《Zanaria Online》Chapter 11.5: 2MuchDamage
Spoiler :
Name:Kiting101Race:FairyLevel:62Class:SniperGuild:ASCENSIONTitle:[Legendary Hero]RAW STATSRemaining Point(s)0Strength:63Agility:311Intelligence:1STATSHP:808/808MP:379/379Fame:82Attack:1162Defense:516Fire Resistance:0%Magic Attack:1Magic Defense:257Cold Resistance:0%Hit Rate:207.2%Evasion:46.1%Earth Resistance:0%Critical Rate:45.3%Block Rate:0%Lightning Resistance:0%Critical Damage:275%Movement Speed:125%Wind Resistance:0%
Spoiler :
Remaining Skill Points: 2
Bow MasteryLevel:5/5Increases attack of bows by 10%.MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Fast ShotLevel:1/5Sends an arrow to an enemy.MP Cost:5Cooldown5
Twin ShotLevel:1/5Sends two arrows to an enemyMP Cost:8Cooldown5
Piercing ShotLevel:1/5Sends an arrow to an enemy that can pierce through and hit another enemy.MP Cost:10Cooldown5
Fadeaway ShotLevel:5/5Sends an arrow to an enemy and jump back. Prerequisite: Fast Shot(1)MP Cost:25Cooldown10
Remaining Skill Points: 2
MarksmanLevel:5/5Increases hit rate by 10%.MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Critical ShotLevel:1/5Sends an arrow to an enemy that has a higher critical chance.MP Cost:20Cooldown5
Arrow RainLevel:5/5Jumps and sends and arrow that scatters to the ground, dealing aoe damage.MP Cost:50Cooldown20
Triad StarLevel:5/5Creates two clones that have 50% range and 30% damage of the user. It lasts for 120 second(s). Prerequisite: Arrow Rain(5)MP Cost:100Cooldown180
Blinding ShotLevel:1/5Sends an arrow to an enemy that decreases an enemy's hit rate.(50% chance)MP Cost:20Cooldown10
PinpointLevel:5/5Increases critical rate by 5%. Prerequisite: Marksman(5)MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Wind WalkerLevel:5/5Increases movement speed by 25%, evasion by 10%MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Remaining Skill Points: 2
SnipingLevel:5/5Increases hit rate by 10%. Increases critical rate by 3.75%. Prerequisite: Pinpoint(5)MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Killing ShotLevel:5/5Sends an arrow to an enemy that has a small chance of instantly killing it.(Does not work on bosses)MP Cost:50Cooldown60
Push ShotLevel:0/5Sends an arrow to an enemy, dealing damage and pushing it away.MP Cost:50Cooldown5
Charged ShotLevel:0/5Charges and sends an arrow to an enemy. The longer the charge, the higher the damage and the critical chance.MP Cost:75Cooldown10
Advance Bow MasteryLevel:5/5Increases attack of bows by 15%.Prerequisite: Bow Mastery(5)MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Prefect AimLevel:5/5Increases hit rate by 15%. Prerequisite: Sniping(5)MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Spoiler :
Name:Grand HP RingType:RingQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Grand HP EarringType:EarringQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Grand HP NecklaceType:NecklaceQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Grand HP BraceletType:BraceletQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Wind Bow + 10Type:BowQualityExtremeAttack:613Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+2.5% critical rate
+20% critical damage
Name:Wind Hat + 10Type:HatQualityExtremeDefense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+2.5% critical rate
+20% critical damage
Name:Wind Vest + 10Type:VestQualityExtremeDefense:130Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+2.5% critical rate
+20% critical damage
Name:Wind Gloves + 10Type:GlovesQualityExtremeDefense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+2.5% critical rate
+20% critical damage
Name:Wind Boots + 10Type:BootsQualityExtremeDefense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+2.5% critical rate
+20% critical damage
Wind Set Stats: 2 pc(s) = +10% Hit Rate, 4 pc(s) = +5% Critical Rate
Calamity & Catastrophe
Spoiler :
Name:Calamity/CatastropheRace:ElfLevel:57Class:WarlockGuild:ASCENSIONTitle:RAW STATSRemaining Point(s)0Strength:1Agility:58Intelligence:286STATSHP:1152/1152MP:1586/1586Fame:0Attack:12Defense:363Fire Resistance:0%Magic Attack:2673Magic Defense:460Cold Resistance:0%Hit Rate:109.1%Evasion:5.8%Earth Resistance:0%Critical Rate:7.9%Block Rate:0%Lightning Resistance:0%Critical Damage:150%Movement Speed:100%Wind Resistance:0%
Spoiler :
Remaining Skill Points: 6
Fire BallLevel:1/5Sends a fire ball to an enemy.MP Cost:10Cooldown5
Thunder StrikeLevel:1/5Summons thunder from the sky to attack an enemy.MP Cost:10Cooldown5
Cold EmbraceLevel:1/5Sends cold winds to enemies, stopping their movements for 1 second(s)MP Cost:30Cooldown30
HealLevel:5/5Heals one target by 30% of caster's magic attackMP Cost:25Cooldown10
Earth SkinLevel:5/5Increases defense by 5% of magic attack.MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Rod MasteryLevel:5/5Increases magic attack of rods by 10%MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Remaining Skill Points: 6
Flame WaveLevel:1/5Sends a wave of flames to enemies, dealing aoe damage. Prerequisite: Fire Ball(1)MP Cost:50Cooldown10
TornadoLevel:1/5Sends a tornado to an enemy, dealing damage and knocking them back.MP Cost:50Cooldown30
Icicle StormLevel:1/5Sends ice lances to enemies, dealing aoe damage and stopping their movements for 2.5 second(s). Prerequisite: Cold Embrace(1)MP Cost:50Cooldown30
Static FieldLevel:1/5Generates lightning on a field, paralyzing enemies for 2 second(s). Prerequisite: Thunder Strike(1)MP Cost:50Cooldown30
Rune MasteryLevel:5/5Increases magic attack by 10%.MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Magic ShieldLevel:5/5Covers the user in a magic shield that absorbs 30% of the caster's magic attack. It lasts for 60 second(s) or until the shield is broken.MP Cost:100Cooldown45
Magic Shield ExplosionLevel:1/1Forcefully makes the magic shield explode, dealing damage to everything around the user based on the amount of damage dealt to the shield. Prerequisite: Magic Shield(1)MP Cost:10CooldownN/A
Remaining Skill Points: 6
DrainLevel:1/5Drains an enemy's life.MP Cost:75Cooldown60
NovaLevel:1/5Sends an enormous fire ball that creates a large explosion, dealing aoe damage. Prerequisite: Flame Wave(1)MP Cost:100Cooldown30
Arctic WindLevel:5/5Sends cold winds to an enemy, dealing aoe damage and stopping their movements for 2.5 second(s). Prerequisite: Icicle Storm(1)MP Cost:150Cooldown30
Chain LightningLevel:5/5Sends a lightning attack that jumps from one enemy to another. Jumps 10 times and can hit the same enemy. Prerequisite: Static Field(1)MP Cost:150Cooldown30
Great SparkLevel:1/1Forcefully stops chain lightning from jumping, letting its last target get hit with all its remaining charge. Prerequisite: Chain Lightning(1)MP Cost:20CooldownN/A
Advance Rune MasteryLevel:5/5Increases magic attack by 20%. Prerequisite: Rune Mastery(5)MP Cost:N/ACooldownN/A
Spoiler :
Name:Grand HP RingType:RingQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Wyvern’s Wrath(Destruction)Type:EarringQualityMythicalEffects:+20% Magic AttackDurability100%
Name:Grand HP NecklaceType:NecklaceQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Grand HP BraceletType:BraceletQualityAdvanceEffect:+50 maximum HPDurability100%
Name:Chaos Rod + 10Type:RodQualityExtremeMagic Attack:1100Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+4%HP maximum HP
+100 maximum HP
Name:Chaos Circlet + 10Type:CircletQualityExtremeMagic Defense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+4%HP maximum HP
+100 maximum HP
Name:Chaos Robe+ 10Type:RobeQualityExtremeMagic Defense:130Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+4%HP maximum HP
+100 maximum HP
Name:Chaos Gloves + 10Type:GlovesQualityExtremeMagic Defense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+4%HP maximum HP
+100 maximum HP
Name:Chaos Boots + 10Type:BootsQualityExtremeMagic Defense:110Durability100%Required Level:50Socket1
Socket2+4%HP maximum HP
+100 maximum HP
Chaos Set Stats: 2 pc(s) = +7.5% Hit Damage, 4 pc(s) = +7.5% Magic Attack
I'll take a few days break after this chapter.
On the meadows in the center of the war continent, were the green grass were died in red, were Kiting101 and her mercenaries Calamity and Catastrophe.
There with them were other players trying to kill them, to beat them in the guild war.
It has been three weeks since the game started, and though majority of the players were still around twenty to thirty, P2W and some semi-P2W players were now in the war continent, where different races gather.
The war continent was the place for pvps, group battles, or even guild wars. Group battles and guild wars were held in the Illidan meadows, where it’s safe for a mercenary to die.
Mercenaries were sent to outposts near Illidan meadows after they’re killed in battle. Pets were also left there since they’re not allowed to join the war.
“Die!” Said one of the swordsmen running towards Kiting101.
“Ahahaha, look at your damage, are you even trying?” Said Kiting101 as she ignored the swordsman continuously attacking her.
“Shut up!”
Kiting101 continued ignoring the swordsman as she attacked the other players. It didn’t matter how tanky the other players were since one shot from Kiting101 was enough to kill them. Her mercenaries were roaming around on their own, decimating any who dares cross their path.
The battle was between four guilds, and it was supposed to be a battle royale, but the other three guilds joined forces to defeat ASCENSION who has never been defeated before.
In the war continent, there was no ordinary player, all of them were pay to win players, but Kiting101 and her mercenaries were different.
Yeah, they were pay-to-win players, but that doesn’t mean they all had the same level of equipment. Some had mercenaries, some had enchanted equipment, but Kiting101 had all and were maxed.
When spells and arrows rained down from the sky, Kiting101 used triad star and made them cover for her. Once the storm of attacks was over, she used one of her clones as a platform and leaped.
While in midair, she used arrow storm, sending tons of arrow to the ground which instantly killed three players. She also saw one of her mercenaries using chain lightning on someone, which killed two players.
The moment she got back to the ground, she spammed critical shot and normal attacks.
The guild war didn’t even last half an hour, and out of the fifty two players in the guild war, only three remained, Kiting101, Calamity, and Catastrophe.
37 guild exp received
11 fame received
7835 gold received
After the war, she went to the fairy outpost to retrieve Phoenix, her pet phoenix.
“Did you see their faces? They were so desperate to win.”
“It’s not just that master, they wanted to get back on you since you always tease them.” Said Calamity.
“Really? They take things too seriously. They should just relax and have fun. Don’t you agree, Catastrophe?” She said as she poked Catastrophe’s cheek.
“I agree” Said Catastrophe.
“Don’t take her side!”
“But she’s our master.”
“That’s right, I’m your master.”
“You’re creating more and more enemies, yet we aren’t gaining allies…”
“Muahaha, that’s the essence of war!”
“If you jus-“
“So they could ride my fame? No way!”
Seeing Calamity stressed out, Catastrophe patted his shoulder.
“It’s ok big brother, you’ll see big sis Decima again.”
Calamity immediately shoved Catastrophe’s hand away and said. “S-stupid, I d-didn’t say I want to see Decima! She always glares at us and treats us like we’re insects, why would I like a tall, and strong, and beautiful, and cool demon like her!”
“Big broth-“
“Muahaha, this is youth!”
After they got Phoenix, they went to a grinding spot in the war continent. With her mercenaries’ fire power, all she had to do was supply them with potions. Whenever she got bored, she would randomly fire at a mob.
In the past two weeks, as the guild’s fame rose, people started showing interest in joining their guild.
Though not the same as her and Morta, since they were still P2W players, she accepted them thinking they’d treat her like a normal player.
In the end, it was not as she expected. Every member had an ulterior motive, and she didn’t like that so she had to kick them all out. Most just accepted being kicked out, but a few didn’t take it too well.
Now those few individuals are in different guilds, wanting to get revenge even though Kiting101 wasn’t in the wrong.
Around 6:00 am, they took a short break in the fortified city of fairies.
The fairies were spread around the world, but most of their race and main cities were inside demon territory. The demons gave the fairies privilege to stay in their realm as long as the fairies defend the land given to them.
The fairies soon created the fortified city of fairies, to prevent the humans from conquering their lands. Well, that was the story behind the city Kiting101 and the others were staying at.
“Master, candy” Said Catastrophe as he pointed at a candy stall.
Zanaria online has a taste feature, letting players enjoy food inside the game, though it doesn’t affect the real body’s satiety.
After buying four candies, she gave one to catastrophe, one for phoenix, and two for herself.
“M-master…” Said Calamity.
“What is it?”
“…” Calamity simply stared at the candy.
“Oh, you want one? Didn’t you say you didn’t like it since it’s for children?”
Since everyone around him was childish, Calamity had to act mature, often thinking for the well being of everyone, though he became too strict on himself because of it. “O-of course, I’m an adult so I don’t need a candy.”
“Oh, so I was wrong. Oh well, time to eat it.” Said Kiting101 as she threw a candy to her mouth. “Mmm, it’s sweet.”
Kiting101 was just teasing him like always, and once Calamity was starting to pout, she said. “Actually, I think it’s too sweet, here.” She gave the candy to Calamity.
“B-but I’m not a child…”
“No buts, it’s a waste to throw it away so eat it.”
“I-if master says so, then I have no choice.” Said Calamity with a small smile on his face.
Kiting101 stared at her mercenaries and pet, and seeing their smiles was enough to make her smile too. She was satisfied with her gaming life, but it would be better if her real friend started playing again.
Before they went out again, she checked the friend screen, hoping to see her friend online.
She couldn’t believe what she saw, so she closed the screen and opened it again, and it says Morta was online. Finally, after two weeks, her friend is back in the game.
Normally she would initiate the call, but before she could, Morta did.
‘Long time no see? Or is it speak?’
A smile appeared on Kiting101’s face as she heard her friend’s voice. ‘What took you so long to log in?’
‘Just some real life problems’
‘Oh, well, since you’re here now then it means your problems are over.’
‘That’s good to hear’
‘So…um…I see you haven’t invited anyone to the guild yet, but is it ok if we invite someone.’
‘Hmm, if it’s someone you know then I’m ok with it. Wait, you’re the vice guild master, so you could have invited someone without telling me.’
‘I just showed up all of the sudden, so inviting someone without telling you is kinda…’
‘Muahaha, it’s fine. I trust in whatever decision you make.’
‘Good, then I’ll invite him, I’m sure you’ll like him too.’
‘…him? It’s a boy?’
‘Yeah, is there a problem?’
‘N-no, I just thought you’d invite one of your girl friend. So is he a friend? A relative?’
‘Um, we started dating a few days ago, so he’s my boyfriend.’
“BOYFRIEND?” Said Kiting101 without letting Morta hear it.
“Master?” Said Calamity.
“I-it’s nothing.”
‘So he’s your boyfriend’
‘Oh, he’s here, I’ll call you again later.’
The call ended, but instead of happiness, all Kiting101 felt was irritation.
After that, Kiting101 and the others went to Denla city, to meet with Morta, and to have a look at her so called boyfriend.
- End885 Chapters
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