《Clover: A Seeker's Story》[Seeker] Chapter 8
The gentle singing of robins stirred Clover from his deep slumber. Their tranquil melodies crawled through an open window as the plain curtains swayed from the cool morning breeze.
Am I alive?
Clover asked himself as he slowly blinked his eyes, and attempted to lift himself out of bed. Through great effort and pain, Clover was able to sit up, only to remember the events that had recently transpired. In a flash, Clover lifted his right arm and sighed in relief. His arm was still there, albeit with a hideous jagged scar from where it was dismembered.
I suppose that’s better than dying…
Clover’s entire body ached as he recalled the horrifying events that had happened the night before. Or at least Clover assumed it was the night before, as he took a glance at his surroundings.
The room Clover had awoken in was made out of a white stone, with many wood furnishings. Paintings of religious figures and various landscapes dotted the walls. Beside him was a nightstand filled with letters, gifts, chocolates, and a vase of flowers. As he picked up one of the letters, Clover noticed that it was dated the Fourth of Exodus. Unless the person who delivered this letter dropped it off before he awoke than that must mean that today is the fifth of Exodus. Considering that he had blacked out on his birthday, which was on the twenty-ninth of Heaphin’s Bounty. Then that would mean that he had been asleep for an entire week!
One whole week!
Clover gasped as he realized this before trying to jump out of bed. He stumbled as his legs were weak from lack of exercise. Through great effort, Clover eventually shuffled towards the open window and sighed in relief as he saw the familiar landscape of the Vanden. From his vantage point, Clover could see over the many tall buildings of the city and gaze at the beautiful sight of Vanden bay. The water was glowing a deep gold color from the rising sun. Clover could taste the sea-salt as a gentle breeze stroked his face
I’m home…
Clover teared up a little as he greedily drank in the familiar scent and observed the streets of Vanden as they became crowded as thousands of denizens plodded their way to work. He could see the Marketplace beginning to fill as the many merchants and storekeepers barked their wares. The large archway also filled his sight, it’s domineering size enveloping many buildings with its mysterious shadow.
Judging from his high vantage point and his position relative to the Marketplace and the gate, Clover assumed that he was in the Cathedral. Of course, another obvious clue was the fact that his right arm had been reattached. The only way that would’ve been possible was if Heather had used her light magic to fix it.
Silently thanking his angel, Clover stumbled his way out of the room. Outside was a long hallway, filled with more paintings and ornate wooden furnishings. Forcing strength to his bedridden legs, Clover stumbled down the hall. After a few seconds of walking, he came upon small alcove with a coffee table and a pair of couches. Large bookcases filled with thick books lined the walls. While most were written in the common Adlan language, Clover could see that a few were covered in the weird symbols of another. As Clover walked into the alcove, he noticed that it was currently occupied by a girl who was nodding off in between cycles of wakefulness and slumber.
“Hello?” Clover whispered as he took another look at the drowsy girl. She was around the same age as Clover. She had blonde hair that reached her shoulders, the tips of which ended in slight curls. Her eyes that were trying to fight drowsiness were a deep blue. She would have been quite cute if her skin was not currently a sickly pale. Clover assumed that she must have some ailment, considering that she was wrapped up in a warm blanket and was in the Cathedral. She was reading a thick book that threatened to fall out of her hands as her entire body twitched and shook. And a long strand of drool connected the side of her mouth to a page of the book, creating a humorous yet embarrassing scene.
I should probably leave…
Clover thought to himself as he saw the embarrassing sight. However, as he was backing out of the room, his weakened legs buckled from under him, causing him to bump into one of the large bookcases, causing the heavy books to fall onto the floor with a loud noise!
“Ouch!” Clover yelled as one of the heavier books hit his unprotected toes. He stumbled around the room in pain, only to fall onto the floor behind one of the couches!
“Who’s there!” The drool covered girl shouted as she looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. Her eyes were open in fright as she looked around the empty room. She wrapped herself tighter in the blanket as she saw the pile of thick books on the floor, and wiped the drool from her mouth.
“I’m not scared of gho…ghosts!” She yelled, her words tumbled out of her mouth as she tried to convince herself. Covering her face with her hands she shouted once more. “Nutmeg! Help me!”
As soon as the girl yelled, a bright orange light appeared on her chest and shot towards the pile of books! The lights that ejected from her soon began to coalesce and form into a small fox-like spirit!
“Hiya!” Nutmeg yelled as he flew towards the pile of fallen books! “Young Miss! I’ll protect you!”
Nutmeg suddenly stopped before he reached the fallen books, and instead began to sniff the air. “Young Miss, we are not alone in here!”
“Is it a ghost!” She exclaimed, her blue eyes opening wider in fright.
“No!” Nutmeg yelled as he sniffed deeper. “It’s a young boy!” Nutmeg said as he lunged towards the couch that Clover was hiding behind and effortlessly picked it up, exposing the young boy behind it!
“How dare you peep on the young Miss!” Nutmeg shouted. “I will have your little gentleman taken away from you!” Lightning began to form in Nutmeg’s small paws as he hissed at Clover.
“Wait! I wasn’t peeping!” Clover shouted true fright covered his face when he heard Nutmeg swore to take his little gentleman.
“Oh, yea? Then why were you hiding!”
“I wasn’t hiding purposefully! I accidentally hit the bookcase and fell behind the couch!”
“Then why didn’t you show yourself when the young Miss asked!” Nutmeg continued his onslaught of questions, not accepting or believing Clover’s answers.
“Because one of the books hit my feet and I wasn’t able to stand up!”Clover rebuked and pointed at his swollen foot.
“Hmmm…I don’t know…You could be an assassin! I should take you down anyways!”
“Wait! Nutmeg! I…I believe him.” The young girl whispered. “Leave him be…”
“Very well. If the young Miss wishes it…” Nutmeg let go of the couch and reluctantly flew back to her, and sat on her shoulder.
“So…What are you doing in the Cathedral? You don’t look like you’re part of the church…” The young girl asked as an air of curiosity surrounded her words.
“I’m not part of the church. I was injured in the Dark Forest. I just woke up a few minutes ago.” Clover replied.
“Dark Forest? Are you a Seeker!” The young girl gasped, as her big azure eyes bore into him and began to dazzle with excitement.
Clover slightly blushed when he saw the young girl stare at him intently. “Y-yea…You could say that I am…” He lied. Nutmeg slyly smiled as he saw the child in front of him blush and fib.
“Oh really? I thought that you couldn’t become a Seeker until you were sixteen years old? You look at least thirteen or fourteen…” Nutmeg deviously said.
“Uh…Um…I’m a special case…” Clover trailed off before changing the subject. “Do you like Seekers? Miss…Sorry, what was your name?”
“Yes! I’m intrigued by them! See!” The girl said, ignoring Clover’s second question as she raised the book in her hands which was titled Chibb’s tale of Seekers and Heros.
“Oh! I used to read that all the time!” Clover said as he sat down on the couch that Nutmeg had previously picked up. Clover could fondly remember the book of the great Draveir Chronicler, Chibb. The book contained the stories of many great Seekers and Heros that accomplished great feats! “Why does a girl like you admire Seekers so much?”
“Haha…” The girl nervously giggled “ Because Seekers are free to do whatever they want. They are like eagles that can do whatever they want. Wherever, whenever…” She said before whispering “Un-l-ke m-sl-f..”
Clover stared at her curiously as he barely managed to hear that last part. However, he could definitely hear the solemness in her voice. Clover was about to speak up before Nutmeg interrupted him.
“Young Miss…” Nutmeg mumbled as he stroked the side of her head.
“Nevermind that!” She blushed as she realized she said something inappropriate. “Let’s change subjects! Tell me…How is your life as a Seeker? Do you know any famous Seekers?”
“Yeah, being a Seeker is great! I’ve been on many missions!” Clover continued his lie. “And I know a lot of famous Seekers!”
“Like who?” She asked, her already big eyes grew even larger and sparkled brighter as a shaft of light caressed the side of her face.
“Haha! Turn your book to page 328!” An air of pride entered Clover’s face as he uttered those words. As Clover has read that book numerous times throughout his childhood, he could recall most of the pages and their contents by heart.
“Page 328. Page 328…Here it is!” She said before reading the title aloud. “Bastille Rumare? He’s a legendary hero! I heard that he was the one who slew the Hydra that sunk countless ships in the Golden Bay and the Western Expanse! Not only that, but he also defeated the Colossus that escaped from the Deadlands!” She exclaimed loudly. “Wait, a second…He’s the Guildmaster of Vanden! Of course, you would know him! That’s cheating!” She fluttered her long eyelashes at him, not willing to accept such an obvious answer.
“Oh no! I don’t just know Bastille Rumare…” Clover said, allowing the suspense to build up as the girl stared at him with a quizzical expression. “Bastille Rumare is my father!” The scene that he imagined didn’t happen. Instead, the alcove filled with silence.
“Huh?” The girl muttered an expression of disappointment filled her face.
“You know… It is not very nice to lie…” Nutmeg muttered as he looked over at Clover.
“I’m not lying! My name is Clover Rumare! I am his son!” Clover gazed at the two exasperated faces as they gawked at him.
“Ok…Clover…I believe that you have some sort of powerful background, considering that you were allowed to be healed by Missus Lee.” The girl said. Although her face still contained a trace of doubt.
“I’m not lying!” Clover said before deciding that he would be unable to convince the duo. “Fine. You don’t have to believe me…”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you! It’s just that…It’s a little hard to believe…”
“Okay, okay,” Clover muttered. “Well forget about me…You must be pretty important too, right? What’s your name and why are you in the Cathedral? Do you have a terrible illness?”
“Ah!” The girl exclaimed as she snuggled deeper into her protective blanket, covering her reddening face with it.
“Hey!” Nutmeg yelled. “Hasn’t anyone told you it’s impolite to ask a lady what’s wrong with them! That is a personal matter! And no boy has the right to hear!”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like that!” Clover apologized as he bowed his head and nervously looked at the ground.
“Hmph…” Nutmeg snorted.
“I really did not mean it that way, Miss…But I have already told you my name…Can you at least tell me yours?” Clover said.
“My name?” The young girl whispered. “I’m sorry…I can’t tell you…” She said with a solemn look in her watery eyes.
“Why not?” Clover inquired as he gazed at her curiously.
“My father said that I’m not allowed to tell anyone…”
“Who’s your father? Clover raised an eyebrow as he continued to prod her with questions,
“Hey! Stop it! You are making the young Miss uncomfortable!” Nutmeg burst out. “She said she cannot tell you. So just leave it be!”
“Fine. Fine…I’ll add that to the pile of questions I can’t ask you…” Clover rebuked, as he turned his head away in annoyance.
“I’m sorry…I do want to tell you… It’s just that, it will be safer for you if you don’t know who my family is…” The girl muttered, as her blue eyes gazed at him apologetically. The sun’s rays gracefully blanketed her body, causing each strand of blonde hair to turn golden.
Clover could feel his heart beat louder as he gazed at the angelic figure in front of him, causing him to blush and look away.
“No. It’s fine. Everyone has their secrets…” Clover mumbled.
“Thank you for understanding.” She said as she smiled. “So, Clover. You mentioned that you were injured in the Dark Forest? Why were you there?”
“Oh, that’s right, I nearly forgot!” Clover exclaimed. “My friends took me on my first adventure into the forest as my birthday gift!” Clover huffed proudly.
“First adventure? I thought you said that you had been on previous missions?” The girl said as a trace of confusion filled her face.
“Did I say first? I meant fifth!” Clover blurted out awkwardly as his face began to turn red with embarrassment.
“Oh! That’s awesome!” The girl happily said, completely believing Clover’s lie. However, Nutmeg only glared at him in disbelief. Thankfully he didn’t speak up,
I’m lucky that this girl will believe anything…
Clover thought before continuing. “Yep! It was inside the forest that we saw these huge mutated beasts who my friends fought an-” Clover’s mouth slammed shut as he remembered his friends. “I’m sorry! But I have to excuse myself! I need to go see if my friends are okay!” Clover jumped up and attempted to scramble out of the room.
“Ouch!” Clover yelped in pain as he jumped around holding his injured foot and fell back onto the couch. “I forgot about my foot!”
“Are you okay!” The girl exclaimed in shock.
“Yes! I’m sorry! I Didn’t mean to scare you!” Clover said, still holding onto his foot.
“By the way. Were your friends two men and a young lady?” Nutmeg inquired.
“Yes! Did you see them! Are they okay?” Clover asked nervously.
“They looked like hell when they came in. But they were healed by Missus Lee and left the next day.” Nutmeg replied casually, and snuggled deeper into his master’s hair. “They visited you twice. You must’ve been injured quite badly if you don’t remember their visits…”
“Thank Adlan they’re alright…” Clover whispered as he sank deeper into the couch with ease.
“What happened to you, Clover?” The girl asked.
“Didn’t you say it was impolite for someone of the opposite sex to inquire about their ailments?” Clover replied, his usual humor returning to him as he relaxed.
“I’m sorry!” She blushed when she realized she was being hypocritical. “Forget that I even mentioned it!” The girl covered her face with the blanket again, as her face became a deep crimson color.
“I’m only joking! I don’t mind!” Clover laughed as the corners of his eyes filled with tears as he saw the cute girl become increasingly embarrassed.
“Don’t tease me…” She said as she poked her head out of the covers, her watery eyes sparkled with tears as she glared at Clover.
Thump. Thump.
Clover felt his heart beat harder as he saw her cute expression. “Wow…” He breathlessly exclaimed, only to grow embarrassed as he realized he said that out loud.
“I’m sorry?” She said, confused.
“Hmm?” Nutmeg hummed as he stared at Clover with an amused expression.
“Nothing!” Clover coughed. “Anyways…As I was saying. We were in the Dark Forest when we were attacked by a hundre-, no, a thousand mutated beasts!”
“Wow! What did they look like!” The girl said, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.
“They were all spiky and scaly! I saw bears bigger than houses! Wolves larger than carriages! And even a Centaur!” Clover continued exaggerating.
“Centaur? I thought most of them lived in the Centaur tribe lands to the north! Why was it in Vanden?”
“I have no clue. But this Centaur was no regular Centaur! It was at least twice the size, and its horns were more like a demon’s than a moose’s! Instead of a horse’s body, it had the body of a crocodile and its upper torso was red like a devil’s!” Clover exclaimed.
“Wow! Did you fight it?” Her eyes were full of delight as she continued to attentively listen to Clover’s story.
“No, my friends all had to fight it together to beat it!” Clover remarked. “I couldn’t help them because I had to fight the toughest beast by myself!”
“Really? What was it!” She exclaimed in glee, completely entranced to Clover’s lie.
“Yes, what was it…Clover?” Nutmeg amusingly remarked. It was obvious to him that Clover was spouting nonsense. But this was the most excited he had seen his young mistress in a long time, there was no way he would ruin this moment for her.
“It was an enormous Werewolf!” He shouted. “It was at least three…No four times larger than the Centaur!” Clover enunciated this by raising his hand and lifted four of his fingers.
“Four times!” She gasped. “Did you manage to defeat it!”
“Of course!” Clover proudly exclaimed. “I first used my earth magic to create stalagmites and shot them in his foot! After being hit multiple times, he eventually fell over! Then I pulled out my spear from my Devyse and stabbed it in its ugly forehead!” Clover proclaimed as he made exaggerated movements in the air as if he was fighting the beast.
“Did you get hurt!” She asked nervously, looking over Clover’s body for any scars and significant injuries.
“Yep! When I thought he was dead, he jumped up and tore my arm off! But Heather healed it!”
“Your arm?” She said doubtfully as she stared at his attached limb while Nutmeg snorted at the sound of this.
“No, it’s true! I’ll show you!” Clover exclaimed before rolling up his sleeves and revealing a jagged scar that twisted around his right arm.
“Does it still hurt?” She gasped, her eyes widening further as she looked at the grotesque wound.
“Not really…But it does ache a bit.” Clover said. When he thought of the true events that happened three days ago, he couldn’t help but feel a discomfort radiate from his arm. He remembered just how powerless he had been when the Azir boy named Damion was attacking him. Clover clenched his fist as Maya’s distressed face entered his mind. He didn’t want anything like that to ever happen again.
“You’re so cool!” The blonde girl exclaimed, a wide smile forming on her face.
Clover’s heart began to beat loudly again as he saw her perfect smile. “Yea, I am aren’t I!” He smiled in return.
I want to know her name…
Clover thought. He didn’t know why he wanted to know her name. He just did. “Well…We have been getting along pretty well right?” He said anxiously.
“Yea, I guess so!” She said. Beside her, Nutmeg lifted a single eyebrow quizzically.
“We could even say that we are friends…Right?”
“I’ve never had a friend before…” She replied, her white face becoming rosy with embarrassment. “But, if friends make each other happy and laugh…Then I guess we are!” She exclaimed while smiling once again.
Clover felt another pain in his chest as he saw her cute smile. “Well…Friends tell each other their names…And I’ve already told you mine. It’s only fair if you tell me yours…”
“Kid, don’t overstep your boundaries…”Nutmeg grumbled.
“No, Nutmeg. He’s right…I’ve been too afraid of my father all this time. Just once is alright!” An air of confidence surrounded her body as she proclaimed this.
“Young Miss…I really don’t think this is a good idea…” Nutmeg started, as he glanced around the room.
“Just this once, okay Clover?” She said as she smiled and winked at Clover.
“Of course!” Clover exclaimed as his heat missed a beat at her wink. Wait, why am I getting so excited over this? He asked himself.
“Ahem.” She coughed as if to physically prepare herself. “My name is, Haru O-”
“Clover!” A loud scream interrupted Haru before she could finish. As Clover whipped his head around at the familiar voice. It was his mother, Maria!
“Mom!” Clover yelled out as he saw his mother. Her eyes were red and full of moist tears as she ran up to him and pulled him into a powerful embrace!
“You idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!” Maria shouted in between sobs. Her warm breath burned Clover’s pointed ears, as she roughly caressed his gray hair.
“Mom…” Clover mumbled as he felt hot tears begin to flow from his face. When he was being attacked in the Dark Forest, Clover thought that he would never see his mother ever again.
“Why did you agree to such a foolish thing! You are too young to be out in the Dark Forest!”
“I…I was with Michael, Zen, and Maya…I thought that they would keep me safe…” He mumbled. Clover knew that no matter what he said, he would still be in the wrong.
“I don’t care how safe you think you would be! I wouldn’t care even if Bastille was with you!”
Clover could only grind his teeth and bite his lip as he could only agree with her. “How are they… Did they come out safe?”
“No thanks to you.” She snorted before continuing. “Yes, they are alive, but they are going to regret it after the hell I’m going to put them through. Of course, you’re going to feel the same…”
“Maria. Don’t be so hard on the kid. He only wanted a taste of the Seeker life.” Bastille said as entered the alcove. His large body making the small room even smaller.
“Huh?! It is because of the stupid stories you tell him of your good old days that he has gotten into this mess!” She yelled as she glared at her husband. “In fact! I should punish you too!”
“Haha!” Bastille could only happily laugh out loud as he saw the sight of his wife gaze angrily at him; until she threatened to punish him as well. “Ahem.” Bastille coughed awkwardly as he looked around the room, only to notice Haru sitting on the nearby couch. Her face was full of fear as she stared at the loud trio in front of her.
“Oh. I’m sorry young Miss, we were bothering you, right?” Bastille said as he looked down at the small girl.
“N…No! Its okay I was just talking with Clover!” She said as she covered her face with the blanket before continuing. “Umm…Are you really Bastille Rumare? The legendary Seeker?”
“Yes, I am. Did Clover mention me?” Bastille replied.
“Yes! He did!” She looked over at Clover again, as her face became rosy again. “I’m sorry for not believing you!”
“Hehe…It’s alright!” Clover beamed.
“Oh…No…It’s not alright…” Maria growled beside him, causing his tan face to become whiter than a cloud. “I’m sorry Miss. But we’re going to be having a private chat with our son…”
“Help me…” Clover trailed off as he was pulled away by his mother.
“Um…Shouldn’t you go save him?” Haru squeaked.
“He’ll be fine!” Bastille laughed. “His mother only sounds mean! She’s actually harmless!” He smiled at her before a look of confusion entered his face.
“Is someone else here?” Bastille muttered as he glanced around the room. His eyes searched the room before they lingered beside Haru for a few moments. After a few seconds of staring at the spot, he snorted and continued. “Must be my imagination…Anyways. Thank you for keeping my son entertained. Have a good day…And get better.” Bastille said.
“Thank you. And it was actually Clover who kept me entertained! Please tell him to visit me again!” She said, her cheeks becoming slightly pink as she did.
“Of course!” Bastille smiled at the embarrassed girl..
Haru sat in the nearly empty room in silence for a minute before she spoke up. “Brother…Are you there?” She quietly mumbled.
A few seconds of silence filled the room before a dark mist began to shimmer beside her. The black fog continued to roil about until it coalesced into a handsome Adlan man.
“Haru…you know that you are not allowed to let people know who you are…” The handsome youth said. This young man was remarkably similar to Haru. He too was blonde, albeit with short-cropped hair. His eyes were like twin sapphires and he had fair skin.
“Enzo…I don’t like it when you stalk me…” She mumbled.
“I only do it in order to protect you,” Enzo said.
“No, you do it because father tells you too…And to kill anyone who knows about me…” She mumbled before continuing. “Nutmeg…Why didn’t you tell me he was there?”
“Young Miss…You know that I’m forbidden to say anything…” Nutmeg muttered apologetically.
“Yes. And I was quite lucky that Clover’s parents interrupted you…After all, it would have been quite difficult for me to escape once Bastille found out had I had killed his son…” Enzo muttered.
“And? Are you still going to kill him?” Haru mumbled.
“No. I’ll respect my dear sister’s wishes and not harm your friend, after all, he only knows half your name…However, I will have to lie to father and tell him that your location has been compromised…”
“Wait! I still wanted to talk to Clover some more!” She shouted, a pleadingly look entered her gaze.
“I’m sorry Haru. I really am…” Enzo slowly said as he stroked his sister’s hair, a look of sadness and regret crossing his face. “But you know just how important you are to us. And your safety is our number one priority…”
“Please, Enzo! Don’t tell father! Let’s keep this a secret! Just this once!” Haru begged as she gripped onto her brother’s arm.
Enzo’s face contorted in pain as he gazed down at his sister’s somber face. He could only gaze away as thousands of thoughts crossed his mind, allowing Haru to press forward with her request.
“Enzo! If you let me stay…I’ll use it for you!”
“Absolutely not! That’s the reason why you’re here in the first place!” Enzo said as he glared at her with exasperation.
“Fine! I’ll use it anyways! That way I’ll have to stay!” Haru shouted while looking away. Her eyes shut and her lips pouted in rebellion.
“You brat…Fine. Have it your way.” Enzo sighed, deciding that it would be safer for her if she did stay. After all, he had never seen his sister this determined before.
“Really? Do you mean it!” Haru said excitedly.
“Yes…But, only for three years! That was the original plan after all!”
“Thank you!” Haru yelled as she hugged her brother with a wide smile plastered on her face.
Enzo weakly smiled as he looked down at his younger sister.
I hope this doesn’t cause any problems in the future…
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