《The life of a little orphan tortoise》Chapter 1: The birth of the lil' tortoise, Shao


The water was gentle as it swayed back and forth in steady waves, pushing its way forcefully upwards toward the sandy beach area. The vast expansiveness of the blue ocean water stretches out toward no ends, reaching the endless horizon.

A couple of lil' tortoise eggs can be seen from above, laid adrift together on the wet clumps of sand, by the sandy beach area.

One by one the seven baby tortoise, hatch from their tiny brittle eggs in unison, but the mother was nowhere to be found.

Only the empty nest of rested crack eggshells remained. Surrounded by a staggeringly large number of stones, aligned together in an encirclement, acting as the camouflaged barrier, and shielding them further from harm and predators.

After a few days of having to learn to survive on their own, by mostly eating their eggshells, which contains a lot of calcium, beneficial for the better growth of their bones and endoskeleton.

Some of them luckily managed, to learn how to adapt to changes, supplementing from one food source to another. Mainly consisting of a diet of edible wild sea plants, and much smaller insects and creature, that could easily be devoured in one bite.

Later they learn to interact with each other, communicating in their common tongue of language. Only those that are considered beast can understand.

Through much greater efforts, with the help of the ability and system granted by this world of Yggdrasil. Embedded in each and every one of them is the knowledge and potential to perceive the world in a different light, they each called out the word "status".

A blue status screen then appears before every one of them. Each displaying their own unique personal status to that said specific individual.

『Baby Tortoise LV3 Name Shao


HP :10/10(Green)(Details)


MP :9/9 (Blue)(Details)

SP :15/18(Yellow)(Details)



Strength: 8 Defence:19

Agility:7 Endurance:3

Intellect:7 Luck: 3

Unallocated Stat Points: 6 』

『Skill List

「Bite Lv2」「Hide Lv1」「Leap Lv1」「Defence Up Lv1」「Overeating Lv1」』

The little baby tortoise that is named Shao, is a lot more different amongst the rest of his siblings.

He was, however, said to be the smartest one out of the bunch. At the same time, his personality is quite antisocial. Always keeping quiet to himself, and likes being alone. Whilst, chewing on some bunch of seaweeds and seashells that are littered around the place on the sandy beach.

Seaweed, kelp, and seashells are amongst the most plentiful food resources here, around the sandy beach area.

It provides you with plentiful of nutritional value, consisting of vitamin A, vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium. Enabling Shao to develop much faster, and become stronger than the rest of his siblings.

In the process, the calcium carbonate inside the seashells helps make his exterior outer shell much stronger, increasing its durability and his defensive stats greatly.

The one with the highest level in the group, the little male tortoise Kaan lets out a loud chuckled. As all the others turn around curiously, pondering on why he is laughing so menacingly like a madman. They later found out in the most annoying way as possible.

He was boasting about how high his level is, comparing it to his much more lower level inferior siblings.

They're all hatched around the same time as he is. One look into the eyes of Kaan and everyone can see how arrogance he is. Praising himself far too much, almost like he was special or something, despite being a meager little tortoise-like the rest of them.

"Hahaha! Look at me. I'm the strongest. I'm at the highest level in the group. My strength is at 12. I should be the leader."


"Why you..."


Everyone in the group groaned at the sight, feeling so humiliated for having a stupid brother like him. But they can't really refute his statement back though. He is the actually the strongest in the group, in strength stats alone.

It still doesn't give him preferential treatment over the rest of the siblings.


"If you want to be the leader, then go ahead. No one will stop you. If you want to join him, then it's fine. I'm not getting myself involved in this argument."

Shao then sighs lightly. Moving away from the lousy bunch of idiots, as he continues to scavage and search for more food.

The more he eats. Naturally, his body would grow stronger, absorbing the nutrients. His shell would become a lot tougher and dense. Making it less likely to be broken through and pierced by strong predators.

The other siblings of Shao, start to form a group, with Kaan being the acting leader. The remaining individuals start to act on their own, going on their own ways. Whilst, the youngest within the group Reya, the last one to be hatched, was stuck on what to do.

She was quite puzzled on what to do. Should she join the group, with greater numbers, for a better chance of survival, instead of being alone?

While on the other hand, those who would venture forth alone. Would get to keep a hundred percent all of their spoils to themselves. Not sharing it with anyone. That is what it means to be a scavager.

However, how much she wants to live and survive like her other peers. She really doesn't like that said crude personality of Kaan that much. He was the one, that would always pick and bullied her. For being too weak and fragile. Obviously, because she is the smallest and lowest level within the group.

It is sad to be a matter of fact though. Something that can't simply be changed that easily. The hierarchy of the wild is built around the strong dominating the weak. The pact leader is normally the strongest, the Alpha of the group. Therefore whatever he says is final.

You can only either rely on yourself to survive or have others to fill in your weakness for you. Over-reliance on others would make you a dead weight to them. Risking their lives and put the group in danger as well.

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