《Guns in another world》Auction ll


"Nice to see you again, sir," Fionn said as he approached Master Raymond.

"Same here, why don't you guys join me in the VIP room above, it's too noisy down here." Master Raymond proposes.

"Do you have a private room?" Neal, astonished, inquired.

"Of course, I've been a long-term partner of this firm, so why wouldn't I?" replied Master Raymond confidently.

"If it's not too much trouble for you, we'll join," Fionn said.

"What sort of inconvenience would it cause? I have the entire room to myself and it would be great to have some company, enough chitchatting follow me," Master Raymond said as he led the way.

Fionn and Neal followed Master Raymond to the first floor, where after a few seconds of walking in the hallway, he opened the door to the room with the number 15 written on it.

When they entered the room, they noticed a lounge and a large glass window from which they could see the entire Auction Hall; the room was not big, but it was sufficient for 4-5 people to feel comfortable.

"Take a seat, make yourself at ease," Master Raymond said, taking a seat himself.

"The auction will begin soon, and if you have any bids to offer, you can use this relic here to broadcast your voice into the hall." Added Master Raymond.

The relic was made of crystal and reflected multicoloured light, resembling a soccer ball.

" Ok, got it, " replied Fionn.

After that, there was an awkward silence for a while before Master Raymond stated, "Cough, if you don't mind, could you kindly pull out your mutant beast, I would like to take a comprehensive look at it," with an embarrassed but straight face.

Fionn laughed and took the cage from his spatial ring, passing it to Master Raymond. "He must be eager to examine this beast, which is why he invited us," Fionn thought with a chuckled.


Master Raymond eagerly took the cage from Fionn's grasp and began to examine the beast with great interest, completely ignoring the two of them.

Soon after, the auction began, and a gorgeous middle-aged woman went onto the stage, wearing a red-colored high-slit dress that showcased her long legs and voluptuous figure, effortlessly capturing the attention of the majority of the men in the audience.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Harmony Watson, and I'd like to thank you all for joining us today. Without further ado, let us begin the auction. " With a charming smile, the lady auctioneer said.

As she finished her introduction, a loud applause sounded out around the floor, with the majority of the contributors being men.

As the applause subsided, with a wave of her hand, she withdrew a book from her spatial ring and placed it on the stage's table, explaining, "This is the manual of a rank 1 Battle Spell called Razor Blade, it raises the sharpness of weapon by 25%, requirement being your weapon must not be a rank 2 relic or above."

"Let's start the bidding; the opening bid is 10,000 low grade crystals, with a minimum raise of 100 low grade crystals,"the Auctioneer added.

As the bidding began slowly, there was little excitement among the guests.

Looking at the bidding, Fionn asked Neal, "are battle spells not highly valued, and they don't appear to be interested in purchasing it?"

"They are incredibly precious, but all of the current individuals are of nobility, and they all have their own collections of battle spells, so why would a rank 1 spell excite them?"

Neal responded.

"Don't you want to bid on it?" Fionn inquired.

No, I'm not interested in fighting; I'm content being a merchant." Neal answered.


Soon after, the bidding ended, with the spell being sold for 13000 low grade crystals. The buyer was a well-dressed young guy between the ages of 23 and 24.

The Auction proceeded after the item was sold, as the Auctioneer drew another item from her storage ring. The item appeared to be an armoured giant carved out of a metal block, with numerous runes inscribed on its body, wielding a pitch black spear and looking rather intimidating.

As the participants glanced at the giant, a surge of excitement washed over them, and hushed discussions began.

Looking at Neal, who was staring at the giant, Fionn suggests, "you should get this, it'll be a wonderful aid for someone like you who doesn't like fighting."

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