《Guns in another world》Experiment


"He loves you guys as much as you love him, and he's always regretted acting the way he did that day and wanted to apologise personally, but he couldn't come home due to restrictions imposed by his status in the academy." Rebecca smiled as she replied.

Fionn smiled as he listened to Rebecca's statement and inquired, "What is his status in the academy?"

" He is under the direct tutelage of the Academy director." Rebecca proudly replied.

"Wow, that must be impressive," Fionn said, oblivious to the power that the status entails.

"Of course, it's more than impressive; the academy's director is a rank 6 practitioner, and you should know how rare rank 6 practitioners are; it's not an exaggeration to say you can count the number of rank 6 practitioners in the Myriad Sprit Sanctuary on your fingers, So you can imagine what a huge accomplishment it is to become a student of one," Rebecca enthusiastically remarked.

Fionn nodded again, this time with more understanding.

"So, how are you planning to reach legacy, you still have approximately three and a half months?"Rebecca inquired.

"I'm going to travel by land and take my time." Fionn replied.

" It's a little risky and tiring by land, if you want you can come with us, we'll return to the Plesas city in a week after we finish our mission, and then you may join us on our return trip," Rebecca suggested.

"No, I'm sticking to my plan; there's no purpose in getting to Legacy so early." Fionn replied.

Rebecca shrugged and remarked, "Your choice," before adding, "I've heard this year a lot of talented people are joining Legacy, so you better be ready for a fierce competition."

"This year, in addition to having a lot of talented people, the academy is also making some improvements to the education system," Serena added from the side.


"What do you expect, it's the Legacy's golden era," Timothy remarked.

"Now that you've heard them, you'd better increase the intensity of your training; you have to make me proud." Rebecca smiled as she stated.

"I understand, I'll be prepared," Fionn said, his tone soothing.

The dinner soon ended with them casually chatting.

Outside the restaurant.

" Come to Legacy as soon as possible." I'll take you on a tour of the campus. " Rebecca said as she waved Fionn farewell.

"I will, and best wishes for your mission." Fionn replied with a smile.

Then Fionn parted ways with the rest of her group members after saying his goodbyes.

While looking through the guidebook for hotel recommendations, Fionn noticed a building sign out of the corner of his eye that piqued his interest.

Fionn enters the building after a little contemplation about the sign that reads Hunters Guild.

He left the building after about 30 minutes, with a disgruntled expression on his face.

"The prices here are just too high; if I were in the Black Stag Kingdom, I could've purchased these for less than half the price here, but Its good that got what I needed," he reasoned.

"Let's get the other supplies while I'm at it," Fionn thought as he moved towards his next destination, following the directions in the guide book.

Fionn collected all of the items he required and checked into his hotel in around an hour and a half.

Fionn checked into a hotel that was of the same calibre as the Pearl Lodge.

Inside the Hotel suite.

Fionn cleared a large area in his suite after taking a bath, and took out a huge cuboidal-shaped object from his spatial ring; it was the relic that he had purchased today.


"Let's get this experiment started," Fionn thought as he began to pull a variety of items from his spatial ring.

First, he took out a magic scroll and activated it by putting his mana into it; the scroll burnt away, leaving no ashes, and as Fionn controlled the scroll's spell, a grey-coloured magic barrier encircled the suite from the inside.

After finishing the first stage, Fionn took a container from his spatial ring and emptied its contents into the relic. He then took a cage from his spatial ring, which had a mouse, and placed it inside the relic. He then closed the relic and activated it by inserting a high quality mana crystal.

"Now all I have to do is wait till the next morning." Fionn was ecstatic as he thought.

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