《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》[Chapter X: Halloween Practice]


I woke up late in the afternoon, remarkable since I had gone to sleep at 9 P.M. the night before. My groggy eyes shifted to the corner of the room, and then my alarm clock which had failed to go off.

After wrenching myself from the bed, I got dressed in a light blue tank top, and black sweatpants, and walked out of my room and towards the dining room table.

Dantae was sat there, along with a disgruntled Alison and a stoic Maria.

“Hey, sleepyhead is finally awake!” Maria gave me a wide grin and grabbed my arm, pulling me down into a seat between Alison and Dantae.

“What happened? Why are you all gathered like this?”

“Ahem. Anyway,” Maria continued, completely ignoring me, “he can solve your dilemma ladies!”

I looked back over my shoulder at Maria, then swiveled my head to look at the other two. “Well, I don’t know what’s wrong but if it’s anything I can help with, I’d be glad to.”

No sooner had the words come out of my mouth then Dantae and Alison had grabbed each one of my hands.

“Thanks Leo, I appreciate it.”

“Thank you, Professor. You’re doing us a great debt.”

I smiled and squeezed their hands back. “No worries, I’ll always be here for you.” No sooner had the words come out of my mouth then I was being pulled by Dantae and Alison, one hand each back towards Dantae’s and my own room. Huh? What’s happening?


I was blindfolded the moment we got into the room, and I heard the sound of clothes rustling as they left the skin they once covered.

“Leo, do you know what today is?” Dantae asked.

I had to think. Clothes being removed and put on, and with two women at that... “Uhh, my birthday?” I heard Dantae face-palm and Alison giggled.


“No asshole, it’s Halloween.” Dantae sounded pissed off, which sounded about right for her personality, and Alison was quiet, probably with a smile on her face from the previous outburst.

“Oh... we haven’t even spent a year together, how can you expect me to remember a holiday when all I think about is you?” There was a silence followed by a stern flick on my forehead.

“Ow! What was that for!?”

“Hmph! Do you think that flattering me will get you out of the decision you made to take Alison on as an apprentice without me? You think that I’ll be putty in your hands if you butter me up?”

“Maybe in some cases...” I heard her whisper before her voice regained its previous volume, “but most likely not. Anyway, the reason we were troubled is all thanks to this new apprentice of yours. She entered herself, Maria and I into the Mister and Missus Halloween contest that the local business owners run every year to attract customers.”

I was barely following, and it was made even harder by the rapid pace at which Dantae was trying to speak her words.

“What she means to say,” Alison translated, “is that we want you to pair up with us for the costume contest, individually of course.” I felt hands touch my face and rip off the blindfold.

Light flooded my vision, and at last it began to settle. I was greeted with the image of Alison wearing a sexy devil costume which was complete with red horns on top of her long black hair, red colored contacts, fangs, and a low-cut blood-red ballroom dress which flaunted her milky-white skin. I was shocked, that was, until I saw Dantae.

She was my angel... literally. She had a halo crafted to a hairband and it paled in comparison to her platinum locks, a light blush was done on her cheeks, and a white dress adorned her body and contrasted well with her tan skin. In addition, a chibi-sized pair of wings were clipped to the back of her dress.


“Well, what do you think?” Alison looked at me expectantly, but Dantae looked away with a blush. At that point it was decided.

“Hey!” I jumped into Dantae’s chest and hugged her tightly. She started to push me off with great strength to my amazement, and I knew I had to seal her fast.

“I love you, I love you so much.” I stared up at Dantae’s flustered face and told her exactly how I felt.

She was flustered, and I could have sworn I saw the corners of her mouth start to lift in a slight smile. In these moments, I could almost forget about our secret war.

However, before I saw that sight she pushed my head into her breasts.


Alison was laughing as Dantae stared at her own chest. Or more specifically, who was occupying that space. The head of her lover, Leo, was struggling to free himself, but she couldn’t let him, not after what he’d done the last time she broke her stoic facade.

She needed to calm down. Come on Vanessa, breathe in, breathe out... good.

Finally letting go of Leo, he collapsed to the ground, sputtering for air.

“Oh, come on you asshole. You’ve been in worse situations than smothered by breasts.” She tried to play it off, but Vanessa was embarrassed as well. She was only trying to protect herself from Leo’s teasing but ended up giving him another reason instead.

After a pause Leo muttered, “You’re right. We can use this as practice though.” Vanessa stared dumbfounded at her fiancée, who had seemingly turned over a new leaf because of slight suffocation.

After a moment, the second part of his sentence had hit her. “Wait, what can we use for practice?”

“This.” Leo took off her halo, removed the small wings from her back and picked her up in a-

“Bridal carry.” Alison whispered while looking at the two in their own little world. Leo was beaming down at Dantae, who had averted her face to give her own little smirk.

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