《Guns in another world》Incarnation Avatars


As Fionn ran through the terrain, he could see the devastation caused by the shotgun attack; the vegetation in the area had been completely destroyed due to the high temperature.

"If I'd caused this on Earth, I'd be in jail by now," Fionn thought as he gulped down his saliva.

There is no such regulation of forest life in this world, and because the flora of this world are extremely tenacious due to the presence of mana, the damage caused by Fionn is insignificant; it would only take a week for this place to be green again.


As Fionn approached the battlefield, he could hear the sound of weapons clashing; upon arrival, he saw a scene that made his heart skip a beat; corpses lay everywhere, mostly of bandits and mercenaries, with only a few guards between them; no dead bodies were completely intact; some were missing an arm, some were missing a leg, and some were completely dismembered and now unrecognisable.

The fight was almost over, and the only people left fighting were Alexis and the Guard captain. The opponent of Alexis was a skinny man with shoulder-length black hairs wielding two daggers, while the guard captain's opponent was a muscular bald man wielding a war hammer.

Alexis was dual-wielding two rapiers, which appeared to be illusory. If someone unfamiliar with the Larson family witnessed this fight, he might believe Alexis is a practitioner with an Enlightenment Avatar and his Avatar is two rapiers, but this is not the case.

The Larson family does not have a rank 3 bloodline and does not have as many members as other large families, but they have something that distinguishes them as much as the Wilson family.

Larson's Incarnation Avatar is what distinguishes them. It is a well-known fact among practitioners that Incarnation avatars are the most rare type of Avatar, as rare as Phoenix feathers and dragon blood.


A person with an Incarnation Avatar can be considered the top among those of the same rank; however, at rank zero, it is difficult to distinguish between a person with an Incarnation Avatar and an Enlightenment Avatar unless you see their Avatars because, unlike Dendroid and Beast Avatars, Incarnation Avatars do not provoke much physical transformation during the initial phase of their development.

The initial phase of development can differ depending on the rank of the Avatar; for example, for a rank 2 Avatar, rank 0 would be the initial phase, whereas for a rank 4 Avatar, it can stretch up to rank 1.

The Larson family's Incarnation Avatar is called the Specter Knight, and as the name suggests, it is a fighting type Avatar. Alexis didn't change much after having his Avatar activated, but there are some minor changes. His eyes are now completely white with no pupil, and if some people look closely, they can see that his skin has turned a bit crystalline, as if an armour is covering it.

Alexis' movement speed is terrifying as he shifts from one location to another like a ghost; his sword play is also impeccable, striking consecutively, not allowing his opponent to even breathe; and his every strike targets his opponent's weak point.

But his opponent is no pushover either. Fionn deduced that he must have a Beast Avatar related to frogs or toads because his legs resembled them after activating his Avatar. "Judging by his mana, his affinity must be wind," Fionn concluded.

From the perspective of a commoner, the guy was putting up a good fight due to his fast speed and outstanding footwork, but Fionn can tell the guy was still standing because Alexsis, for some strange reason, does not want to use any of his battle or innate spells.


The fight was kind of anti-climactic in that Alexis fought until the guy was exhausted, then in a swift motion, he beheaded the guy, putting him out of his misery. Throughout the exchange, Alexis didn't even get a scratch, but the guy, despite being a speed type, received numerous cuts and wounds due to Alexis' excellent swordsmanship.

The other fight was a little bloodier. Both combatants used Enlightenment Avatars, the guard captain with his Flaming Red battle axe and the bald guy with his Earthen war hammer. The guard captain, enraged by the loss of his comrades, went on a rampage, unlike Alexis, he used all the battle spells he knew, messing up the baldy until his heart's content, the baldy being a lowly bandit naturally didn't know any battle spell, As a result, he was mercilessly abused and met the same fate as the other bandits.

Fionn watched both fights from afar, learning a thing or two.

Suddenly, Alexis shouted, looking in his direction " Are you going to sit there all day?"

Fionn, taken aback, chuckled as he thought, "I need to learn some stealth spells, this is just too embarrassing."

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