《Guns in another world》Rebecca


Fionn, still unable to recognise her, asked, "Could you please remove the veil?"

"How could you not identify your big sister, can't you tell by my voice and my hair?" the veiled girl reprimanded.

"When Fionn picked up the key words, a light bulb went off in his head, and he exclaimed, "Rebecca, is that you?"

Rebecca scoffed, still upset, "Took you long enough."

"But you've changed so much in terms of height, physique, and voice, and so many individuals have your hair colour, it's impossible for me to recognise you." Fionn, frankly responded.

" I was only messing with you," Rebecca said as she motioned Fionn to have a seat.

"You've also changed a lot too. Where did that fragile little guy go? Many girls would be crushing on you when you reach legacy "Rebecca clicked her tongue in awe.

Everyone in the legacy group was stunned as they saw this spectacle, thinking to themselves, "from when did she become so roguish?"

"Let me introduce you to everyone else," Rebecca said as she began to introduce the others. "He is Timothy, you've already met him," she said, pointing to the blue-haired boy. "He is Edgar," she said, pointing to the blonde guy. "He is Alvin," she said, pointing to the gloomy guy. "And she is Serena," she said, pointing to the lively girl.

Everyone nodded at Fionn as she introduced them and Fionn nodded back.

"So, how have you been? What's it like living in Legacy? "Fionn inquired.

"It's pretty excellent; you'll love it when you get there." Rebecca responded.

Abruptly "Brother, we've already introduced ourselves; it's pretty disrespectful that you haven't yet done yours," Edgar said, sarcastically interrupting their talk.

" Oh!, my apologies, my name is Fionn, and it's a pleasure to meet you all," Fionn stated formally.


"What's your family name?" Edgar inquired, his tone slightly pompous.

"I don't have a family name." Fionn replied candidly.

"HAHAHAHA, did you guys hear that, I was sceptical from the time he arrived, wondering how someone who knew Rebecca didn't have a bloodline," Edgar said, laughing arrogantly, then with serious look he said, while looking at Rebecca, "how could you associate with him, don't be fooled by his looks, he'll just stagnate your growth, if your grandfather finds out he'll be severely disappointed."

Everyone surrounding him was furious, but no one said anything while they awaited Rebecca's response.

"You are unworthy to tell me what to do or not do, and I am warning you, you better not mess with him the way you mess with others in legacy, If his brother gets wind of your doings, your life will become a living hell, and that family of yours that you are so proud of won't even dare to give you a sympathetic glance."Rebecca stated coldly.

"Who is his brother?" enquired Edgar, his rage rising.

"Gin," Rebecca answered, a mocking grin on her face.

Everyone from legacy has a thunderstruck expression on their faces, and you can feel their hearts skipping a beat.

Edgar asked, his earlier confidence gone, "That gin?" in a shaky voice.

Rebecca said nothing, simply looked at him with the same scornful grin on her face.

Because everyone in Legacy is aware of their special relationship, no one questioned her statement regarding Gin.

Edgar fell down in his chair like a deflated balloon as he watched her scornful expression, His soul could almost be perceived leaving his body.

Rebecca apologised to Fionn, "Don't mind him, his nature is exactly like this."

"Don't worry, I've long since learnt to ignore people." Fionn responded in a unconcerned manner.


"My father told me that you've grown up a lot, but I didn't believe him at the time, but now I see how mature you've become." Said Rebecca with admiration.

"How's Uncle Keith doing? Our last encounter was a little tense." Fionn inquired.

"He is fine, occupied with his things at the academy." Rebecca replied.

They then started talking about anything from their childhood to the Legacy, while the rest of the table sat calmly listening and eating their dinner, not upsetting the tranquil environment.

Fionn remarked, suddenly, in a melancholy tone, "How's Gin doing, is he still furious at us?"

Everyone's ears perked up when they heard Fionn's question.

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