《Artemis The Celestial Beast(Hiatus)》Book 2 Chapter 2: The Godly Diadem [Needs proofreading]


Book 2 Chapter 2: The Godly Diadem

Artemis decided to explore her own realm a bit to see if anything was left for her by her past self after Freya hinted at hidden treasures lurking. Inside her beautiful white log house was a more modern looking room with pretty woodworking on the wall panels which further popped out due to some gold inlays intermingling with the design, on the ceiling was a snowflake engraved in the wood it was breathtaking.

After a few hours exploring the house which shockingly was bigger on the inside than the outside it was like a mansion with 4 floors even though the building outside was visibly only one floor.

Artemis started to wonder if Freya gave any tips to DR. Who’s Directive cast but quickly abolished that idea since it was absurd. Artemis found a room that was sealed with a special barrier that only let her in nothing else she found this out when she got stuck but her face obviously passed the point where her clothing got stuck.

So Artemis stripped naked and passed through the barrier secretly cursing her past self and Freya out in her mind. She found a wardrobe chest and hutch so she decided to open them inside the hutch she found on a inner shelf a white Tiara

Artemis: “Pretty”

Artemis reached out to pick it up once it was in her hand it grew a tiny needle and poked her hand absorbing a drop of her blood

Artemis: “OWWWW”

???: “Analyzing Mana and soul composition”

Artemis: “w-who said that?!?!”

Artemis instantly moves to attempt to cover herself even though she's natively a cat being seen naked in human form made her feel intense embarrassment which she didn’t fully understand herself but figured it came with being human.

???: “Analyzing complete, Match on record. Owner Match, Welcome back Goddess Artemis, My Master”

Artemis: “Identify yourself”

???: “I am your Tiara my name is Khryselakatos Iokheira, but considering how much of a mouthful it is to say you may rename me as is your right”

Artemis thought long and hard and decided to pick a new name for the Tiara


Artemis: “Your new name shall be Infinity”

Infinity: “Understood master, I must inform you of my abilities since it seems you forgot me I can become 5 different forms however once set it will take thousands of years to change them thankfully it has been more than that time since you originally set me HOWEVER 2 of the 5 forms are forever locked to a specific form and those two are this form of a tiara and the second one is of a hunting bow it's golden and silver inlaid white wood a God level bow, as will all the forms you pick will be considered god level relics”

Artemis: “Can you take the form of an animal and if you did could you move when in that form or will you be stuck in place?”

Infinity: “Should you chose to make me into a creature it will be able to move and I shall be controlling it”

Artemis: “Ok for the 3rd form I want you to be a Stag with beautiful horns, for the 4th form i want you to be twin swords one light one dark both of which use my mana to infuse them with an aura, and for the 5th form i want you to become a beautiful , Intimidating, but not scary gold inlaid white scythe”

Infinity: “Is this sufficient before i finalize them?”

Artemis: “Yes those are fine”

Infinity: “What trigger do you want for me to switch between the forms”

Artemis: “Ill just say what i want either in my head or out loud the only one i will say your name with is the bow cause Infinity Bow sounds awesome”

Infinity: “Well…. it isn't a lie all arrows are created by me and are indeed infinite the tradeoff is that they disperse into smoke after a minute after impacting a target, also the arrows you fire are more effective on female enemies you can inflict disease or even instant death on females” [Author's note: the real goddess artemis was capable of this according to myth blame the OP bow on wiki]

Artemis decided to attempt to use her Realm teleportation skill to see what will happen


Artemis: “ Activate 〖Realm Teleportation〗 “

Please Select Realm To Visit


Royal Road

Artemis’s Rest

Artemis: “Wait….. what…. I can go back to earth?!”

Artemis: “Realm Teleport Earth!”

in an instant Artemis was back in earth at the same location she left from however she noticed a bit too late that she was still naked so she transformed into her cat form before anyone seen her so she was in her Celestial Cat form with a white tiara on her head walking around looking for Anya who she found inside her house crying her eyes out

Anya: “A-ARTEMIS!!!!!”

Anya leaped at her cat and hugged her tightly crying and happy that she's still alive not even bothered by the fact that she is in her game avatar on earth

Artemis gave up on escaping her clutch and just waited for her to stop crying while Artemis just repeats over and over “its fine” and “I'm Ok” and “Everything alright”

After a while Anya stopped her crying and just only now notices that she's in a new body

Anya: “Woaah thats your Royal Road avatar isn't it?”

Artemis: “Its my new body now since my old one was beyond saving, also apparently Royal Road isnt a game but actually another realm and on a side note apparently I own my own realm as well but sadly I can't bring people there, at least not yet that is else i would show you it since it's so beautiful”

Anya: “ Honestly as long as you're safe everything else isn't as important i-i thought you died i was so worried but now i'm glad and feel greatly indebted to Freya”

Artemis: “OH! i gotta cool trick i can show you!”

After saying that Artemis transforms into a human and again forgot shes totally naked in that form at the moment and proceeds to turn beet red as she realises her mistake

Artemis: “I-I forgot I had to take off my clothing to pass a barrier…. D-do you have any spare clothes my size laying around the house i can use?”

Anya: “Wow….. your’s are so big….” after saying this Anya pouts leaving Artemis confused for a moment until she realises what she was comparing

Artemis: “Y-You're still growing yours will get bigger in time”

Anya: “Are you sure? you're not just saying it right?”

Artemis: “Just drink milk everyday and eat properly and you're sure to grow don't worry”

Anya: “Mooou ok ill trust you, how long will you be here for?”

Artemis: “Not Long only came back to tell you I was ok, Can you tell Crystal and the team that I wont be back anymore?”

Anya: “Sorry I can't daddy wants me to go on a [Play Date] with some other girls my age today you caught me just before i had to go”

Artemis: “Guess it cant be helped ill go and tell them myself i'm worried i may have to destroy the facility or worse if they discover i have full use of my abilities in this world that's why i didn't want to go since they know this form well”

Anya: “S-sorry”

Artemis: “No its ok I might as well get this over with” After saying that Artemis transforms back into her Cat form.

so after saying her goodbyes Artemis headed over to the “Facility” as she didn't know what else to call it after finding her team they all had shocked looks on their faces they attempted to ask her about how shes in this form and more but she ignored them all she said was “I'm leaving, Most likely I won't see you guys again” after saying this she activated stealth and headed back to Anya’s house and used Realm Teleportation to go to her realm as for the reason she went back to Anya’s house before using the skill its simple she didnt want to spawn into the building of a potential enemy next time she comes to earth

Artemis: “Now to check the rest of that wardrobe so im not a nudist every time i transform”

Artemis found a beautiful set of rangers clothing it looked quite fashionable and pretty while protecting her it seems its enchanted so it will never break or get dirty which helps her, however it didn't give much defence but she didn't really care

Artemis: “Time to go back to Royal Road”

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