Raymond walked away, saying, "Scram you two, I don't have time for nonsense, I am busy."

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