《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Epilogue: Those of Tomorrow


“So, today’s the day, huh?” Queen Belladonna Clairborne said to her visitor as she stretched. She was unused to sleeping on a bed that wasn’t her own. However, she made do with her current accommodations, considering who she was staying with.

Thanks to the fantastic Shadow Delivery Service, she didn’t even have to spend a day in the Gold Continent during her travels. However, she wanted to catch up with Zare. The last time they had seen each other was… gods, ten years ago. It was right after they returned from Earth.

“Yeah…” Zare Minami sighed and looked out the window. “It feels like just yesterday when I became heir to the throne, but now…”

“Why didn’t your brother ever take it?” Bella asked, curious. “He is older than you, right? Surely he would have been first in line after Rexir had relinquished his title?”

Zare shook her head, taking a sip of water. “He gave it up. Claimed that the title was better suited for someone who can utilize it.”

Zare put her glass down, and returned her gaze out the window. Bella rolled her eyes and pinched the crown princess’ cheek.

Zare scowled at her, drawing a grin from Bella. “Hey now, it’s not all bad. You get to make laws, feel important, and be protected all the time.”

Bella’s smile grew as she said, “Considering who your bodyguards are, I’m sure you’re happy about that last one.”

This time, it was Zare who grinned. “Oh, of course. I’m especially glad they chose to stay with me, despite the non-insignificant sum that I heard you offer them to return to you.”

Bella mirrored Zare’s previous frown as the unfamiliar taste of defeat rose up in her chest. “Well, considering how comfortable they are with your country’s language, I suppose it couldn’t be helped.”


“Let’s not focus on that, though. Are you excited for your coronation?” Zare groaned, and returned her gaze out the window.


“There you are.” Hazeel gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to me. Vanessa and I had decided that today would be a nice day off for the three of us. We sat in the arena, in the middle of the event that was Zare’s coronation.

She had really done well for herself since returning from Earth, and I know Rexir would have been proud of her to see this day.

I told her as much, which made her cry, but she insisted they were tears of happiness. It’s a good thing she did, too, because Hazeel was a half second away from beating me within an inch of my life.

Right now was when the empire’s future, the children of those present would have a mock battle to determine who would get a leg up in prestige in the coming era of the new ruler.

The finals were just about to start, and Vanessa finally returned to my side, frowning that Hazeel had taken her place at my right.

“Where’d you go?” The wood elf lazily asked.

“Don’t be coy.” Vanessa said with a smirk. “The same place you did. I was just giving my student some pointers before the finals.

Hazeel grinned, and Vanessa’s expression fell flat. “Please. It’ll be my student who comes out on top.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a long sigh. “I wish you would both stop talking about them like that. They’re your own children.”

They both opened their mouths to speak, but I cut them off. “I get that teaching the child of the other was a show of good faith, but you still need to show them love, even at times like these. You can’t both be spartan all the time.”


That shut them up, just as the trumpets for the finals rang through the arena, prompting a chorus of cheers.

A bronze-skinned boy walked in from one end. His short, silver hair reminded me of his mother’s, as did the bark-like growth on his arms. His ears were the thing that people paid the most attention to, however, as everyone knew what family he came from.

On the opposite side, a girl with black hair and alabaster skin entered. Her eyes were the same azure of Vanessa’s, and she wore the same cocksure grin that her mother used so often.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats! Presenting: the finals of the under ten bracket! At eight years of age, please welcome Leresa Kumo!”

There was a thunderous applause, mostly from young boys in the audience.

“And her opponent, at seven years old, Rexir Kumo!” This time, the cheering was directed from the girls in the crowd.

“God this is going to be such a pain when they grow up.” Vanessa muttered, causing Hazeel to chuckle.

Both children stepped forward, and shook the other’s hand before stepping back. “Well then, without further ado… fight!”

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