《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 3: A Different Kind of Obligation] {NSFW}


Well, this was awkward. After Armando's grand reveal, the world stopped working. That's how it seemed to me at least. The room shook off their collective stupor and turned to look at me, the mass of stares finally managing to register on Dantae's radar as she pressed her head farther into my back and squeezed my hand tighter. Then the stares shifted from me to General Armando.

"Christian... do you have something to tell us?" Chief strategist Justin Emeral had a harsh glare on as he watched Christian Armando's calm actions.

“Actually, that’s what this meeting was all about! She,” he pointed at Dantae, “is actually the donor of some DNA that we’re currently trying to use to recreate the success of Project Doppelganger, something we’re calling Project Gemini.” All eyes came our way once more, and my love looked up sheepishly, her beauty causing all on the board to blush.

“Ahem, so I can assume your little project is meant for our benefit?” Jessica Marquis gave General Armando the evil eye, but he just confidently smiled back at her. There were still some eyes on us, but I was looking directly at Armando.

“Yes, and I’ll explain to all of you why a different day.” He took a sip of water and I called out to him.

“General.” He turned his attention to me, and I smiled, “I hope you’re not dealing with things you cannot control. I don’t have to remind you of what happened the last time you did that, do I? I’m sure you can visit Sherry and remember-”

He slammed his fist on the black desk, drawing the views of those around him. He tore his glare from me and surveyed the room around him. “You don’t get to bring her up, ever!” He let loose long sigh and once again took a sip of water.

He had just started to calm down when out of the corner of my eye I noticed Alison Walker timidly raise her hand. "Yes, Alison. Do you also have something to ask me?"

Alison pointed at me, or more specifically my hair. "So... since we also took the Walker Gene, does that mean we'll go prematurely grey as well?" She looked serious, but I took offense to that. It's not like I wanted this hair either...

"No, you won't. After both the success and failure of the experiment last year, we decided to stabilize the serum by using Leo's DNA as a base when we make the Walker Gene. Doing so resulted in the elimination of any negative cosmetic and internal effects that resulted from taking the serum. So no, you will have no repercussions from taking the Walker Gene." Alison sighed in relief and stood back but then Maria stepped forward in her place.


"So General, we know who he is... but who is she?" Dantae jumped from the mention of her name and I could feel a wet spot start to develop on my shirt from her teary eyes. She squeezed my hand tighter than before and I knew I had to do something fast.

"I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen. That will be enough of an exposé into our lives for now. If General Armando so wishes to tell you who we are, then he can do that all on his own." Armando frowned at the comment, realizing what I was about to do. "Well then, until next time." I mustered the most monotonous voice I could manage to mask my urgency. I felt all the hairs on my neck stand up as I used the photons in my body to call forth a black hole - a portal. As I started to step through the black mass, I looked back to see the astounded face of Alison, Maria, and Robert. I had to smirk at what they considered to be 'jaw-dropping.'

"Don't worry Alison. You'll be able to do this eventually. I hope Armando can find it in his heart to explain everything to you all." After reinforcing the point once more, I slipped through the portal and out of the room.


We landed in the middle of our apartment in Boston, just south of the Boston Common. I looked around to try to find Dantae, but she was already starting the Tempering process, cleansing her of the excess photons was what I needed to focus on now. Dantae had already stripped off her shoes, pants, and underwear and was starting to take off her shirt when I grabbed her arms from behind and pinned her, face down, to the black sheets of the bed.

I grabbed a pair of metal handcuffs from our nightstand and cuffed her hands behind her back, which elicited a seductive moan from her. I flipped her over on her back and looked at her teary face and glistening eyes, her quivering red lips and flushed face. Her piercing blue eyes looked at me before she asked, in a soft voice, "Be rough with me."

I sighed and walked over to our nightstand once more, getting Dantae's favorite sexual companions. I walked back over with a blindfold and rope in both hands, and proceeded to tie her up. I carefully bound each of her legs to her thighs, taking care not to tie them so tight that they cut off her blood flow, but just tight enough that they would bite into her flesh. She bit her lower lip in pleasure, and the blindfold I had saved for last was gingerly placed on her eyes and harnessed around her head. With my work complete, I proceeded to finger her slowly and gently. As I traced her folds and explore her insides, I began to move roughly.


I then thrust my fingers harder and harder, her breaths becoming shorter and shorter and her gasps becoming more and more frequent. I finally felt her walls contract and she began to moan loudly, no doubt waking our neighbors who liked to complain constantly about any noise we made in our lobby the next morning.

Dantae screamed as she squirted and convulsed until she was still, save for her rough breathing. I quickly took off the blindfold and Dantae looked up at me with her wet and messy face, "I love you, Leo." She managed to whisper before she passed out. I stroked her head as I undid the knots on the ropes with my other hand.

"I as do you, my love... dealing with your overdoses are just a bonus." I smiled as I picked Dantae up from the wet bed after undoing her bindings and the handcuffs, and brought her over to lie on our couch while I prepared a hot bath. After it was ready, I stripped Dantae of her shirt and then stripped myself so we could get into the bath together. She woke up when I dipped her in and propped her body against my stomach.

"You asshole, couldn't you be more gentle?" I gave her an accusatory glare and just sighed after a bit.

"You forget that you're the one that asked me to be rough and fulfil your perverted desires." Dantae's face became bright red but eventually she resigned and leaned her body farther into mine.

"Sorry Leo. I hate photon buildup as much as you do, but it arouses me instead of just causing muscle pain like it does to you. Like Dr. Walker said, everyone who takes the Gene will have a different response to the photon buildup. I only wish I didn't instantly go over the edge when we kill a Dimension Eater." She sighed then reached over for the body soap. As she stood, she gave me a full view of her round ass and tight-

My view was cut short as Dantae threw the bottle of soap between her legs and nailed me in the face, causing me to reel back. She quickly sat back down in the tub and started to wash herself.

"Why can't you be always be submissive and shy?" I ask while rubbing my nose. Dantae turned an interesting shade of red and sunk farther into the tub. When she's like this, I think she's the most wonderful person in the world. Now if only she'd be this way all the time.


"What was that?" I muttered, breaking the awkward silence that had enveloped the room when Leo had teleported... teleported?

"What the fuck! You never told us that we could teleport!" An angry Maria glared at General Armando, who shrugged.

"You never asked. Besides, I dropped all the hints on you, it's not my fault you didn't think to take Dr. Walker's research on dark matter portals seriously." His tone was condescending, and that just pissed Maria off even more.

"Anyways, I have to leave. Urgent business calls. General Armando got up and started to walk out the door when he was restrained by Maria and Robert, one of his arms held by each of them. Like this, he was unceremoniously brought back in front of the board before Antonio Leonard, the head of soldier and state relations, spoke to Armando.

"You have a lot more explaining to do, Christian. To think there was a soldier who I was unaware of, and an experimental one at that! You'll be staying here until you satisfy all of our questions." Antonio unleashed an evil smirk on General Armando, who paled in realization of what the absence of Leo meant for him.

As the night progressed, and janitors wandered the halls of the building, shouts of "I'll get you back for this Leo!" could be heard coming from the room with fourteen knowledge hungry humans inside.

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