《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 11: The Storm Begins]


It had to be no earlier than 10:00 A.M. when Dantae and I heard the news on our television, “Breaking news, the Grand Canyon has been consumed by a Dimension Eater, in an area that popular media is now calling, ‘The Grand Chasm.’ Experts say to stay away from the area as a dimensional fog has contaminated the area. All listeners are advised to stay away. I repeat, stay away.”

Dantae bit into her chocolate chip pancakes as she watched, eventually pointing to the news anchor’s horrified expression.

“I never really understood that, you know.” She said, taking a sip from the glass of milk that rested next to her plate.

“Never understood what?”

“False modesty. American society celebrates the act of pretending to be concerned, or pretending to feel something even when the person in question really couldn’t care less.”

She took another sip and cut another piece of pancake off. “Just like that news anchor. You can see it in his eyes, that he won’t give a shit about a tragedy unless it happens to him or someone close to him.” I looked back at the caster, who seemed a bit more sinister when he was speaking about the details of The Grand Canyon incident.

“Also what is that naming sense? It sounds good but it’s so lazy.” Dantae was on a rant now, working herself up over nothing. I walked around the table after removing my apron and hugged her from behind.

“It’s okay, my love. Why do you worry about other people when the only ones who matter are at this table. She smiled and became meek, and I placed my left hand over hers, our engagement rings clinking together softly.

Dantae turned around and we kissed, the taste of chocolate transmitted from tongue to tongue and left a sweet taste in my mouth when we separated.

We could have continued from there, but a rude clack could be heard as Alison opened the door to our apartment and walked in, followed by Maria, Angelina, and Rob.

Angelina walked up behind me and leaned in, and her soft, warm breath managed to tickle my ears. “Sorry, did we interrupt something?” Dantae had a look of disgust in her face as she stood up from her chair, and went nose to nose with her clone over my shoulder.

“What are you doing!? You said nothing about this last night!” To Dantae’s mix between a yell and a whisper, Angelina just shrugged nonchalantly.

“What do you want from me? You claimed that your bond with and love for Leo was because of the time you had spent together. I’m just trying to justify my feelings the same way.”


I watched in amusement as the tips of Dantae’s ears became bright red, and she struggled to combat her embarrassment going forward.

“Th-that was supposed to only be between us!” This time she wasn’t so soft in her words, practically blowing out my left eardrum in the process of berating Angelina.

“Ow. Dantae, please calm down, my ear can’t take much more.” She didn’t hear me though, and her body leaned in closer until it was firmly locked against my own.

“I can’t believe you! What’s the point of having someone like a sister if she can’t even keep your secrets!” This time it was Angelina who leaned in closer, and her soft body fit itself into my back.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, sister,” she said in a mocking tone, “but I recall a certain person once wrote that all is fair in love and war. I’m just following that divine formula to success.” Unbeknownst to them, I relished the fact that I was comfortably pressed in-between two versions of my fiancee. Life is curious sometimes.

Dantae separated from me, breaking the nice feeling that had enveloped me, mouth agape, and slowly breathed out a sigh before taking a seat at our breakfast table once more. She turned up the television's volume and angrily put down the remote. The same sinister newscaster was repeating facts from the previous statement, this time with a few more facts mixed in.

"Scientists say that all 277 by 18 miles of the national attraction were taken away, and we now have in its place something people are calling the Grand Chasm. The Dimension Eater is still reportedly in the area, and head of the Hunting division of the Army, General Christian Armando, had let us know that they are sending units there as we speak."

"That's funny," said Maria, who snatched the remote from Dantae’s control and muted the television, "if we're supposedly being sent there, how come General Armando still hasn't contacted us ye-" Maria was cut short by a world 1-1 ringtone from a certain game about a plumber, and uttered, "son of a bitch" as she put the phone next to her ear.

"Hello, Maria here. Yup, yes I saw the news. Huh? Why not?” Maria had a confused look on her face. “But that’s only because Leo..." Maria trailed off as Dantae stood up from her seat and shot her a 'shut up you idiot' glare.

"Anyway," she continued, somewhat unperturbed by her sensei’s scornful gaze, "why didn't you just call Leo if you wanted to speak to him? You don't have his number? Good, that would be super creepy dude. What was that? Don't call you dude you're my superior officer? Ok, sorry sir."


Now even I was getting fed up with her casual attitude and took the phone away from the girl, her face frowning and hands reached out for her property. I swatted them away and put the phone to my ear.

"Hi this is Leo, please direct any requests to save the country to my P.O. box, and allow one to two weeks for processing and handling.”

There was silence on the other end, which was broken when General Armando's voice, which had just barely a modicum of self control left, replied, "You prick. You know what to do, right?"

I nodded, which I then realized he couldn’t see, and responded instead, “arrange transportation for us to the airport, as well as tickets for the plane and you’ve got a deal." Without waiting for his reply, I tossed Maria's phone back at her, and motioned to the door.

"Let's go guys." Alison was the first to move, followed Maria and Angelina.

"Really?" Rob said. "I guess we’re taking orders from an out-of-the-loop veteran now. I'm surprised that you even-" he was cut short by a quick chop to his neck, rendering him unconscious.

We all looked at the perpetrator, Angelina, and she stood over him, looking me in the eye all the while. “Don’t think of me too badly,” she said, pointing to an angry looking Dantae behind me, “she just couldn’t stand it when he badmouthed you.”

She bent down and flopped Rob over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Plus," she muttered, standing up and turning her back to us, "he was pissing me off as well."

"Thanks." Maria's eyes were sparkling, Dantae had frowned and Alison held her head in her hands, which caused me to smile. It felt nice to be loved twice as much as before.


"So, now that we've got a multiple hour flight on a private jet, I think it's the perfect time to play truth or dare!" Maria took a bottle of wine from her mouth and suggested the game.

"God damn it Maria, you're still underage." Alison ripped the bottle out of her hands and Maria started bawling, instantly revealing what type of drunk she was.

"I'll start then." Angelina’s cool voice brought a sense of calm to the situation, and caused Maria to stop crying.

"Ok Angie!"


"Truth or dare!" Angelina sounded shocked at the contraction of her name, but Maria payed it no mind and brutishly continued the conversation.

"Umm... dare, I guess." Maria snickered before pointing at Angelina. And then pointing at me.

"The king orders you-"

"That's the wrong game asshole."

"Kiss Leo! You need to loosen up a little."

"Wha- Maria," I looked over to Angelina who was crawling over Dantae’s seat to reach me, "Uh… Dantae, my love. This isn’t my decision." Dantae had a death glare on and sighed as she turned away from me.

“Maria, tell her to stop.” Dantae said forcefully but she was only met with a smile from Maria.

"I can’t!" Maria shouted. "Because the king's orders..." she pointed to Rob and he sighed.

"Are absolute." He said in a monotone voice, earning him a smack on the forehead from Maria.

“But you’re still the king!" Dantae yelled in indignation. I tried to say something but my breath was forcefully squeezed from me as Angelina's supple and toned body hugged mine, pinning my arms to my sides.

As her chest pressed against mine, I could see Maria licking her lips, and Dantae glared at her. "If this goes any further, we’re through. Don’t call me sensei anymore."

This seemed to sober Maria up, as tears formed along the corners of her eyes. “Please don’t abandon me! Angie, Angie stop!”

She was a little late to clean up her own mess, however, as Angelina's tongue started to intertwine with mine and her slightly sweet smelling breath tickled my nose as she started the kiss. I would have let it happen as well, but that was enough teasing Dantae for one day, and I don’t think I could handle if she actually became sad and started avoiding me.

I grabbed Angelina by her shoulders and pulled her off, putting her back in her seat next to Dantae. Dantae smiled, but the opposite could be said for Angelina.

“Leo… am I not good enough for you?” She started to cry softly, the scene paining me as if Dantae herself were crying, and not her clone.

I sighed and then rested my head in my hands and tried to calm my thoughts. Clones are an unfair, powerful emotional force. I looked up and pet Angelina’s head, which made her smile but Dantae frown. This was going to be a long plane ride.

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