《The Endless Boundary Between Dimensions》Arc 1 - A Fresh Start [Chapter 0: Prologue]


"There he is, that son of a bitch." The French citizens only gave my English speech a passing glance before continuing off on their morning commute. We had visited Paris for our getaway, and apparently not too soon, as during landing a Dimension Eater had warped most of the nation into its own distorted playland.

I stared up into the distance, my sights locked onto the massive structure that dominated the skyline: the Eiffel Tower. I watched with indifference as an elevator headed towards the top was sucked into the black fog that shrouded the upper reaches of the national monument.

"So much for subtlety." A woman in her mid 20s with platinum-colored hair restrained into a tight ponytail muttered next to me. I had been around Vanessa for so long, that calling her by her nickname, "Dantae," just came naturally to me more than her real name at this point. A pair of designer shades hid her glowing dark-blue eyes which looked into the distance. She wore a pair of skull converse and black denim jeans that clung tightly to her fit legs. A silver halter top adorned her curvaceous body, and a shadowy red lipstick accentuated her full lips, at which point she noticed my glance and started to speak.

"Stop staring, I already have to endure enough looks because of your choice of attire, I prefer you didn't add to that." She fidgeted with the silver engagement ring on her finger and looked away. I looked down at myself and noted my sky blue sneakers, white jeans and Bullet Club t-shirt. Okay, so I wasn't exactly the definition of subtle. I rustled my prematurely grey hair as I had to reluctantly agree with her.

"Come on, my love. You know that every time we enter a new dimension your powers start to give you backlash. Your eyes are glowing from all the ambient photons you’re taking in.” She removed her sunglasses and folded them to hang onto her deep v-cut.

I took her by the hand and said, “You know the apparitions aren't real people.” I pointed to the mechanical movements of the humans around us. “They don't even blink when one of their own is murdered, see?" I let go of Dantae and grabbed the nearest person I could find; an elderly woman walking with a bag of bread in one hand and supporting herself with a cane in the other, by her neck and proceeded to strangle her. The wheezes she produced didn't move me and I continued squeezing until a satisfying crack was heard, at which point I dropped her onto the ground, blood spilling out of her mouth onto the grimy street.


"I wish you'd stop doing that, it's vulgar and repulsive. How the fuck did I get engaged to a broken thing like you?" She started to walk away from me, but I grabbed her hand once again and drew her back.

"Oh, come on. I know you love absorbing them. You're every bit as broken as I am, Dantae. What was that thing they called people like you? Tsundere?" Dantae gave me an angry look but eventually sighed and reluctantly accepted holding my hand as she walked up to the elderly woman, whose body was being walked around by the apparitions. She placed a hand on the forehead of the unfortunate soul and said a prayer before the woman dissipated into a black mist and was absorbed into Dantae's skin. She shuddered in ecstasy, her tan face turning flushed as she tried to hide it from my sight.

"See, broken." Dantae glared at me before and released my hand before pointing towards the previously forgotten tower.

"Come on, asshole, let's get to the objective and return already. I hate being with you more than I have to, and even then the fact that you're a massive outcast outweighs any potential you could possibly have." She got up on trembling legs before starting to walk down the street, where every apparition that touched her was turned to smoke and absorbed, causing her eyes to radiate a beautiful cobalt light..

"Yet you still indulge yourself, you damn pervert." I lovingly muttered and walked along beside her. Today was going to be a long day.


The valet at the elevator spoke to us in a calm and collected manner. Of course, I couldn't understand him, he was speaking French. So, I subsequently snapped his neck and let Dantae handle the cleanup. She sighed initially, but I could see her bite her lower lip as she bent over to take care of the corpse. We got on the expensive looking elevator and pressed a glowing red button, and we finally started our long ascent to the top.

"Is your gear prepared? Did you remember to pack the black-hole grenades? If you fuck up then General Armando will be pissed at us." Dantae was frantically looking me up and down, trying her best to make sure I was prepared for the process up ahead. I appreciated her sincerity, the girl’s constant nagging being one of the only reasons we had survived thus far.


"Uh… everything's in place. Listen Dantae, I know you think I’m forgetful but we've both been through this before. Come here, now." I gave her the command, and she complied.

"By the Hunter's Oath, I shall be your shield." I knelt and held out my hand, as if asking for a dance. She returned the gesture and curtsied.

"Always such a gentleman, you don't have to be so polite you know, it might be faster just to take me by force. That's more like you anyway." She gave me a joking smile at me but I could only shrug and sigh before locking eyes with her.

"By the Tracker's Oath, I shall become your sword." Dantae’s smile turned into a gentle one and the hand I was holding glowed while the rest of her body melted away into light. What remained in my hand was a silver katana mixed with grey metal with the black handle and guard of a bastard sword. A thick, black cord dangled from its pommel and had a sapphire gem hanging from the end.

Testing mental link. Can you hear me? "Loud and clear, Dantae." I looked up out the skylight of the elevator and saw the dark mass alarmingly close.

Make sure to use me really well, that abomination won't even stain my blade one bit. That's my pride as a tool after all. Is that really the kind of pride you should have, you masochist? I gave her a mental retort before speaking to her out loud.

"As always." I held Tracker Unit 000: Morning Glory in my hand as the pitch black mist engulfed the elevator. I looked around before swinging Morning Glory and dispelling the darkness. When it cleared, a sickeningly white room was revealed. The only item to grace it was a pitch black throne, on top of which sat a large black rabbit.

"Only a rabbit this time? Guess it won't be too bad after all." I walked forward and stared down the creature, nose twitching and wet black eyes appraising Dantae and I. A lot of black features on this one as well, huh?

Let's get this over with. On Dantae’s word I raised Morning Glory and swung it down, beheading the rabbit as blood sprayed all over my torso and face. True to her word, Dantae received no mess on her blade, which still managed to shine despite the bright white of the room we were encompassed in. However, just like that the room started to fall apart, revealing the black fog all around us. Dantae became a human once more and sat on the throne which the rabbit had been occupying. Once she was nice and ready, she yelled into the void, "Your new Queen Dantae Kumo commands you: begin deletion process!"

A loud rumble shook the throne and the darkness which engulfed it, at which point Dantae got up and walked towards me. She leaned in and buried her head in my chest.

"Let's go home Leo." I opened up a black hole beneath us and transported us out of the dimension, a familiar spinning sensation coming to me as it had for these past six months.

“I hate long distance void-walking.” I muttered as we returned to where the mission began, on a bench in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dantae lightly shook her head before looking me in the eyes and whispering, “I love you.” She leaned in to kiss me and I obliged, albeit just a soft peck on the lips.

“I love you too.” I stood up and intertwined fingers with her when a familiar voice came from behind.

"Leo Jones, your presence is required in the capital. The General and board of directors wishes to hear your detailed report before your medal ceremony." The red haired man had a small face with calico cat ears that came out of makeshift holes in the top of his black fedora. He was tall, probably around six feet and also sported a black trenchcoat. Darius Page, also known as agent Alpha motioned towards the airport.

Dantae gave me a knowing look and we followed after him. Ah, what a pain. If only this piece of shit wouldn’t bother my time with my love. Regretfully, it seems there's no rest for the weary.

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