《War of the Zwei Kinds [Logbook Deactivated]》25 - A Sight For Sore Eyes


"Mate, can you hear me...?" Rampage whispered as he made a soft gesture towards the unwary soldier. A little annoyed by the soldier's lack of concentration, he takes a twig he found on the ground and flicks it to the soldier's cheek.

The soldier alerted from the feeling of touch turns towards the direction. "...." She was surprised to realise that someone was with her but as she realised it was an ally, she didn't point the gun at him. "Wait' when were you here?" She asked in a rather surprised manner.

Rampage gives out an annoyed sigh. "Quite some time... So, what are you doing here, all alone? Where's your troops or company, don't tell me they abandoned you?" As he inspected the soldier, it wasn't a Continuum uniform but rather a typical British trooper one.

"I was asked to keep watch but I guess...I was a little burnt out and light-headed. I didn't even realise someone was next to me until it was too late, seeing from your uniform, you are one of those Continuum dolts, ain't ya?" She asked as she shuffled herself and comforted her aching legs onto the wet and cold soil.

Rampage nods slowly agreeing to her question. "Yeah, I am a part of Continuum. I was assigned to keep an eye on a full soldier who was keeping watch and I think that it is supposed to be you." He smirks as points his finger.

The soldier made a small smile. "I guess so, I was the only one separated from the team, the others all ambushed the Axis Camp, so it made sense they would call in reinforcements. But to call one to assist me, I didn't know they care so much." The soldier sighs as fixed her scope on her rifle.


"Were you the type to always be abandoned? You sound as if this is per the norm." Rampage asks as he rubs the dirt off his vest. "Hmm, is it?"

The soldier exhales loudly from her nose, sounding a little stressed. "Yeah, that is true. I am always abandoned as I am rather clumsy, I accidentally triggered alarms twice, causing my team to panic the Axis, only making them struggle to put up a fight. Unlike you Continuum folks, we are stuck with only weapons and wits, you guys have the ability to use magic and stuff which can be really a hassle for us normal soldiers..." She replied.

"I see then, I guess that makes a little sense. If you feel so clumsy, maybe try another class role or something. You don't seem fit as a rifle if you are more to the back lines supporting. " Rampage told her.

"All soldiers have to start by learning to rifle...I can't change roles as I am still under some amount of training. I pleaded my general to ask if I could learn medication to be able to support my teammates a bit but she insisted no, so have no choice. " She felt the wind blew oddly, as she immediately takes concentration and looks the scope.

She inhales and takes a shot towards a nearby area. Bang!~

A thud could be heard as a soft moan whizzed in the air. "Got a runner..." The soldier said as she reloads her rifle by inserting a new bullet and cocking it.

"Phew~" Rampage whistled. "Nice shot there..."

"Thanks, I used to go hunting with my father when I was younger. So learning about air and behaviour patterns are one thing to master the art of sniping." The soldier smiles as she reaches her hands to Rampage for a shake.


"Names Petra, What's yours soldier?" She asks.

"William, but people just call me Will or Rampage, nice to meet you too Petra " He firmly shakes her hand.

Petra shakes back before letting go. "Been a while since I saw a guy. Last time was probably four to five years ago...but unfortunately, he had passed due to The Happening's dreadful effect to the male's system. " Just hope you don't end up like him..."

Rampage chuckles a little. "It would be strange to say this but I may be immune to the effects hence why am I still alive..."

"Just don't get your hope too high." Petra sighs.

Rampages nods. "Yeah, that's true..." He then takes an aim with his SMG and flanks to a corner of a tree. "Be right back...."

In a distant place, a sound of screams and shouts as well as gunshots could be heard as small flashes of light hued in that area. After some time Rampage returns, he was slightly covered in mud and some dark red liquid similar to blood.

"That was quite a hassle, one of them went rogue and tried to close in on me with a knife. Had to give them the ol' fisticuffs action." He wiped his face with his sleeves as he spits out some dirt off his mouth. "Ugh, disgusting...."

Petra makes a small giggle as she takes a quick glance into her scope. "I guess it sounded like a really big hassle...you took quite some too. How many were there?"

"Around four to five...can't really remember, I don't count my kills, it makes no sense." He takes his mags and filled it in with new ammunition.

"Keep some extra laying around. The others may return for a fill-up." Petra told him.

"Yes, as noted." Rampage sighs and places the mags into his special pockets.

Petra sniffles her nose with her finger as she looks into her scope. "I will take watch now, you can take my six."

"We will be here for a while." She says.

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