《War of the Zwei Kinds [Logbook Deactivated]》12 - Operation Griffon Accomplished


The sound of fluttering of the crunchy metal rotor blades could be heard as the vehicle started to land on its thin little metal feet.

The sound of a metal door was pounded as it was slid open. Heavy breathings and a heavy stomp.

"Go go go ~" A feminine voice shouted as her feet emerged from the pavement. She scrunched her neck as she quickly ran to a side of a tree.

Two other figures approached out of the vehicle as they were following up with the maiden's current location.

"Captain, I spotted five of them in the post guard," William said as he was looking through his binoculars which fitted with his glasses.

"Good, Miss Chau put up one of your drones here, it will help keep surveillance."

"Right...Ni-au, summon your mini things for me, please." She ordered her guardian.

The crystal shone a bright light and gave out a twinkling sound. A wisp of a ball of fluff was floating in the air. "You stay on that tree!" She ordered the ball of fluff as it did so.

"Alright, Let's go!" Captain Shanina said as she crept through the green scenery, she used her guardian to conceal her and the other two's presence. "Silently, their ears are sharp," Shanina whispered to William as his boots were rather heavy compared to the other two.

'My bad." He said softly. "Captain, should I take a shot at those two? they don't seem rather alert." He pointed with his fingers as he placed a tripod on his assault rifle, the HK33.

"Go on... I will take the other three, Ni-au, just do your role." Captain Shanina excused herself quickly, making use of the small pinch of time to ambush.

As the siren sounded from the base, it was a sign that Sherrinford and her gang managed to infiltrate the command center.

In the few seconds of the sidewinding alert, William shot the two busy axis soldiers with few bursts.

Captain Shanina shot one of the soldiers, she had to combat the other two with hand to hand. Luckily, she disarmed them so they weren't able to give out any sneaky shots.

William ran towards Captain Shanina to disrupt their fight and finish it, Chau-Min tagged along as quickly as possible.

William rampaged as he summoned out Sae-Yong's blade, he sprinted towards the locked soldier that Captain Shanina managed, as he dived straight into the heart of the axis soldier.

Some blood splattered his face, as the axis soldier was stabbed thoroughly.

Released by Captain Shanina, she picked up her gun.

William wiped the blood off his cheek as he held his gun again, desummoning the blade.

The three infiltrated the building too as they managed to break in through a vent hole.


"Jesus...There are too many of these pricks." One of the echelon two-member said. She was gunning down some of the axis soldiers from behind a barricade, she held her guardian crystal which was stuck as a necklace as she was chanting something in her head.

"Calm down, we will be fine. Echelon 1 will do their business. Just hold on!" Sherrinford said as she was typing strings of code into the command center's Mainframe Computer. (Come on..Come on. Damn you shitty old 21st-century hud.) She screamed in her head.

As the echelon two's soldier completed her chant, an orange beam of light covered the cracked glass and its holes. It shielded them from the incoming bullets for now.

Heavy footsteps could be heard from the nearby hallway. A figure was sprinting towards the back of the attacking axis troop.


As the sound of unsheathing something could be heard, the figure causes a bloodbath by slashing and counter-attacking the now alert troop. They failed to suffice as they fell one by one. Splatters of blood covered the orange shield as the echelon's two-member was rather confused.

"Is that one of yours?" She asked Sherrinford holding onto her gun watching the figure attack the opposing troop gruesomely in the small glimpses that could be seen.

"Yeah, that's William. I meant Rampage." Sherrinford said as she finally completed the hack. It was loading a status slowly.

"Alright then." As she deactivated the shield, the blood went away with it, showing a now bloody and panting soldier who was catching his breath.

"Ahhh man, that was rough." He chuckled as he winked towards echelon's two-member.

The soldier smiled and nodded as she slowly looked over the window's barrier. "What the f~?!, You gave them seriously no chances." She saw dreaded bodies of meat bags slashed and stabbed all over the floors. That's the definition of painting the town red, or should I say hallway. *wink*

"Well, that's Rampage for you. Even though he is a recruit, he takes the idiotic ganks." SHe said as pulled out a USB from the main frame's socket. "I got the data, we should clear out," Sherrinford said as she unholstered her handgun.

"Alright, Move!" echelon's two-member said as she vaulted over the broken window barrier and exited through a small pathway.

William had to continue his mission, so he hacked into the mainframe once more by connecting his glasses with a secret USB socket attached. He stole the blueprints of the base and then readied himself again.

William sprinted back from the direction he came, passing by a few numbered rooms and then a massacre. Corpses lying everywhere. He ignored the corpses and jumped over each one.

He knew he was heading in the right direction.

"Wheres William?" Chau-min asked Captain Shanina who was now drenched in blood too, perhaps she caused the massacre.

"He is on the way. He is checking up with echelon two." She said, as her wounds were being fastly sewn by Chau-Min.

"I am going to give you some penicillin and adrenaline, alright," Chau-Min said as she dug it from her pouch bag. Taking out an Orange Epi-Pen and a small tube with a small syringe containing a sort of clear liquid.

"Alright, faster. I hear something coming." Captain Shanina said as she held her handgun tightly, feeling the small bite of the injection from the syringe.

William popped in from her peripheral vision."There you guys are. Captain, you alright?" He asked as he got down on his knees and activated a hologram of the base's map.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just a few minor gun wounds." She said as she switched her eyes to the hologram being displayed.

"So, the mainframe was where I came from. You see here, this is where I was... Now, here we are. Room 592." He was pointing to the hologram. There are a few ways we can exit. We could take the vent holes that are everywhere or we could take the underground exit. This axis troop was dumb enough to add it to their map." He cleared his throat.

"If we go to Room 932, a few more meters from here, there will be a Chambering and Prison room. We could check for hostages and lab rats over there. Meanwhile, you patch yourself up. I will check the room beside us for ammunition. You guys need any?" As she shuts off the hologram device from his glasses, he turned to them as he slowly rose.


"I will be fine." Captain Shanina said. "I stole the ammunition from the dead soldiers already. I have plenty," she rubbed her hands as she puts on her gloves.

"Alright." He kicked down the ammunition room's door and took a stroll at the racks being displayed with different amounts of stolen ammunition. He took the ones he needed and kept some extra in his pouch in case his teammates needed it.

He then came out of the room. The two were waiting for him, "Alright, let's go." He nodded.

The two nodded and followed the directions that he gave as he guided them. As he hacked the mainframe earlier, he had ease to open the locks that were being used to cover up the Prison room.

As the three entered, there were sounds of soft rustling and painful moans. "Great, there are actually people here," William said softly.

"Chau-Min, check on them after we release the locks. We don't want the insane ones to start sprint bursting the exit for no good reason." Captain Shanina said as she counted with her fingers before pressing the release locks.

Beep~ The cells automatically unlocked. Strange, no one wanted to exit.

Taking a closer look, the hostages were quite thin and weak. Being latched onto the wall with shackles, no wonder they couldn't move an inch.

"Ugh~ it smells like a dead rat," Chau-Min said as she puts on her mask. She sprays her gloves with a resistant and summoned out her guardian Ni-Au. As happy as she looks like a cat with her smile and vibrant clothing, she knew her current situation.

She spoke sweetly towards the hostages as she used her magic to heal and energize the hostages once again. At least, giving them the strength to at least walk and sit properly without aches.

William managed to hack into the Chambering Room. To be cautious of safety, he puts on a gas mask that the government supplied for Continuum. It is said that it was the same gas masks that the SAS used which really kicked William up. He had always admired the SAS.

Smokes of yellow and grey covered the chambering room. Not knowing if it was poison or just machine producing air vapour, He took even extra caution. He covered up his sleeves and covered his neck properly.

There was a dozen of pod-shaped machines. not one dozen but quite a few. It totaled up to 32 people at least.

"Hell, 32 people were being cloned, how dreadful," William said as he cracked into a PC with datafiles and bio profiles of each of the experiments being held up.

"Pretty ordinary people. Some were policewomen while others were kidnapped soldiers, women or schoolgirls. Sounds like something a rapist would do." William said to himself. "But well, this is a girl's world."

He made sure that if he releases any one of them, they wouldn't out straight attack him. He ran through a list of each of their mental and physical status.

He released one with a press of a button. The special liquid that filled the pos was suddenly drained in seconds as the glass that held the machine was removed.

William performed CPR on the first experiment as she was still in a faint. She was a middle-aged woman that looked like she was a family woman. "Come on, wake up." He said as he performed a few more times.

The lady suddenly gained conscious and raised up from her lay. She coughed a few times as she turned her direction to her "savior". "Who are you?" She asked.

"Ugh... I came to save you?" He said as he got up and pulled her up with the help of his arms.

She looked left and right. "Oh...now I remember. Wait, how about my daughter, is she safe?" She asked William as she started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down miss, you just came out from a torture machine. You should take a rest. I am pretty sure she is safe. Take a seat and tell me what happened as I release the others." William said as he walked back to the PC.

Pressing a few more buttons, he released the others. Somehow, those people had conscious already and woke up immediately.

"I can't remember." She said as she faced the other upcoming experiments. Just like her, they wore torn clothing.

"Your daughter is fine." Captain Shanina said as she entered the room. She was wearing a mask that covered her mouth and nose at the same time wearing a pair of goggles. "We got her. Our medic is taking care of her. A backup will come soon to pick all you guys up."

"Willam, hows the releasing procedure doing?" Captain Shanina asked.

"Unfortunately, few of them are so terribly tortured that their body would fall into bits if they were released. Should I just activate the protocol button?" William asked as he released the last few healthy experiments.

"No, keep them in there, Chau-Min's guardian will heal them from the inside and then you can release them.

"Alright then," William said as he headed to another experiment who was still unconscious, giving her a CPR.


Half an hour later

"Mother? You are alive?!" A feminine voice shouted as the prisoners were being transported through a cargo plane.

William watched the lady from earlier reunited with her daughter. The two were hugging.

"Damn, it is one of those drama serials." He said to himself, watching the overrated scene.

A hard pat could be felt on his left shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Concentrate William.~" A familiar voice said to him.

It was General Shriway who is taking things from here, she offered those who needed assistance into the plane while at the same time, talked with a few of them who were able enough.

"Hey Sho, how are you?" A pilot came out from one of her helicopters.

"Oh hey Reina, been a while." He shouted back at her.

They shook hands and then conversed for a while.

"Seems to me you have met my captain, Luxembourga." She said.

"Yep! She was really friendly but rather talkative, don't tell her I said that." He winks.

"Nah, I won't," Reina said as she watched William help up a kid who stumbled down somehow.

"By the way, Reina, do you have a Guardian friend?" He asks.

"Yes, yes I do."She pulled out a typical wooden wand, thin and sharp at its front.

"Oh, you're a wizardess Reina!?" William asked, surprised.

"Yep yep, all Aviation Crew Members own an elemental or magic type guardian. The Armaments Army all have weapon-based or supportive based guardians. It is a trend."

"I see...that sounds rather interesting." He said as he had to finally said goodbye as he was being called by his General and Captain. "See you later, I guess." He waved as he walked away.

Reina continuing her job as an Aviation Crew's Pilot, she boarded her helicopter, ready to take flight again.

The operation was a success once again.


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