《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 2 - The Road to Recovery [Chapter 1: A Merry Christmas Indeed.]


“Leo, get out.” I stared up blankly at Dantae’s command from my chair, one which I eventually chose to ignore and switched my gaze back to the TV.

“God damn it Leo,” she said, flicking me in the forehead, “It’s Christmas Eve and you’re really going to make me throw you out of the house because you won’t go willingly?”

Oh, that’s what it was. “By the way,” she said, pointing across me and to our couch, “take Rob with you.”

“Why!?” A small cry came out from the couch potato himself, but he was only met with a disapproving look from his partner, Angelina.

“Because we need to prepare, cook the turkey-“

“Leo’s cooking is better though.”

After being cut off and having her culinary skills insulted, Angelina gave Rob a rough slap on the back of the head.

“Out. Now.” Rob didn’t have to be told twice before picking up his phone and sprinting out the door.

I stood up turned for the exit before glancing back at Dantae. “So, the usual?”

“Yep,” she smiled, “bring the ones from last year.”

I turned once again to leave but her voice made me pause. “Oh, and we’ll probably be having guests.”

I looked at her in disbelief and then glanced at Angelina, who shrugged. “Are you sure?”

Dantae sighed. “Yeah, I thought about it for a while, but I just remembered last year and came to the realization that I can’t handle you by myself on Christmas. We’ll be setting up, you know where to go.”

“Also,” Angelina, who grabbed my sleeve added, “ditch Rob before you come back. It’ll be awkward if you don’t.”

“No problem.” I muttered as I finally walked out the door. It seems I had a long day ahead of me.


“So... where are we going?” Rob asked as we walked down Tremont street and arrived at Cafe Godot- a little know place just at the edge of the Boston Common.

“One of my safe houses.” I grinned at him, “hopefully one we’ll never need to use.”

“Leo...” Rob had a pained look on his face, “like I was telling you at the Grand Chasm, there’s something we need to talk about.”

I nodded to him and urged him to continue talking.

“General Armando... how do I say this? He kinda wants you dead.” I stopped at the door to the cafe, and Rob walked into my back.

“Ow. Leo, you okay?” I turned around slowly, and watched his face pale as his gaze met my own cold, steely stare.

“I know. Well, this isn’t the first time he’s tried to kill me, and it probably won’t be the last. You said it before, right? That you know what happened to his wife.”

Rob gulped audibly as I opened the cafe’s door, and a waiter guided us to an empty table that looked out over a pond.

I ordered a caramel macchiato, and Rob, who had seemingly recovered, flirted with the waiter and ordered a pumpkin spice latte.


“You’re such a white girl.” I sighed, causing Rob to laugh.

“Hey man, it’s what works for me. Oh, on that note,” he said, leaning closer, “what’s the deal with Vanessa and Angie today?”

I shrugged. “It’s something Dantae gave me for Christmas last year, although this year she apparently wants more women involved.”

Rob ignored the subtlety dropped hint and shook his head. “Odd how she gets so jealous but allows you to do things like satisfy Alison.”

A splatter from the table behind us followed by a violent coughing fit distracted us both from the conversation.

I turned around in time to see Alison trying to clean up Maria, whom she had done a spit take on.

“Seriously?” Maria grumbled. “You know, I was just thinking this morning that my life would be complete with third degree burns, and now you’ve done it for me Alison. Thanks.”

Alison sheepishly apologized and finally looked up and saw me staring at her. She turned an interesting shade of pink and red before hiding her face in her hands.

“Hi girls. Alison, Dantae told that she’s expecting you. Why don’t Rob and I keep Maria company while you’re at our place?”

Alison took a look at me from between her fingers and nodded, her dark gaze quivering in expectancy of what was to come. She got up and left quickly, leaving only Rob, Maria and I.

“Alright, now that Alison is gone, I have a special task for the both of you.” I sat across from the two and had just started speaking when Maria raised her hand.

“Is this for our mission to New York?” I nodded at Maria and continued.

“RIght now, the plan is for the two of you to infiltrate New York before the rest of us.” Maria nodded, eager at the chance to prove herself. In comparison however, I noticed Rob flinch out of the corner of my eye, and turned over to him.

“What’s wrong Rob?” He looked down at the table and twiddled his fingers before returning his gaze to me.

“Just for curiosity’s sake, what part of New York are we going to be operating in?” His voice trembled and his hands began to shake.

I paid it little attention and said, “Brooklyn.” A smile crept up on his face, making his previous nerves seem like just my imagination.

“We’ll get right to it Leo! I know just the place, right next to the Brooklyn Bridge.” Maria stood up, and Rob followed suit slightly after. Maria was the first to leave after paying her bill, and Rob also walked over to the door before stopping and returning next to me.

“By the way, this is just to sate my curiosity, but what did Vanessa get you for Christmas last year?”

I smirked and looked up at his curious stare. “She got me the best present she could think of: herself.”


After leaving the cafe, I returned to the apartment only to find it empty and a note on the kitchen table with an arrow pointing downwards. I sighed, and walked down to the basement after changing into a tracksuit, somewhat expectant of what was to come. If my last Christmas with Dantae was any indication, then...


I opened the door to the dungeon Dantae had created after she discovered her masochistic tendencies, and peeked inside.

There were six pairs of shackles on the wall, a cage in one corner, a bed with black satin sheets in another, and a giant chest with all my tools in in next to the bed. However, the real attraction was in the middle of the room.

Sitting there in the dim light were the figures of three women. Alison was wearing a maid outfit that showcased her impressive bust. The black complemented her milky skin well and made it pop in the dark lighting.

Meanwhile, Dantae and Angelina wore white leather corsets and looked at me expectantly. The topless corsets constricted their abdomen and left their lower parts and breasts out in the open, while their identical features and tanned skin came out well and contrasted against the leather.

I smiled at the sight of Dantae’s body, or more specifically, the new nipple piercings she had on. She said she always wanted to get them so we could use them during our play, but she never had the courage to before. I wonder if the cause of the piercings was the sudden appearance of other women in my life. Jealousy is a cruel mistress after all.

Angelina was flaunting a new hairstyle, her wavy hair now flowing down to her shoulder blades. I looked her up and down as if appraising a work of art, each of Dantae’s intricacies were replicated

I reluctantly tore my eyes away from the two, “Alison, you’re going to be my assistant today. The first time I released your photon buildup, you showed some desire to be dominant when you put a leash on me, so I thought we could explore that route for you today.”

“So what am I going to be doing exactly?” The girl in question had a worried look on her face, but she received a pat on the back from Angelina.

“Don’t worry and just do what Leo tells you to. I wasn’t sure about this at first either, but seeing how pleased Dantae is afterward... as her clone, I couldn’t very well let her have an experience I haven’t had yet.”

After Angelina finished, I looked over to Dantae for her input but she was still silent, facing forward with an expectant look on her face, embracing her role as the submissive, rose red lips trembling in excitement.

I pointed to Angelina and Dantae, “From now on you may only refer to me as Master, understood?”

Dantae blushed and nodded, “Yes Master.” However, this caused Angelina to straighten up and stare at Dantae.

“Huh... Oh! Is this that role reversal thing I’ve heard about? The one where the masochist gets off on their submission even more because they hold a superior position to the dominant in real life?”

I sighed at her outburst and turned my attention to Alison. “Miss Maid, can you get me the black whip from that chest over there?”

She saluted, “Yes sir!” I sighed. Well, once military, always military I guess. She returned from the large toolbox with a whip in her hands.

After handing it over to me, Alison had a dubious look on her face. “Uh, Leo... what are you-“ She was cut short by a sharp cracking sound as the whip met Angelina’s inner thigh.

“Eep!” Angelina screeched as the leather bit into her skin, creating a red mark. She crouched down and held her legs in her arms in an attempt to hide them from me, but I wouldn’t let her.

“Alison, cuff their arms behind them.” With another salute, Dantae was cuffed and forced, spread legged against the cold wall and arms behind her back. Dantae’s legs trembled in excitement as I placed a blindfold over her beautiful eyes. A plug gag was stuffed into her mouth and robbed her of her speech.

“Here, this can keep you company while you wait for me to finish with Angelina.” I strapped a vibrator to her inner thigh with duct tape and pushed it right up against her clit. She moaned in pleasure, and in her mind she became a piece of meat, and writhed in pleasure indulging in her own fantasies while she waited for me.

Angelina was then bound in the exact same way. However, as opposed to Dantae, her legs were shaking in fear rather than expected pleasure. I walked to the toolbox and grabbed a second blindfold, then moved towards her.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered into her ear as I gently and carefully placed the blindfold on her, “You’ll only feel better as the night goes on.” I refrained from placing a gag on Angelina, as it was her first time after all.

“Hmm… I think I’ll use this one first.” I pointed at Angelina, which caused Alison to grab her by the arm and walk her over to the bed in the corner.

“Leo, where are you!? I’m sc-mmph!?” I sealed her mouth with a kiss as she lay facing me, then spread her legs and started to love her.


After leaving her a trembling and exhausted mess on the bed, I sat up and walked over to Dantae once more. She hadn’t moved from her spot, but the vibrator had made her wet and brought her to her knees.

I knelt down and took the plug out from the gag before whispering into her ear, “I think that maybe how often we have sex is spoiling you, so today I’m only going to use your mouth. You’d better be ready to serve me.”

She moaned once again as I grabbed her beautiful platinum-blonde ponytail. The mission could wait, Christmas only comes once a year after all and I have a present to put to good use.

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