《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 7: The End Results] {NSFW}


I had just sat down next to Alison when she had pounced on me, grabbed a chain from the floor and tied it around my neck like a makeshift collar.

I sighed. ‘Sorry about this Dantae, but it's out of my control. Huh? Is it cheating if you gave permission though? Oh well, enough thinking about that.’

As I lay on my back with the weight of Alison on my body, I wondered once again how I managed to get such a dangerous woman into my life. Although her firm body pressed against mine didn't feel bad at all, her soft breasts lay on my chest and her supple lips pressed against my Adam's apple which slowly moved down towards the chain around my neck, and brought an uncomfortable and involuntary shiver down my spine.

"Hmm... I wonder if you're naturally dominant or if you're just aggressive because you've never experienced sex before?" I said to her. As I thought back on the past year that I spent with Dantae, her image overlapped with Alison. "Oh yeah. Now that I think about it Dantae was also aggressive at first, wasn't she?"

I sat up upon realizing that Alison hadn't heard me, or rather that her brain wasn't registering any sentence or forming any coherent thought. She grabbed the makeshift collar around my neck, and pulled me in for a French kiss, which I obliged. I tried to reach for her body, but Alison pushed me down and grabbed more chains, tying my hands to my neck before starting to grind her hips against my own.

After sitting there for what felt like an eternity, I got tired of waiting for Alison to finish on her own. I looked her in her eyes and spoke, "Alison." She finally registered her own name and stopped for a slight moment, which was all I needed.

I willed the void to create a link between Alison and I, then proceeded to switch spaces with her. The end result was Alison sitting beneath my body while she was on the floor in chains, completely at my mercy.

She looked confused, so for the sliver of consciousness that had returned I started to explain. "I may have begun to teach you everything that you know, but don't think for a second I've started to teach you everything that I know." Her body writhed, not knowing how the trick was performed, but being caught up in the illusion regardless.

"Maybe you do have an aptitude for masochism... it's kind of hard to tell the first time, oh well, I'm sure you won't remember most of this anyway." I started to reach for her face with my right hand, caressing it as I had before she regained consciousness. Meanwhile, my other hand reached for her pants as I started to unbutton the form-fitting jeans she wore.


She started to struggle and pant and moan under my weight, her feigned resistance futile due to her own lack of control. My hand traced her face and drew a line down her neck and collarbone before finally settling on her large breasts, caressing the left while I pulled down her lace panties and started to finger her entrance.

Alison squirmed some more, but rather by pleasure this time instead of discomfort. I unhooked her bra after reaching my hand around to her back, and started to directly fondle her, moving my hand and occasionally pinching her nipple. I started to rub her entrance roughly, and she breathed harder and faster, a sign she was getting close to climax.

As the finale to our duet, I squeezed her left breast hard with my open hand, placing her nipple against my palm. I leaned down and started to play bite her other nipple, leaving teeth marks before finally pinching her clitoris with my thumb and forefinger while the other three fingers scraped out her insides.

Alison screamed loudly in ecstasy from the combination, and shuddered before going limp on the floor. I unbound her from the chains before teleporting with her back up to our apartment.


Vanessa walked around the town once more with Maria following close behind, making their rounds to say goodbye to everyone who had taken care of them on this occasion.They finally reached the center of town where they had landed the day before. "Finally! We were only there for a day but it felt like I was training with you for a week!" Maria shouted to let off steam as Vanessa called a portal from the void.

"That's because you were." Vanessa replied with little emotion in her voice. She looked over at Maria to gauge her reaction and got more than she expected. Maria’s mouth hung wide open and she let out a stupid sounding, "Wha?” Vanessa had to stifle a giggle at the funny sight, her student fully embracing her role as comedic relief.

Vanessa looked at her and grinned, her first display of affection since meeting the girl. "What? A girl needs a secret or two for herself, doesn't she?"

They stepped through the portal into the living room of Vanessa and Leo’s apartment just as he stepped into the living room with a half-naked and limp Alison, her breasts on full display and a wet patch on her jeans. Vanessa sighed, wondering just how this always managed to happen when Leo spotted her and just casually walked up to her and Maria.

"Hey Dantae, can she borrow a set of clothes from you... what's that smell?" Leo started to move closer to Vanessa until his face was next to her’s and he sniffed her neck.


"Oh, you went to Japan again? You smell faintly of the Sakura brand perfume I bought you for your birthday. The smell must have rubbed off on you when you were walking around." Vanessa tried her hardest to still her beating heart, however she still ended up feeling heat on her face.

Vanessa didn't know how she could be that bashful. Leo had seen all of her, and even when he held another woman in his arms she didn't feel a strong aversion to him, or rather, it was her that said it was okay for him to relieve Alison in the first place. No, rather she felt jealous that she had not been the one to break. Jealous that she had not ended up a passed out mess and carried like a bride in his strong and reliable arms.

Vanessa huffed to get the pent-up breath out of her system before turning on her heels to get clothes for the fallen Huntress. Maybe Leo was right in Paris... maybe she was broken.


I set Alison down on the same couch as Dantae the day before. Huh, funny. This couch has probably seen more fluids from women than most men in their lifetimes. After the sad and fleeting thought, I got up and went to the bathroom to draw water for Alison. As I turned on the water and grabbed a handful of Dantae's favorite bubble bath, Maria walked in on me and closed the door.

"Do you do that to all the women who come to seek your help?" She asked in an angry tone. I turned away from her to continue my process.

“Sorry Maria. It was out of necessity, not desire.” She stayed silent as I finished getting the water level to the perfect depth for Alison's height and a nice steam started to rise from the bath.

Finally turning back to face Maria, she had tears in her eyes, although that was none of my concern. "No, in fact I don't do this to every girl I meet. You experienced it yourself, didn't you? The photon buildup in an individual seeps out in more ways than one. Mine, for example, culminates in the lactic acid that my muscles excrete, which results in severe pain- and that wince in your face tells me you had the same problem."

Maria looked like she had been caught, and hung her head in shame. "I'm sure Dantae tells you how bad it can get, so don't worry about your first experience, it will become more bearable eventually. On the other hand, while our pain is physical, theirs is mental. The photons seep into their brain and leak from their pituitary gland,forcefully activating it and causing them to have an endorphin rush and feel pleasure from anything that would happen to them; even pain."

I paused, allowing the science of the matter to sink in for Maria. "In the end, the only way to get rid of the symptoms is to overload the endorphin rush with an influx of stimulus, and that in turn makes the production of endorphins cease." After speaking I studied Maria for a reaction but all I got was a stupefied face.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say? What gland was that?" I sighed, noting for later that Maria was not one of the scientifically gifted.

"In short, make them orgasm so big that their brain shuts itself off. That's why Alison, and even Dantae pass out whenever I would fix their buildup. Was that a bit easier to understand?"

A look of relief passed over Maria's face and she moved aside so I could get Alison for her bath. As we walked down the short hallway, she turned to me and said, "Yeah, that was simple enough, thanks."

She started to head towards the door of our apartment when I called out to her. "Maria," she turned around at the mention of her own name, "Will you put her in the tub and wash her? I'm tired from the training and I could use reliable hands like yours to take care of her after. I have a spare apartment across the hall so feel free to stay the night when you're done."

She smiled and took Alison from my arms and walked away just as Dantae got back. A mutter leaked from Maria that I could just barely pick up. "Hehehe, don't worry Ally, I'll wash you real reliably!"

I decided to ignore that and focused back on Dantae instead, who was holding a pair of pajama bottoms her parents had gotten her that said "Okinawa" over the back of the pants while the shirt was just a black crop top.

"I hope she's fine going commando, her cup size is slightly larger than mine and I'm definitely not sharing any of my panties with that girl." I took the clothes from her and started to head down the corridor when her arms reached for me from behind and she hung from my back. I leaned backwards to ease the strain on my neck and she kissed the back of my collarbone.

I turned back around to see her face, and pointed outside the window to the Boston skyline. “Hey, want to get some burgers for lunch tomorrow?”

Dantae smiled with dazzling happiness, “Sure, I’d love that.”

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