《Guns in another world》Otherworldly Relics


Fionn arrived in front of a store called Otherworldly Relics after following directions given by the locals.

The store is located in a secluded alley at the far end of the business district; the store appeared to be somewhat outdated in comparison to other stores, but it appears to have been recently renovated.

This is the shop recommended to him by the manager of Pearl Lodge; he is an old man in his 60s and a rank 0 Practitioner; he told Fionn that when he was in his prime, this shop of Plesas city could be considered one of the city's main attractions; this shop sells some strange relics discovered by Practitioners in Chaos planes.

The store has declined in recent years because the owner died during his advancement mission; he was a rank 2 practitioner with a great reputation, and as a result, he had made quite a few connections in Gaias Fort through which he purchased strange Relics from Chaos planes; now, this store is managed by his son and daughter in law. Because the previous owner was an Enlightenment Avatar user, he was unable to pass down his talents through his bloodline; his son, while not a bad practitioner, lacked a great deal in comparison to him, and as a result, he also lost the connections established by his father.

As soon as Fionn walked into the store, he was greeted by a pair of big bright eyes and a childish voice that said "welcome." The voice's owner was a young boy of about 7-8 years old, with a fair complexion and a pair of big bright eyes, the boy looks rather cute. He wore a clean t-shirt and shorts that appeared rather faded due to repeated washing. Before Fionn could respond, the boy said again, this time with pleading eyes, "sir, this is an excellent store everything here is one of a kind you won't regret buying anything from here." Fionn's heart ached as he saw the boy's pitiful expression.


"They must be going through a difficult time," Fionn thought sympathetically.

But Fionn's sympathy was short-lived, as a man ran out of the store, knocked on the back of the kid's head, and yelled, "When are you going to stop embarrassing me, I told you to stop doing this charade!"

The boy, feeling wronged, yelled back, "But, father, we're losing business, and if we keep going at this rate, we'll all starve to death."

"Your father is a rank 1 practitioner; even if you wanted to, you won't starve to death," the man feeling exasperated, replied with a dark expression.

"And where did you get these old clothes again, I threw the pair from before?" Asked the man, who was angry but curious.

"I have my secret stash," the boy boasted.

With the speed of a cheetah, the kid retreated, sensing his impending doom.

Fionn, who was watching this spectacle from the sidelines, was torn between laughing at the ridiculous spectacle and crying over the fact that he had almost been scammed by a kid.

After the boy ran away, the man struggled to calm down and asked Fionn, while inspecting him from head to toe, "what are you here for?"

Fionn, taken aback, responded, "This is a store, obviously I'm here to buy stuff."

The man, at a loss for words, grunted and said, "Follow me."

As Fionn followed the man, he examined him. The man had an unkempt beard and shoulder-length black hairs, and he was dressed in standard chef's attire. Fionn was confident that if the man groomed himself properly, he would look quite good.

The man led Fionn into the hall, which was about 1000 square feet in size. The interior of the hall was completely furnished with special wood that was both durable and produced a scent that could calm a person.


As they entered the hall, the man's rowdy demeanour changed completely and he said to Fionn, "allow me to introduce myself, I am Harvey Varges, the owner of this store, what would you like to buy?"

"Could you explain the type of item here to me? This is my first time buying something from this type of store," Fionn asked.

The man nodded understandingly and began to explain patiently.

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