《Silent Cultivation》Chapter 1: His Last Day on Planet earth


So, i'm not the one writing this, my friend is, but he is hesitant to post it online, and i only recently convinced him to let me post it for him. If it does well he will make his own account and continue posting it himself. so please support him in his creation

Chapter 1

His Last Day on Planet Earth

Joseph Long is a sixteen year old gent, and this is the story of how he died.

He was your average everyday guy. Brown hair, dark eyes, 1.8 meters tall and weighing in at 13.5 stones. On his last day, he distinctly remember wearing an uncomfortable shirt, it had a large picture with a band named Volbeat covering a large portion of it. He had bought it at a concert a year prior. He had his headphones plugged into his head the incessant bassline and guitar solos shaking his skull and giving him goosebumps. He also remembered a time he had attempted to form his own band, he had imagined himself to be as good as Clapton, as it turned out, he was not. Joseph still wrote his own music though but had no way of knowing if it was any good or not.

Joseph was in secondary school, fourth year. He had his books in his bag, his papers most likely splotched in more red ink than they should have been had he been more studious. The most prominent reason as to why he wasn’t a better student was because of the pub by his parents two story apartment. Joseph was heading there at this time, pack still attached to his back and he had about thirty pounds burning a hole in his pocket. This was a regular occurrence for Joseph, he would meet friends at a pub and enjoy a brew a few nights a week.

Joseph also remember having wished that he had earned a bit more earlier that week instead of playing computer games. He actually worked as a refurbisher that year, he would shine computer towers right up and remove the hostile programs and viruses in moments. Joseph actively looked for the “how, and why” about everything. so, naturally his desktop setup was splendid. He had one computer for free time, and the other was to answer his every burning question, Joseph used both of these far more often than he had worked though.

Joseph had finally reached the pub, and met with one of his “friend’s” they all called him Jim, but Joseph didn't think that was his actual name. They had always done dumb stuff together. One time was jumping on, then off of a moving train. Another was experimenting with hallucinogens. This “friend” was what Joseph’s parents called a bad egg, but Joseph had been convinced that he just wanted to enjoy his time however possible. Joseph was wrong.

Joseph clearly remembered that it was a particularly rowdy day at the pub, it had also accommodated for their meager amount of money. That last day they were merry, downed a few pints, then attempted to play billiards with a tough couple of fellows. Jim, Joseph’s “friend” had been acting odd the entire time though, almost like he was nervous. Even through all of that they played some billiards and hustled some games. They also managed to get very full of their drunk selves, Jim even began to loosen up a bit. After a while they had bet all they had on the next game. Then walked away with full pockets.


Jim and Joseph then left the pub, stupid grins plastered across their faces. They turned two corners, then took a cab to get back home. Joseph’s friend got off the cab before himself, then he headed home as well. Joseph lived a few blocks away from Jim, Joseph paid the cabbie with some of his winnings. Joseph headed inside his house, up the stairs, then to his room.

Joseph knocked out almost immediately. He remembered waking up in a drunken stupor in the middle of the night to a crash in the dining room downstairs. Despite that, he continued to lay in his bed, regardless, thinking it was one of his siblings, maybe even one of his parents were up for a midnight snack. Joseph had fallen back to sleep almost as immediately as he woke without a worry.

Joseph awoke again, a hand covered his mouth and nose. Dazed and scared he tried to scream, but to no avail. At that point, he pissed himself.

“Shh, shhh”. He had heard from the assailant. All he was able to do was attempt to scream a muffled cry and flail about drunkenly. He remembered when his eyes then began to clear he could clearly see the face of Jim, straddled atop his body. “Be silent or you’ll wake the street!” Joseph’s friend exclaimed in a hushed tone, he seemed to be nervous again, but Joseph barely noticed since he was still a little drunk.

Joseph quieted down and asked him what he was doing here. “Those two nitwits back at the pub followed me to my home!” He replied, hushed but still exasperated. “I think they are on their way here too!”

“Well of course they are, you led them here.” Joseph claim, the hand was still muffling his partially slurred voice.

“No, no bloody idiots like them could have followed me, I’m too quick.” His counterclaim did not remedy the situation.

“They wouldn’t know where I live if you didn’t come here.” Joseph slurred several words, barely coherent.

“No, they knew where I lived, they could be here any moment! We must leave!” He practically shouted it that time.

“Alright, alright, I’ll go,” Joseph said to appease him. He got up, still fully dressed, and slipped on his trainers, then wobbled out of his bedroom, only to be stopped at the stairs.

“You boys are rather dull aren’t ya,” one of the large men from the pub said, as he was standing at the bottom of the stairs, the door behind them had been left wide open. Joseph and Jim were dumbstruck by the single man being in front of them, nothing stopped the guy from the pub from doing what he wanted except waking up Joseph’s family and having to deal with them too. Joseph doubted that they were too worried about dealing with a groggy family in the middle of the night. Besides that, his family lived in London in the twenty first century, it wasn’t as if they owned any guns to protect themselves.

Joseph and Jim both stood frozen in place, it was as if they could run. A second brute stepped out from a room behind them, almost silently. Joseph gazed drunkenly at him, his eyes fixed on a point at about his hip. He did have a gun, and was looking similar to a 1920’s American mobster while a fagg hung loosely between his lips. “We can give you your money back,” Joseph said, while he attempted to stop himself from quivering.


“We never wanted that money,” the man at the bottom of the stairs claimed loudly, uncaringly. “We just want everything you own.”

A robbery, is it? “Then go ahead, we won’t stop you,” Joseph replied quietly, he was still shaking, his drunkenness was nearly gone from adrenaline.

“Ahh, then everything is good,” the man behind Joseph whispered, Joseph felt his breath on Joseph’s neck, his hairs stood on end. The man immediately grabbed Joseph's hands and tied them together behind his back. He then punched Joseph in the back of the head and Joseph blacked out.

He come to some time later, he was laying on his side, his family was also nearby, all of them were bound as well. Joseph’s head was throbbing for what seemed like an eternity while he watched as the two men, like a moving crew took everything of value in the house outside.

Ten, maybe twelve, grueling hours passed by while Joseph's family's home was being disassembled from the inside out, he became bored out of his mind. He slept, he watched, he even attempted to communicate with his parents through his eyes how sorry he was that this happened. Their eyes were filled with tears, they looked like they had been roughed up as well.

Finally, when the sunlight started to peak at the horizon. As uncomfortable as Joseph was, laying in piss covered pants, slowly his legs became covered in a rash, hands tied behind his back in an awkward position, and legs tied to his hands making him feel like he was being prepared to become a rotisserie pig, Joseph actually felt relieved. He felt that that today, everything could be made better, whole even despite his physical state.

He felt like he could enjoy more time with his family after this. He imagined that they could eat as a family again, like they did when he was a child. He imagined that they could tell each other about their days again, like when he was in elementary and they asked what he had learned as soon as he got home. He remember playing with his siblings every morning before class, they would play video games till they had to get to class. Joseph's mother would cook them breakfast in the morning, it was usually some kind of egg and meat, cereal was sometimes on the menu as well. Josephs loved his family, and wouldn’t change a thing outside of reorganizing my priorities.

Shortly after this, the captors had came inside a final time, they took the contents of Joseph’s room and set it all beside the entrance of Joseph's home. The man that was originally at the bottom of the stairs looked dead into his eyes, he declared, “This is your fault.”

At that moment, the man that was holding the gun just a few hours before pulled it out again, four shots rang out, and nearly deafened Joseph. Blood flooded the room, it had exploded across the living room, chunks of brain covered the walls, floor, and even ceiling. Joseph screamed, even through a muffled mouth, barely loud enough to be heard outside, despite the open door.

Joseph’s friend walked in, hesitantly and looked at the two men with wide eyes, almost ignoring the gore splattered about. The man with the gun looked back and smiled. The man that had killed Joseph's family then yelled at Jim, “It’s your turn!”

Joseph’s mind was reeling, lost as to what they were demanding. His family gone, himself having witnessed such monstrosity. That’s what these men are, he thought to thought, they are monsters, no, demons. Just as he thought that, he saw his friend, his eyes were blank, as if he wasn't even awake, still ignoring the carnage that was displayed in the room, making his way towards Joseph. He looked absolutely determined at this moment Joseph realized that Jim had been planning this. He must have been trying to get into their gang, he thought to himself. He caused my family's death. He was the worst of the monsters. His trainer appeared in front of Joseph, not the same as he wore while Joseph and Jim were enjoying the night out, but wellington boots, ones that were covered in not just the blood of Joseph's family, but the blood of small animals Jim had hunted over the last year, probably tortured them even, that is usually the “M.O.” of a monster.

“Do it, we’ve got to go,” Joseph heard one of the men outside of his sight scream. Joseph turned up to his friend, Joseph's eyes pleading, his face covered in blood from laying in it for the last couple of moments. His face determined, Joseph saw jim’s boot rise up. He heard him yell, almost as if he was doing a karate move that required extra power in order to complete. The next moment was a haze, he was still screaming loudly. Joseph’s face felt a jolt, worse than ever before, not once, not twice, he couldn’t even count how many times until Joseph finally passed out. His vision had blurred one final time. The pain in his head was extreme. If I live, he will burn, were Joseph’s final thoughts before he passed out. His consciousness faded from his body, he saw his face, bloody, crushed, cheekbone penetrating his skin as his consciousness drifted away, that final grudge held onto tightly.

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