《Evil Overlord?》Chapter 005 – Crimson StrongBlade


This is the first time I go to war. And eventhough I was trained to fight, nobody ever told me that the journey to battle would be one of the most tiring and boring part of it.

Finally the time came when we were ordered to make camp. After doing my part I went to huddle around the fire. The fire crackles as we sit and stand around it all ready and equipped. We huddle not because we want to stay warm but because we do not want to be alone. Especially just before the time when we are about to attack and don’t know if we might make it back alive.

So all we want to do is huddle around this fire and forget about our impending death. But, apparently, some people do not understand this very well.

“We are walking towards our death.” Says Mermar while gazing into the crackling fire and we just look at him.

Ofcourse what he is saying is not false and it can be judged by the look on the faces here. It is just that we do not want to hear it, especially from someone like Mermar who is a veteran soldier of many wars and made it to old age in one piece.

“You are right. No one has ever been able to conquer that fort.” Pitches in another soldier also looking into the fire but his eyes look more vacant then Mesmar.

Now that Mermar has started this, it will not end until either someone suffers or a gloomy depression hangs over all of us about our fates to come. I prefer the first one because the second one will just kill me before the battle. Who would want to go into the battle knowing that there is no chance to survive?

“So what… we might be able to do it this time.” I add trying to sound hopeful in this all this gloom.

“Is this your first siege kid? Don’t you know how long sieges last?” Mermar says to me while with pity.

“Yeah. If we are not lucky to die while attacking the fort, we will either die of starvation or thirst and if we are really unlucky the weather will kill us.” Says Kron, another veteran like Mermar.

“But I believe we will be able to do it this time.” I say to them refusing to lose hope in this hopeless situation while looking around to see if someone would back my statement.

“It seems you indeed are new to the siege kid. If beliefs were able to help, we demons would have won the war by now. I was here the last time we laid siege to this fort. And let me tell you…” Kron pauses at the most critical point of his statement only to take in a big gulp from his bottle, he plugs it and then continues, “…Not a single person managed to get in the castle.”


“…” I open my mouth to retort but stopped because Mermar pitches in, “Forget getting in. I don’t think I remember that someone even managed to scale the wall successfully.”

Infront of these old timers I am finding it difficult to argue for I have no facts and not to mention that I do not even have the experience to back my words.

“If what you say is true that why are we even bothering to attack.” I argue with them.

“That is exactly what we are saying kid. Why are we even bothering this time?” Mermar says to me.

“Because… Don’t you know that this time our commander is one of the infamous demon general?” I say to him while hoping to turn this conversation in my direction. The Demon generals are powerful but none are so notoriously famous as much as the Blade Generals.

“Ah! Yes. One of the blade generals. I heard they are not demons but devils.”Korn agrees with me as well as all the others here. Our conversation seems to attract other’s attention.

“Yes I know which is why I have been saying that we will win this time.” I further add.

“Bah! You are naive kiddo. The army we have this time is lesser than when we laid siege last time. What can one demon do what others cannot. In the end he is but one demon.” Mesmar says. He really must be convinced that it is hopeless.

“If he were not that capable why do you think the demon king would have send him?” I argue back.

“Which demon king are you talking about kid? The one lying sick on the bed or his sons who proclaim themselves king while their father is on death bed.” Kron asks me with a chuckle.

“The one on the bed… I think.” I reply without the chuckling. I don’t want to be caught while badmouthing Demon King. The sons of demon king are dangerous. They have been focusing their efforts in securing the throne and fighting each other while not giving any mind to defend the borders. If not for the efforts of the demon generals the enemies would have used this against us.

“Ha! These princes are truly blood thirsty. I won’t be surprised if I go home to find one sitting on the throne.” Mesmar says and all I hear is that he is sure that he will survive this. I wonder why he is this sure.

“Shh! Don’t let the captains hear you.” I try to quiet Mesmar. Although I would not mind if one of the princes replaces the Demon King. Atleast they will once again have the focus on our borders rather than infighting.


“So what… let them. We are already walking towards our death. If he hears us I will just die sooner rather than later.” Mesmar says to me while waving his hands in annoyance at me.

Another one adds in a heavy and powerful voice, “The only difference would be the manner of death. Trust me when I tell you that you might die quicker on the field. Can’t say anything if you are caught badmouthing the demon king.”

Atleast he is on my side.

He look really weird with his hair all messed up and knotted together. I cannot imagine how he really looks because of all this hair on him.

The funny thing is that nobody retorts anything. They seem to be all frozen. I could literally feel the air frozen. But why such a reaction when he says it. Did I not just say the same thing a while ago? It must be due to the heavy voice. Mine is not that heavy so that must be why they do not take me seriously.

The new person bursts out laughing. And due to his voice being so loud and powerful, the attention of everybody in my line of sight had made us the center of their attention. If this guy doesn’t stop we really might get in trouble.

“Ease up old timer. You might be right. But I will not have you killed. I need every man I can get. If you have really grown so fearless. Why don’t you show this fearlessness on the battlefield later.” The new man says and still nobody replies him. They just stand and watch him.

I notice that this man is followed by our captain and other captains.

“And the reason I was sent here was because…” He says but pauses to think.

“Umm…” he tries to think but shrugs his shoulder and says “… Who cares? I am here now so it’s better if we win this fast. I have other places that deserves more attention. And you might be right old timer. We might have a new king when I go back.”

Only now do I realize why everyone has their eyes on us and are frozen with fear. It is because it is one thing to talk behind backs but another thing to get caught while doing it.

And we were caught while doing it which means we are doomed.

Meymar must also have realized this for he gave up on all hope and fearlessly asks the blade general, “How can we win? You know that we do not have enough resources let alone an army to lay siege to this fort.”

“Who says that we need to lay siege.” Blade general replies. He then steps forward and addresses everybody in a louder voice, “All of you must be worrying after seeing the size of my army. All I can tell you all is that you are worrying for nothing.”

He pauses and looks over his army. He then continues, “You should all know that I only brought enough army with me which I think is necessary to take and hold this fort. Not to break it open. By tomorrow you will all see this and all you need to do is follow you’re your captains’ orders no matter the consequences.” The man says loudly while grinning.

“Do you all understand?” He asks loudly and powerfully and I felt like his voice was demanding obedience and respect which everybody here was giving without resistance.

“YES SIR.” Came a booming reply.

“Good. Now do your part. We have a tiresome task ahead.” The blade general orders and step towards the Meymar, “Some punishment must be dealt for talking bad about the Demon King and fortunately for you we need every soldier we have. So your punishment is that you will ride with me in the front lines.”

He says and leaves. That was not a punishment for us because we were already in the front lines. Maybe the demon generals are not as cruel as everybody suggests.

When the demon general left and everybody was sure that he was not coming back. Korn says in a low voice, “You are lucky to be alive right now Meymar. Do you have any idea which of the blade generals he is?”

“I know who he is. I recognized him the moment I laid my eyes on him. He is the said to be the strongest Blade General.” Meymar replies still looking shocked.

“And the craziest.” Korn adds in a low voice while the others murmur their agreement.

I involuntarily say the name of the blade general after hearing just these two details.

“Crimson StrongBlade.”

If he is with us there is no telling how the siege might go. We just might have a chance.

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