《Guns in another world》Lava pool


"Don't you dare do anything to me, you have no idea who my backer is," Brody said incoherently due to his paralysis.

Fionn, intrigued, inquired, "Oh, tell me you have 10 seconds?"

"The Rune Bearers," Brody said proudly as he struggled to pronounce the name.

There was an awkward silence after Brody said that. Time passed as one could hear the sounds of bones crunching in the distance, and Fionn stared, as if waiting for him to say something more.

After 10 seconds passed.

Fionn pointed the gun again at Brody and said "never heard of Rune Bearers."

"Why are you doing this, you have nothing to do with our problem, and I'm telling you, if you kill me, you're in big trouble," Brody said with difficulty.

"I'm doing this for the same reason you attacked me, and as for troubles, let them come, no one can avoid troubles in their lives indefinitely and the one who's afraid of troubles can't achieve much in life." Fionn replied as he pulled the trigger.


A blaze of violet flame erupted from the gun, covering a V-shaped area in front of Fionn. The temperature was so high that the ground melted and turned to Lava, and the oxygen in a 500 m radius around Fionn depleted in seconds, making one feel suffocated.

Even the fight on Alexsis' side came to a halt as everyone retreated due to the high temperature and the feeling of suffocation.

"What just happened?" Asked Liliana, bewildered, as she wiped her bloodied sword.

"I think Brody just got screwed," Alexsis replied with a laugh.

Returning to Fionn's side.

Fionn's eyes widened as he looked around at the devastation caused by the Shotgun, thinking, "No wonder Abyss fire has such a notorious reputation, I can't even use a billionth of its power yet look at this."


Feeling the mana within his body, Fionn sighed, "not even 10% of my mana is left, I can't use this gun on a frequent basis."

Looking at the lava pool in front of him, Fionn summoned his Skysurf board and began to explore.

Fionn marvelled at his handiwork from above; the lava pool was about 100 m long.

After a while," did that guy evaporated, but it can't be, he was wearing rank 1 full bodied armour," thought Fionn, unable to find any trace of Brody.

Suddenly, Fionn noticed a shiny object floating in the lava pool below from the corners of his eyes.

Fionn, who was shielded by a mana barrier, approached the object with curiosity.

The object resembled a golden Token and had runes engraved on its surfaces which Fionn didn't understand.

"What exactly is this thing? Did it have anything to do with that guy's disappearance? "Fionn pondered as he examined the Token.

Fionn tried injecting his mana, but nothing happened; he tried injecting mana of different attributes, but nothing happened again; unable to find a use for the thing, Fionn stored it in his spatial ring and proceeded to Ether's location.


Constant Sounds of bones munching could be heard as a black wolf leisurely sat near a pile of bone, while munching them.

"Don't you even want to spare the bones, you sure are ruthless," Fionn remarks to Ether with a chuckle.


Ether, noticing Fionn, came running towards him, intending to jump on him, but Fionn dodged and said, "Go clean yourself first, you have blood all over you."

Ether, not giving up, tried a few more times, but was still unable to pounce on Fionn; helpless, he returned to chewing his bones with a dejected expression.

Fionn laughed as he watched this spectacle, then said, "Go clean yourself first, then we'll play." Ether ignored Fionn and continued munching on the bones with a grumpy expression.


Noticing Ether's reluctance to leave the bones, Fionn chuckled and said, "Catch up with me after you're done."

Fionn is not too concerned about Ether's safety because, as a Shadow wolf, even if Ether's opponent overpowers him, he can still flee due to his ability to travel between the Shadow Realm and the Major World, and this area has few strong practitioners.

Ether growled, as if responding to Fionn, still grumpy.

"This guy sure has developed an attitude," Fionn remarked with a chuckle.

"Let's see what's the situation on their side," Fionn reasoned as he began to make his way towards Alexis' location.

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