《Guns in another world》Auction lll


"This is a metal golem built by a rank 2 practitioner with an excellent set of materials, all the runes on its body are rank 1 and have been engraved masterfully, our inspector has done a thorough examination of its condition and you can rest assured that it is in optimum condition, if controlled by a skilled individual this golem can fight three average rank 1 practitioners at the same time." The Auctioneer explained.

After the Auctioneer finished explaining, the audience erupted with cheers.

"I've made up my mind, I'm going to buy this Golem. " Neal said this as he gazed longingly at the Golem.

"A wise decision," Fionn replied.

"The opening bid is 50000 low grade crystals, and each subsequent raise must be at least 200 low grade crystals." announced the Auctioneer.

The bidding heated up in an instant, with the price rapidly climbing.





Soon after, the price surpassed the 60,000 mark, and the bidding continued unabated. Looking at the rapidly rising price, Fionn asked Neal, "Did you have enough crystals on hand?"

" I have enough crystals on hand, but things may become complicated if the price continues to rise at such a rapid pace because I also need to finish the deal with you." Neal responded with a bitter smile.

"Don't worry about the deal; you should acquire this Golem even if it means spending every crystal you own." Fionn stated earnestly.

" Bro, I can't do that, I must keep the promise I made." Said Neal firmly.

"The deal was for you to buy me something I wanted in the auction of the equivalent value to the entry in the nobles district, but I don't want anything in that price range in this auction, so we can postpone our deal and you may buy me something later." Fionn elaborated.


"How can you say that, the auction has only barely begun?" Neal shot back.

"I said I don't want anything, so I don't want anything." Fionn stated firmly.

Neal gave up after a period of arguing, "This argument isn't going anywhere, You must let me buy you something afterwards," Neal sighed.

Fionn said, "Gladly."

While they were disputing, the price had already risen above 70,000, and the number of bidders had shrunk to just a few.

Neal, having decided to empty his wallet on this Golem, placed his hand on the relic on the table and said "80000" while inserting his mana.

Hearing his voice, the hall fell silent as the heated atmosphere dissipated.

"How come a big shot from the VIP floor is interested in this Golem?" everyone on the ground floor wondered.

Not giving up, a brown-haired middle-aged man gritted his teeth and raised the price to 81000. However, shortly after his increase, the same voice from the first floor said, "90000."

"Tyrannical, truly a big shot." Everyone on the ground floor agreed.

"Give up, it's not worth offending some big shot." The lady seated next to the middle-aged man, observing his hesitant expression, advised him.

Hearing her suggestion, the man nodded dejectedly.

"SOLD! The item is going to the gentleman from Private Room No. 15. "Not getting any further bids, the auctioneer announced.

"Congratulations, bro," Fionn remarked as he patted Neals on the back.

"Thank you," Neal said, pleased with his gains.

The auction continued with a variety of items presenting on stage, ranging from battle spells to relics to beasts eggs.

The auction became increasingly thrilling as time went, but Neal and Fionn both did not bid on anything, the former due to a lack of crystals, the latter due to a lack of interest.


"What are you waiting for, don't you want to bid on anything, even the participants from other private rooms started bidding now," Neal said, frustrated by his inability to purchase so many wonderful goods.

"I am waiting for the main event" Replied Fionn.

"Oh, you want to buy the coordinates? The price will be in millions of crystals; do you have that much?" asked Neal.

Fionn grinned but said nothing.

Suddenly, Master Raymond's voice sounded from the side: "Oh, did you guys buy anything?"

"Yes, I purchased a Golem," Neal said, before adding, "did you finish your examination, sir?"

"Nah, it was shortly going to be my turn to host the Auction, so I put it on hold." Master Raymond replied.

"It wasn't planned that way at first, but with the addition of this mutant beast, we had to make some changes," Master Raymond added.

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