《Origin Of The Forsaken》Chapter 29


The men on the walls start to cheer once the soldiers are out of sight, but Darius only shakes his head. “It’s not over yet like they said, they’ll be back, probably with one of the leaders of the army, we can start with rotating breaks though.” Darius shouts before he turns to Rinar “Would you mind setting up three groups? You can include yourself in the first if you’d like.”

Rinar nods as he says “I’ll get right on it.” before he walks away from Darius. Darius then sits back on the wall, continuing to wait and watch. About an hour after the first group of soldiers had left, another larger group is seen coming out of the forest.

Darius looks through the group soon seeing a woman wearing plate armour and carrying a large shield as well as a mace. He stands up on the wall again before he says “And who is it now that has come to take what is mine?”

The woman storms to the front of the group as she says “What is yours? And who said you could have land that is clearly part of Husea kingdom?” Darius shrugs as he looks at her “I did, after all, isn’t the Husea kingdoms rulership based entirely on strength? So there shouldn’t be a problem with someone coming in and claiming an area, especially an unused area, to make their own land.”

The woman snorts as she looks over Darius “You aren’t strong enough to claim any land, you aren’t even strong enough to join the army.” “There is a major flaw in your thinking. You are only thinking about levels, you aren’t taking into account classes.”

“And what do classes have to do with anything?” “Well, if I had to guess most of your men have common classes, and at most uncommon. You probably have a Rare class.” “Get to the point already.”


“Well, you were more powerful than they were when you were at a lower level, weren’t you? But what if someone has a class that is two stages above yours?” The woman laughs as she looks at him “What, you’re saying you have an epic class? As if.”

Darius sighs as he shakes his head “That’s exactly what I’m saying, but if you don’t believe me, how about a duel?” “A Duel? You must have a deathwish, but very well. I’ll duel you, not that you have a chance of winning.”

Darius shrugs as he walks off the wall, dropping 4 metres and landing on the ground without flinching. His men look down at him surprised as do some of the soldiers. The woman snorts again as she starts to walk towards him, while Darius walks towards her, they stop when they are 20 metres from each other.

“This is your last chance to back out, I can’t guarantee you’ll survive if we fight.” “Because I’m going to be intimidated by a weakling like you?” The woman says as she gets into a fighting position, drawing her mace. Darius sighs, shaking his head as he draws his sword, also getting into a fighting position.

Darius closes his eyes, focusing on the flow of mana around him before he starts to charge a spell into his sword. As soon as he feels a disturbance in the mana he opens his eyes, his sword moving in front of him. He sees the woman charging towards him, likely having used a skill. His sword lights up with arcane energy as he moves out of the way of the mace, swinging it towards her.

His sword hits her shield, the spell on it vanishing. Darius quickly moves back as he says “Antimagic huh? Interesting.” Darius focuses some mana on his eyes, the world seeming to change into a variety of colours, with the shield shining brightly. Darius nearly laughs as he starts to cast through his sword, overcharging a Firebolt with as much mana as he can.


The Firebolt blasts through the air, impacting the shield before disappearing while the shield only gets brighter in his mana vision. Darius circles around the woman, continually moving away from her as he says “This is interesting, your shield isn’t true antimagic.” The woman dashes towards him “Stop talking” She growls.

Darius dodges out of the way again before he starts to overcharge an Arcane Tendril. “Oh come now, it’s interesting how your shield absorbs magic, but that’s all it does, it doesn’t destroy it completely.” Darius then flings the Arcane Tendril at her. She brings her shield up, letting it absorb the Arcane Tendril. The shield starts to softly glow while Darius nods. He charges up another Arcane Tendril which he flings at her again.

She blocks it again, her shield glowing even brighter after absorbing it. “How much Mana do you have?” She growls as she looks at Darius. “Oh, about 250 left, out of over 1000.” The woman pales as she looks at him and then his identifier “H-how?” “Remember what I said about classes. And that’s not the only thing you’ll find shocking, My mana will be full in just over 24 and a half minutes.”

The woman pauses in her movements as she looks at Darius, clearly shocked. Darius smiles as he throws the final overcharged Arcane Tendrils. She manages to bring her shield up in time to block before it glows dangerously brightly. The shield starts to crack before an explosion rings out, arcane energies washing over everything in the area.

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