《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 8: Just Your Typical Lunch]


Alison’s consciousness stirred and she realized that her whole body was enveloped by warmth.

She was just starting to relax when an unfamiliar set of hands started groping her chest in a lewd and excited way.

Her eyes fluttered open, and the nervousness came immediately as her surroundings were unfamiliar.

Alison turned around to look at her assailant and... "Maria!?"

"Hehehe, finally awake? Still, I'm surprised." She said while continuing to touch Alison. "You really do look sexy. Long eyelashes, straight black hair, your pale yet healthy looking skin, your... incredible bust size, and your long legs." The girl nervously touched Alison, her shaking hands betraying her calm demeanor.

Maria was smiling, but Alison was still freaking out. "Where am I? And stop touching my chest already!"

Alison flung her arm back in order to scare Maria off but felt it connect instead. Maria let out an unflattering "Bleh" before falling to the clean tile floor.

Being released from her captor, she finally had a moment to collect herself and look around the room. The elegant rose-patterned wallpaper and red tinted lights made the room feel expensive, and a pine-scented candle in the corner of the room filled the area with a nice smell.

"Wait... this seems like-" Her words stopped in their tracks as her gaze wandered towards herself, and more specifically what she was lacking.

She had no top or bottom on, and her pale skin glowed red in the light. A sudden realization hit her and she remembered what she had been doing previously.

"That's right. Vanessa took Maria somewhere and Leo took me to..." Alison’s face felt like it was on fire as his caress came into her mind.

But more than his touch, her own actions prior had left her flabbergasted. Had she really tried to tie him down and... and... take him by force!?

A new wave of shame hit Alison and she sunk farther into the roomy tub. They must be at Leo and Dantae's penthouse then, she thought.

She covered her face with her hands and heard Maria stirring just outside the tub.

“Oh well. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Maria mused and Alison shook, taking her hands off her face.

"What are you talking about?" Maria shrugged and her eyes lost some of the radiance they held before.

“I mean official business,” she said, in a monotone voice almost making her earlier excitement seem like a lie, “We’re meeting Rob and his new partner, one of the clones from Project Gemini.”

Alison’s eyes widened, but regained their normal size as she thought about something. “Hey,” she started, “shouldn’t we let Vanessa know that her clone is-”

She was cut short by the sight of Maria shaking her head. “Nah, she has a lot on her plate.” Maria had a faraway look in her eyes, a rare sight for the usual ball of energy. “She doesn’t need anything else to distract her… and I’m sure she’ll find out soon enough.”

Alison nodded and sank farther down into the bath, allowing herself a moment of reprieve, a bit of calm in her now hectic life. Honestly, she had gone from being a simple recruit to being trained by the secretive special ops agent that saved the U.S. single-handedly almost a year ago.

Alison was enjoying the silence when it was broken by a loud thought from Maria.

"Yours too, huh? I never thought the phrase 'buoyancy' could be sexy, but you both proved me wrong."


“Huh?” Alison’s question was met by Maria's finger pointing at the water and she followed her gaze down to her own breasts... which were lazily floating on the water's surface.

"Get out of here you asshole!" Alison picked up a bar of soap from the side of the tub and threw it at Maria, nearly nailing her in the face.

"Hey, watch it! Okay, okay, I'm leaving, just stop throwing things at me!"

After she left, Alison once again sank into the water, letting the comforting warmth take over her body.

"Stupid idiot." she mumbled. It'd been a long day, and she probably need some sleep.


The first thing Vanessa noticed when walking up to the restaurant in the middle of Boston was the severe lack of customers even though it was almost lunch time. As they got to the door, a bright orange piece of paper was taped to it that read, "Rented out for the day and closed over the weekend. We will return to regular hours on Monday."

“Huh, I wonder what happened… wait. Is that Alison?" Leo peered through the glass and saw his trainee and three other individuals sitting down and eating. In response to his question, Vanessa rolled her eyes before pushing open the door.

What greeted them was the sight of Alison, Maria, and Rob, each eating a single patty burger while a girl who looked suspiciously familiar, who had her back turned to them, seemed to be stuffing her face with the things.

The clone finally stopped her munching and hit a bell on the side of the table, and with an annoying ding she summoned a waiter from the back.

"Y-yes? What can I do for you ma'am?" He looked reluctant but firmly stood in the face of the her overwhelming appetite.

"Get me two more platters of the Babylon Burger and one platter of the Atomic Slider." The waiter's face paled, but he still shakily took out his notepad.

"So in total, that will be ten Babylon Burgers and five Atomic Sliders?" He asked in a shaky voice. The gluttonous girl nodded and handed the man a hundred dollar bill.

"That should cover it, and as for you," she took out another hundred, "that's your tip as long as you get them to me in ten minutes."

The waiter looked at the girl, and then the money. "Right away ma'am!" He said after grabbing the cash from her hand. He turned to go back to the kitchen when he spotted Leo and Vanessa at the entrance of the restaurant.

"I'm so sorry sir and madam. These generous people have rented out the restaurant for this evening, I will have to ask you to leave."

Maria finally noticed them, then smiled and waved, "It's okay Chuck, they're with us." Chuck nodded and headed off to the kitchen, muttering to himself about how he even ended up working here in the first place.

Vanessa and Leo walked over and sat on the ends of the six person booth, Vanessa sat next to Rob and Leo sat next to Alison. “So… why is there a clone of Dantae here?” Leo voiced the question and Vanessa herself sighed as Alison began to explain the circumstances to him.

Why had she even agreed to give her DNA for the use of another fringe experiment led by Christian Armando. In hindsight, not the best idea to trade her own cells for temporary diplomatic immunity. Oh well, they say hindsight is always 20/20.


Looking at her clone from over Rob’s head, she was pretty much a carbon copy of Vanessa, the only differences being her outfit, which was now a black leather jacket over a pale pink tank top with blue jeans and black vans; and the other being the fact that her usually restrained hair now hung loosely over her shoulders and down her back.

"Hi... what should I call you? I doubt you're also named Dantae." Leo had started a conversation and the clone girl seemed reluctant to reply.

"It's okay, you can trust them. One is my sensei and the other is shacking up with your DNA donor!" The girl frowned at Maria's overwhelming brightness and looked back at Leo.

"The name I was given… I don’t like it. Give me one yourself." Vanessa could feel the smile drop from her face and the sound of a smack as Maria face palmed herself. Alison sighed and Rob just laughed at the two until Leo muttered something.

“What was that?” Vanessa leaned in closer to Leo, eyeing him up.

“I said Angelina. You know, since she looks like you she’s pretty much my angel.” Alison had a privileged view as she saw the face of both the original and her clone become bright red. She sighed once again.

"Seriously!? Man, you suck at coming up with creative names." Rob turned to Angelina, "Hey, are you sure you want that to be your name?"

She stared at Rob with a look of disgust and sighed. "Of course," she pointed to Leo, "his opinion is much more valid than your own."

Maria and Alison glanced at each other as Rob slumped down into his seat in between Vanessa and Angelina.

“That’s not what Armando said your name was, Gemini. Wait, didn’t he say something about keeping it a secret and following some protocol…”

Angelina looked dumbfounded, which quickly turned into a scowl. "You stupid idiot! What's the point of military protocol if you're not going to follow it! I swear-"

Her angry tirade was interrupted by a silver platter with a multitude of burgers on it, that Chuck had so elegantly placed in front of her. "Your Atomic Sliders are here, the Babylon Burgers will be a few more minutes."

As Chuck walked away, Angelina started to unwrap the first slider and drew it towards her mouth. "Wait, is Gemini a code name or an actual name?" Leo tried to continue the conversation but Angelina overruled his decision and bit into the burger.

"Can I at least have one? I'm starving." Leo reached for an Atomic Slider but a blushing Angelina took the platter out of his reach, which just left Vanessa hanging her head in shame.

"God damn it. She's just as sexy as the other one but twice the bitch." Maria complained as Leo called over to Chuck to order.

After Angelina had downed the sliders in a matter of minutes, the other tray of ten Babylon Burgers loomed in front of her. "I... I think I need a break. Those sliders are deceptively filling."

Vanessa smiled on the surface but inside her heart was ranting. Were they filling? Or maybe it was the overwhelming amount of food you had before them!

She coughed to clear my mind and spoke to Rob while keeping an eye on her new example for the incarnation of gluttony. "So... I take it she’s your Huntress, given how familiar you were being with her.

Rob nodded and rested his head in his hands. "Yep, Armando said that in order to give her the best possible combat experience she’d need to be in the field the next time a Dimension Eater showed up." Vanessa pinched the bridge of her nose, anxiety already leaking from just imagining Leo's response to his lover being cloned for combat purposes.

Angelina raised her hand like she was in a classroom, and Rob said, "Yes, what is your question Ms. Gemini?"

She scowled at him for using that name before turning her head to face Leo. "So, what is your relationship with Vanessa, my donor, and why do you feel so familiar to me?"

"He's-" Vanessa started to speak but Alison interrupted her.

"I've got this, I know Angelina better than you anyway." How can you know a clone better than her original? Vanessa shook her head in exasperation but let Alison continue.

"Well, to put it short, Leo is your original’s, Vanessa Kumo's lover. They’ve been together for a while, so unless you can share her memories I have no Idea why he feels familiar to you." Alison took a sip of the free water to keep herself hydrated.

"Yeah, then Ally made out with him!" Maria smiled and Alison could feel her face heat up as she nearly spat out the water in her mouth.

After she managed to choke it down, she let out an angry, "Maria!"

"Yeah, tongues intertwined and everything! You should have seen the night before, Leo carried Ally in his arms and boy did she look like a wet sack of- mph!" An unflattering noise escaped Maria's mouth as Alison shoved her order, a Princess Patty, into Maria’s mouth to shut her up.

She put her foot on top of Maria's and stomped on it, trying her best to show her frustration. Maria protested through a mouthful of patty, but Alison continued until she was satisfied.

“Oh… that's interesting Leo.” Vanessa glared at him.

“Yes, interesting indeed.” Angelina chimed in.

Being looked at with identical death stares, the only thing Leo could do was meekly grin.

“Hey, want some fries Leo?” Alison was starting to tread on Vanessa's territory, making Vanessa feel all the more uncomfortable that her alone time with Leo had been violated.

“Sure, thanks!” Leo set his burger down and reached towards Alison’s plate, but she blocked his hand and grabbed some fries in her own.

Leo looked at her confused, which was met with her smile. “Here, say ‘ah.’” Leo looked at her, then at Vanessa. Seeing no emotion on her face, he shrugged and turned back to Alison.

“Ah.” Leo opened his mouth and Alison inched closer. Vanessa put a french fry in her mouth as she watched the sickeningly warm scene. Finally, she couldn’t take anymore. Now seething with rage, she grabbed Leo’s chin, turned his face towards her, and kissed him with the fry in her mouth.

Salt, a fluffy substance and saliva were exchanged as the two kissed, until Vanessa finally let him go. Vanessa looked over to Alison, who was slack-jawed, and confidently sat down once more. “Dantae… that was the saltiest kiss I’ve ever had.”

His affectionate yet teasing smirk annoyed Vanessa and she put her head down on the table.

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