《Guns in another world》Raging Bison


Brody, enraged by Alexis's insult after insult, yelled, "kill them all, let their blood taint this land red."

Hearing Brody's command, all the bandits who had been eyeing Alexis' group like hungry wolves charged towards them with incoherent warcries, like a swarm of locust.

"Let's purge this area by getting rid of these pests," Alexis declared solemnly, then roared "charge!"

"I'll leave them to you." Fionn said to Alexis as he began to move towards Brody.

Fionn appeared to be moving slowly from someone else perspective, but in reality he is moving quite quickly.

Brody, riding his hyena towards Alexis, noticed Fionn closing in on him.

Already enraged by the previous conversation, he drew a greatsword from his back and swung it at Fionn, intending to dissect him in half.

Looking at the incoming attack, Fionn's eyes turned violet, and the air around him began to distort due to the rising temperature.

Fionn easily deflected the attack with a swing of his hand on the flat side of the blade.

"You've got some strength, pretty boy, but not enough for me to pay attention to you," Brody proudly proclaimed as he ordered the hyena to charge once more.


"What happened to you, damn it?"Brody exclaimed as the hyena began growling and whimpering while turning left and right, as if looking for something.

"What did you do to him" asked Brody enraged unable to calm the hyena down.

" I just levelled the competition," Fionn shrugged, and as his words faded, a shadow appeared from behind Brody and pounced on the hyena beneath him, knocking him off.

Brody flipped to the ground, stabilising himself, and stared at the beast, who was currently wrestling with his hyena.

"A young Shadow wolf, but what's with the gloss on his fur?" Thought Brody, perplexed.


Fionn had already summoned Ether back while leaving the kingdom, which is why he delayed the group. Ether was stealthily keeping up with their group. Shadow Wolf, as the name implies, has the ability to hide in the Shadow realm, an alternate dimension parallel to the main world that only creatures with both dark and space affinity can enter.

Brody was about to attack the wolf when he heard a BANG! At the same instant, he felt a huge force hit the left side of his chest, knocking him back a few steps.

Brody looked surprised at Fionn, and Fionn returned the same look.

"He's wearing a relic, this situation could get complicated," Fionn observed, surprised.

"What kind of Avatar is that?" With a savage grin and a crack of his neck, Brody inquired.

The only response he received was a BANG! BANG! BANG! As Fionn targeted on the gaps in his armour.

Brody was ready this time, blocking every shot with his greatsword. "It's got some good power, but not enough to do any damage to my weapon and armour, which are both rank 1 relics," Brody said arrogantly, feeling the recoil.

Fionn remained silent and continued to fire from his desert eagle at various parts of Brody's body, which Brody blocked almost every shot, and those he missed were blocked by his armour, leaving a slight mark.

"Have you played enough kid, let me end this nonsense," Brody said grimly as an earthy yellow aura began to emanate from his body, his body size steadily increased to 2.5 metres, and two horns protruded from his skull. Some mysterious runes began to glow on his equipments as they adjusted to his transformation.

He then roared as a black bison projection appeared behind him.

"This is Raging Bison, a rank 1 Beast Avatar, it may not be as impressive as of geniuses in the kingdom, but you'll die by the hands of its owner" Brody said, his face ominous.


He dashed towards Fionn, swinging the sword vertically, as soon as he finished this sentence.

Fionn, with lightning coursing through his body, was barely able to avoid this attack.

After missing, the attack left a nearly 10-meter-deep gash in the ground.

Brody grins evilly and murmurs "EARTH SWITCH" as he looks at Fionn, who resisted his attack.

After he said that, he appeared in front of Fionn, almost as if he teleported and punched with all his might.

Fionn barely able to make a defensive stance due to the suddenness of this attack, after the punch connected Fionn flew back like a bullet hitting a rock at the distance, smashing it into smithereens.

Brody chuckled evilly as he began walking towards the rubble, preparing to deliver the killing blow.

Just a few metres away from the rubble. Brody felt the ground beneath his feet shake, sounds of crackling thunder buzzed in his ears, and the hair on his body began to stand on end.

A foreboding feeling began to creep up his spine; he wanted to retreat, but he couldn't.


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