《Guns in another world》Auction l


"Oh, what's the main attraction of today's Auction," Fionn inquired, pretending to be clueless.

"Since you brought such a large business in the Auction house, it's no harm in telling you ahead of time, so listen carefully, the information you're going to hear is only privy to the highest class of nobility, and don't be too astonished," Master Raymond remarked, his tone mysterious.

Fionn and Neal both perked up their ears, as if listening intently.

"It's the coordinates of a newly born Chaos plane," Master Raymond boasted.

Fionn and Neal both gasped in amazement, their faces ridiculously excited.

Neal calmed down and questioned, "Is it from the Noble family that you guys raided?"

"No, it's from a client, and I can't go into specifics." Master Raymond responded.

They both nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

"It's done, I've listed your item, just below our main attraction, it's the best I can do, it'd be quite a spectacle to observe today's attendees' emotions when they see this mutated beast, and just so you know, we would take 10% of the selling price as our commission." Finishing the enlistment, Master Raymond said.

"Thank you for your efforts," Fionn said sincerely.

"There is no need for thanks; it would have been a crime to list your item any lower on our list," Master Raymond stated.

"One more thing, how did you figure out my mutated beast's ancestral species?" Fionn inquired.

"Sting mouse was quite obvious because no other mouse breed has a sting at the end of their tail, and I guessed One eyed Demonic Rhino from the pattern on your beasts horn, which is unique to One eyed Demonic Rhino," answered Master Raymond.

"Sir, you are deserving of the title of one of the city's most knowledgeable people; it amazes me how you can distinguish such minute details," Neal stated respectfully.


""It's nothing," Master Raymond admitted modestly, before adding, "you must leave your beast in our care because you have registered it for the Auction, and the Auction will begin in a few hours." If you don't want to leave it's side, you can eat lunch in our cafeteria, where the cuisine is likewise rather good."

"We're going to do that," Fionn agreed, and proceeded to the cafe.

The time went by while they had lunch and chitchatted, soon the auction was about to take place.

As the auction time approached, a crowd of people began to enter the building. The crowd was made up of men and women dressed in formal attire, exuding the power and authority they possessed. Every single one of them was above rank 0 with the majority being rank 1 and the minority being rank 2. Fionn didn't see any rank 3s, but it's possible they were masking their presence.

Fionn's light bulb nature took effect as he attracted many curious gazes, the majority of which were female, none of them approached him directly, due to everyone present being people of status, but some sent lackeys to persuade him to join them, luring him with a variety of offers. After Fionn politely declined all of the invitations, the atmosphere around him grew extremely strained.

"Bro, the auction hasn't even started yet and you've enraged so many people, the worst part is that they're ladies, haven't you heard the saying? No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. " said Neal unsettled by the glares directed at them.

You're taking it too seriously, bro, they simply want me to be their gigolo, I have my self-esteem, why would I accept their offer, and look at them, they're the same age as my mother, I'm not that desperate. " Fionn responded.


Soon after, the door to the Auction hall opened and everyone entered; Fionn and Neal followed the mass of people in. The hall was large enough to hold 10,000 people and was divided into two floors: the ground floor, which had rows and rows of chairs lined up the ground and where anyone could sit, and the first floor, which only VIPs could enter and had private chambers.

Everyone soon began to take their seats. Fionn looked around and thought, "It appears that no one from the Alexsis' side is here."

Suddenly, a familiar voice called from behind them, "you two, come with me to the second floor." Fionn and Neal turned around, only to face Master Raymond.

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