《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 5: A Lovely Friendship]


"Alright Alison." I said and leaned back as she leaned in. Was she about to kiss me? No, it couldn't be. Who kisses a person they just met on the first day, that's just absurd. She looked flustered as she sat back in her seat, although for what reason I was blissfully unaware of. Yep, blissfully unaware...

"I'll take you as my apprentice. Only on two conditions, however." Alison looked ecstatic as she nodded her head vigorously.

"Sure, just tell me what you need, I’ll do anything!" She said in a cheerful tone. Dantae face-palmed and started to reprimand Alison.

"Please don't say anything. That's so cliche that it's concerning. You're lucky Leo isn't a pervert, otherwise he'd take advantage of you." So it's started already. As if it was her god given right, and really, it was, Dantae had already started to show her possessiveness of me, but that didn't deter Alison whatsoever.

"I already know about your relationship and how much you entrust yourself to him." Alison landed a critical blow on Dantae, who reeled back in surprise, but continued on.

"Since he's such a gentleman, I hope that if the time ever comes and my photon buildup becomes too much to bear, he'll show that same courtesy to me. Won't you share with me, Dantae?"

"You're not allowed to call me that. Just call me Vanessa, it's professional and you really aren't close enough to use my nickname... argh!" Dantae got up pouting and rubbed her head while sitting sideways on our couch in the fetal position, a far cry from how she was sprawled out on it last night.

"Did I say too much?" Alison questioned in a whimsical tone. I looked at Dantae who was sulking, then back at Alison who had a triumphant look on her face.


"She'll be fine, she always is. Dantae, could you do us both a favor?" Dantae's head peeked up and she had her usual defensive glare on, before calmly asking what we needed.

"Call General Armando and tell him I'll start training Alison today." Dantae looked solemn when I spoke with Alison, but her gaze seemed to straighten out now.

"Okay Leo." Dantae spoke in a measured voice, trying not to betray her apathy. She straightened out and picked up the landline on our desk before dialing the barracks. I turned back to Alison only to see a frowning expression on her face.

"A few detoxes and she's already this subservient? I'm impressed Leo." I looked at the girl, who in all likelihood hadn't experienced the mind-altering photon buildup yet and could only shrug. Some things were best learned personally, and that lesson would be learned today.

The feeling we were being watched started to prick at me more and more until I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes and started to really focus on the sounds around me, Dantae's sorrowful yet angry voice as she berated General Armando, and Alison's heartbeat racing while looking at me... she's making it really hard to be unaware right now.

Finally, I felt the sensation again, and I didn't know from where until I heard a little scratch at the door. I got up and disguised my true intent. "Alison would you like another drink, could I interest you in some more tea?"

She looked at me warily, but finally acquiesced and said "Sure, I'd love some." I opened the fridge door to put it in between the line of sight and my body before teleporting outside the apartment and stepping right into the hall, where a girl was peeking through our peephole. I grabbed onto her shoulder and teleported back inside the room, landing gracefully back in my seat while the spy landed face first into the dinner table before sliding off into a chair.


"Maria!?" Alison gasped as Maria groaned, an obvious indicator of her pain.

"Hey Ally, I see that I've been introduced slightly early." She said with a snicker before going back to groaning.

"I hope the third one isn't with you, two I can handle but I don't want to deal with an infestation." I looked around concerned but Maria just laughed.

"I offered to see if he wanted to come, but he's been falling behind in our practical tests lately so he wanted to train." The young Tracker then stared at Dantae when she got back in the room and flung herself at her.

"Be my teacher! And go on a date with me while you're at it!" Dantae ignored the mood and dodged her junior's missile attack. Maria landed face first in the corridor before turning around with an angry glare. "You weren't supposed to dodge!"

Dantae returned a scornful gaze of her own however, and scoffed at Maria. "Don't talk to me so casually, you B-grade Tracker. I also don't swing that way, so please buzz off." Maria looked crushed and looked back to Alison for support, but only got a shake of the head in return.

"Sorry Maria, it's true. She's shacking up with Leo here. I know she was your type too, but don’t be sad, ok? You know how bad your depression has been lately." Alison tried to reach her friend, but it looked like no one was home. Maria just had a blank look on her face, and completely ignored the crimson that was appearing on Dantae's.

"Damn it! It's not fair! Why does everyone I come into contact with avoid me!?" Maria cried out and started to sob in the corner of the room. I wasn't going to point out the obvious that she wasn't being avoided, but instead just came on too strong for Dantae, who was looking a bit guilty herself.

"I have a solution to both of your problems." I said, looking at Maria first and then Dantae. "Since Maria needs a teacher, and Dantae will be alone while I train Alison, why don't you teach her, Dantae?" Dantae simply looked at me with a questioning look before realizing what would happen to Alison and Maria after training for real.

"Fine," Dantae spoke in a low tone, "but don't touch me, don't talk to me unless I talk to you first, and stop leering at my chest!" Thus began the beautiful friendship between the pervert and the extrovert.

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