《War of the Zwei Kinds [Logbook Deactivated]》15 - A Wolf's Howl Could Just Be a Mating Call


Soundly quiet as dawn broke, most people are taking a day off during the early mornings of Sundays.

Some others head for prayers in churches or temples. But some others, just prefer sleeping all day.

Soft whimpering snores could be heard from a nearby dorm room.

Ha huh~

A maiden was sleeping on her bed, relaxing in her deep sleep. Dreaming about her deepest desires.

I wonder what was she dreaming about.

Beside her bed, a door was freaking open slowly. Someone found a way to get in. Perhaps it had a key or perhaps, it broke in.

The figure slowly walked towards the maiden, carefully and calmly. What was in its mind. Was it to terrorise her peace or was it to just awaken the mind of the resting.

"Hey Demonia, Wake up." The figure called out to her, patting the arm of the maiden in regards.

The maiden was still asleep, she ignored the calls that were echoing into her ear.

"Ah jeez, she is deeply asleep again. Man~ " The figure shook it's head and headed to the nearby kitchen counter, filling up a glass of water.

Creeping back to the maiden's bedside, the figure counted to three and splashed the glass of water on the poor maiden. "Wake up!" The figure shouted.

"Hah...?~" The maiden still half asleep rubbed her now wet face with her palm. "Morning already?"

"No, idiot. It's already the afternoon! You missed training and General became mad." The figure replied back as it opened the curtains of the bedside windows.

It revealed the face of a familiar Maiden, it was Major Rose.

"Oh, I am sorry I missed the training." Still half asleep and kind of an airhead, she yawns and slips upon her room slippers.

She headed to her nearby sink and splashed her face a couple of times before brushing her teeth.

"Jeez... You should really save up your money for an alarm clock, I can't always wake you up every day, Miss Brigadier. I got work to do!" Rose complained as she turned Demonia's kettle before walking her way out.

"I am sorry Major, I will do it soon," Demonia said with a small smile before taking a change of clothes.

"Hmm~ it is Sunday. So should I wear casual clothes now or my uniform?" Demonia asked herself as she wandered around in her shorts and bra on, making herself a hot cup of joe.

"Eh, it doesn't matter, Demonia just wants to rest. I will put on some casuals instead." Demonia talked to herself in the third person before deciding to put on her casuals. A combination of a frilly white blouse and brown canvas shorts, how rugged and elegant at the same time.


Picking up her cup of coffee, she locked her room door and headed to the cafeteria nearby.

She was humming to herself as she was taking her own sweet time.



"Ahhh, damn. I missed Breakfast!" William was scolding himself as he quickly moved from the left and right of his room, taking his clothes and heading into the bathroom as quickly as he could.

The two guardian fox girls who now live in with him were just chilling and playing video games on their handheld consoles, leaving it on pause, they watched their partner who was busily trying to prepare himself.

"I swear I should have woke him up sooner," Sae-Yong whispered to herself as she facepalmed.

Shin-ae giggled as she was watching this comedic relief.

Finishing his preparations, he puts on his glasses and zips up his jacket.

"See yah girls, I will be with you guys later," William said as he hurried out of the door, slamming it shut.

"See ya, mate," Sae-Yong said as she looks at Shin-ae.

"What?" Shin-ae asked.

"You lose, silly." Sae-Yong cheekily smiled as she points to her handheld screen, they were playing a local network game which required them to be next to each other. A typical fighting game.

"What? You cheater. Why did you unpause when the commotion was going on? Eeeh~!" Shin-ae angrily made a scream as she restarts the game.

"Again!" She demanded.

"Heh? I would still win anyway." Sae-Yong snickered.

"We will see." Shin-ae chose the map and pressed start.


Nearing the Cafeteria, William quickly decided to enter to quickly take the breakfast deal before it ended.

The mess hall only starts serving food at three to four in the afternoon, so he didn't want to take that long.

Reaching the cafeteria, he accidentally bumps into somebody.

He felt a soft smack on his face as he hits a hard part of a wall.

The person he bumped into continued her humming as she takes a sit by the window. La la la la ~

Picking himself up, he was confused, so were the staffs and other customers.

"What the hell just happened?" William asked himself as he looks at the café's mirror.

Shaking his head, he entered the cafe and headed to the reception, there was no one lining up so he took his chances.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" The staff asked as she was busy checking the register.

"Yes, I would like to order the breakfast deal please." He asked as kindly as possible.

"Sorry, but the breakfast deal has been closed, you have to order the ones available from the cooling room." The staff answered.


William blinks twice as he took a look at his watch. "Your breakfast deal ends at thirty past two, it's only twenty past two, isn't that breaking the schedule?"

"Sorry, but, rules are rules. We stop serving when the time comes. We always pack away the deals ten minutes before the time ends.

"Ah, it's alright, then. There's a next time, I would like to purchase a double shot mocha then." William ordered with a sad look in his face.

"That's two pounds and thirty cents. Cash or card?" The staff asked.

"Card please, but, do you accept Mercenar Penn's?" William asked.

"Yes, we do but only for big orders such as a buffet or a three to four coursed meal from our higher grades chefs." The staff said as she prepared the card scanner.

Scanning his card with the help of his mobile phone, he took a seat by a window-side table.

Feeling that someone is watching him, he takes a look left and right.

Looking to the front, he noticed a familiar face, smiling innocently towards him.

"Oh, good afternoon Miss Demonia." William greeted her with respect.

"Good afternoon, cadet. Don't tell me you overslept too ?" She chuckled as she gestured for him to seat with her.

"Yeah, I kind of did, heh~." He nods his head as he picks up his order and sits Infront of her.

"So, I have been promoted to Cadet?" William asked.

"Why yes, I heard the news. The promotion cabinet would invite you for a meeting before your official promotion." Demonia said.

"So like an invitation for dinner?" William asked.

"Yes, dinner with the main HQ and the few other branches. You will also get to meet the other Guardian staffs that work alongside the Elders." Demonia explained.

"Main headquarters? I thought this was the main headquarters." William asked.

"This is the main headquarters training site, the main HQ is located in London, it's only a thirty minutes drive, you will be there quite quickly," Demonia said as she was sipping her coffee.

"I see." William took a sip of his macchiato.

"Ugh~ it's bitter than usual." He whispered to himself.

"Well, you did ask for double shots," Demonia said as she chuckled softly.

"Yeah, hahaha, I did." William scratched the back of his head.

"So, since we're here together. Why not tell me more about yourself Miss Demonia? Sorry, if I am being too quick to the chase."

"Hmm, I think that's ok for a start."

---[REDACTED] ---

After a while of chatting, the two parted ways to continue with their own jobs.

Demonia had to do some paperwork for the General and the agreement papers to promote a few fellow soldiers while William had to do training once again in the open field.

"Come on, keep it up!" The coach shouted at William and a few other soldiers who were trying to lift heavy boxes and sacks onto a truck over and over again.

"Ugh~.." William losing adrenaline from the pent uplifting of twenty boxes, he had now fallen. (I swear I should have woken up sooner for breakfast.)

The coach went near William and pulled him up. "Take this guy and place him onto the benches, use him for an example of a hostage situation."

"Wait... Whaa~" William suddenly felt light as if he was flying, only to be thrown flat hard onto a piece of wood. "Oww."

Chau-Min sighed as she watched the poor William tossed under her feet . "Pity Pity William, he had died of exhaustion."

"Heck No! I am still very alive and well." William suddenly got another stream of adrenaline and shouted back to Chau-Min.

"Oh wow, he has risen from the dead." She chuckled as she was preparing medicine into her safety kit.

"You are lucky, you are just a medic. You barely get training and you mostly listen to professional doctors about treating patients and what not." William half-brained from the sudden release of adrenaline, quickly got cut shot as he felt tired again.

"...Hungry." William said to himself as he layed on the bench.

"Ah jeez, here take this emergency ration bar. Not as delicious as normal bars but, hey, at least it's nutritious in minerals and vitamins." She tossed William two bars of ERBs (Emergency Ration Bars) .

"Thank you..." He weakly whimpered as he slowly opened a packet and lazily took a bite from it.

Minutes later,

William completed all the tasks faster than any of the other soldiers, you could say he was quick or you could say he was an abomination of his former self, who knows.

The coach and the other students dropped their jaws (sarcastically) as they watched him putting all the boxes and doing all the other measly tasks onto the truck before shutting the container door.

"What the actual [Redacted] ?" The coach said as she scratched her head in confusement.

William laughed as he stood proudly to himself. The ration bars might had too much vitamins to make him this hyper.

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