《Evil Overlord?》Prologue


“Is the task completed Hero?” Asks the King while sitting on his high throne with the cardinal standing at his left side and the high minister on the other all the while looking down on the kneeling hero and his party.

“Yes my liege. I made sure he drank from the cup which I poisoned with my own hands and if the poison is as fatal to him as the cardinal says we shall soon be hearing from our spies confirming his death.” The hero replies with respect in his voice.

“There is no doubt about the poison. The pope himself handed it to me and I you.” The cardinal adds with pride and aloofness in his voice.

The king nods at the cardinal’s statement and look back at the kneeling hero and his party.

“Rise you brave heroes for you have done what was considered impossible. And for that I thank you for your marvelous job.” The King says.

The hero and his party rises with joy and pride clear on their faces.

“Tell me how did you accomplish such a task. I am sure all of us here are brimming with curiosity to know the details.” The King says while gesturing towards other nobles present in the throne room.

Upon hearing the question the hero and his party chuckles while looking at each other. Everyone in the throne room was taken aback by this reaction but do not say anything for they all wait for the hero to speak.

“Well, Your majesty. As you already know we all tried very hard for many years to defeat the demon king and his army but did not succeed.” The hero spoke and every one murmured acceptance.

“So killing the demon king on the battlefield was very difficult. So we look into simpler ways and apparently we found many. The simplest of which was to disguise ourselves in one of his soldiers outfit to enter the country, then we had plenty help from taverns, jesters even from the demon kings own close family who were eager to replace him. So finally we made it into his throne room where I added poison in his drink.”


Hearing the explanations everyone was shocked.

“Was it really that simple?” Asks the king in a surprised voice.

“But how were you not recognized?” Asks the cardinal in a similar fashion.

The hero and his party chuckles again before the hero replies smugly, “Well sir the dress of the demon king’s henchman is unimpressive and makes everyone look totally the same. And not to forget the mask which completely covers the face. So we caused a distraction and I slipped into his throne room and the demon king was unable to differentiate me from his other servants and asked me to serve him wine which I happily did after adding poison in it.”

Hearing his explanation everyone in the throne room started laughing and praising the hero and his party.

“You all have done a marvelous task. Don’t you think so cardinal?” The king says and looks at the cardinal.

“Indeed your majesty. However I believe that the vile demon king has had it coming. The hero and his party acted as the lords weapon to slay that unholy creature.” The cardinal replies and everyone in the room mutters their acceptance. All except the hero and his party who felt offended that the cardinal undermined their work and is taking the credit for the church.

“And with the fall of this powerful and resourceful demon king, we will finally be able to rid this world of the vile and unholy creatures. That is if…..” The cardinal says and gives a pause to gather the attention.

He continues, “That is if his majesty would lend his troops to the church as I am sure all the other kingdoms would be willing to do for this holy task.”

The king ponders a while before replying, “We will see of what to do when my daughter returns from the front lines.”


A person enters the throne room looking weary and dirty.

“Your majesty. I have report about the demon king.” Says the man.

“Speak man and tell us the good news.” The King speaks cheerily.

The man hesitates at first then speaks, “You majesty. I am afraid that the news is rather ailing.”

The atmosphere in the room changed suddenly. No longer could any form of smile could be observed on anyone’s face.

“Speak man. What news do you have for me?” Orders the king in a loud voice.

“Well…. Your majesty. The demon king is still alive. It was said that he fell sick for a day or two but he is fine and healthy now.

“It is all your fault. You must not have given him the poison.” Screams the cardinal while pointing at the hero.

“How can this be possible? I gave him the poison with my own hands.” Shouts back the hero while looking confused.

The throne room is sent into chaos as everyone started discussing the possibilities and the parties to lay blame to.

“Silence.” The king orders loudly. Everyone becomes silent.

“Never before have we been able to come so close to kill him. We should have taken into account that someone like the demon king could be immune to poison.” Says the king with a grim face.

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