《Guns in another world》Plesas city


Fionn smiled as he watched the group fade away in the distance.

"You sure have caused me a lot of trouble," Fionn said, looking down at the token on the ground.

Then, with flames shooting from his foot, he stepped on it, obliterating it.


"So you're finally done," Fionn said, looking at Ether, who appeared behind him like a ghost.

Ether now appeared clean, his fur shining in the sunlight, and his mood appears to be much improved as he rubbed his head affectionately against Fionn.


Fionn laughed and patted Ether's head, saying, "It's time to go, buddy."

"They left from this route, so we'll take a different route," Fionn said as he jumped on Ether's back.

Ether, having recognised Fionn's instructions, dashed forward in a different direction than Alexis's group.

The speed was insanely fast, nearly four times faster than they have previously travelled.

"You appear to be growing quickly; when did you become so quick?" asked Fionn a little taken aback

Ether smirked proudly as he heard Fionn's compliment.

"At this rate, we'd arrive in Plesas city in about 1.5 days." Fionn chuckled and spoke, enjoying the breeze on his face.

The journey was relatively uneventful; they didn't meet any other bandit group, and as for Beasts, the only place you'll find Beasts on Myriad Spirit Santuary is Northern Wildlands.

As expected, they arrived in Plesas city at noon on the second day, after splitting up with Alexis' group.

Fionn could sense the city's majesty even before entering it; behind the city walls, one could see finely designed buildings, statues, and even the city wall itself, which appears to be a work of art in its own right.

Fionn recalled Ether when he was quite a distance away from the city; his wolf companion was reluctant, but he promised him that he wouldn't be staying in the city for long.


While Fionn was queuing up to enter the city, suddenly, the area became dark, as if night had fallen, and everyone felt a strong wind from above. The pressure wasn't particularly intense, but the suddenness caused quite a stir in the queue.

As Fionn looked up with everyone else, he noticed a massive ship levitating above their heads. The ship was pure white in colour, and an enormous amount of wind element mana could be felt from it.

"It's the battleship of legacy," yelled a person near Fionn.

"Are they here to attack the city?" asked a scrawny man, scared.

Suddenly, the surrounding fell silent, and everyone stared at the scrawny man as if he was a buffoon.

The first person laughed proudly and said, "This must be your first time coming to Plesas city, the battleships from legacy are a frequent sight here, they come here to drop students who are here to complete their mission assigned by the academy and do you think they'll send just one battle ship if they want to attack Plesas city, you should know Plasis city is among the top 10 cities under Helios Empire."

Suddenly, as if receiving a signal, the battleship entered the city's airspace, leaving the crowd in awe.

"Sigh, I wish I could ride on a battleship, one day," said someone in the queue.

The people around him nodded, as if they agreed with him.

The commotion soon subsided, and the queue began to move again. When it was Fionn's turn to enter the city, he paid the entrance fee and entered.

As he perceived from the outside, the city was truly magnificent, with a distinct architectural theme; the roads were well-kept and not overcrowded; and there was order among the citizens as they moved around the city; city guards patrolled from time to time, keeping the order in check. To summarise, the difference between Plasis city and the Black Stag Kingdom is the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 cities.


Fionn thought to himself while strolling around the city "There's a slim chance I'll run into Alexis's group in the city because they'll relocate to the noble district after entering the city, which is probably for the best. Let's see where that store mentioned by the hotel manager is."

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