《Artemis The Celestial Beast(Hiatus)》Chapter 4: The Arch-Mage's Apprentice [Proof Read]


~Edited for Grammar by agentXshadow~

Chapter 4: The Arch-Magi's Apprentice

Salem: "First, Meditate. Close your eyes and send your focus inward. Concentrate, and find the source of your mana. Feel the ebbs and flow of your mana, and feel how the mana inside yourself moves learn to guide it and shape it."

Artemis: "Yes, master!"

Artemis starts meditating, attempting to do as her master instructed. She eventually grasps the concept, and understands what her master wanted her to do.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Inner Mana ControlRareBeginner Level 100%A Passive Technical ability. Most Mages don't even know exists. It allows oneself to have complete control over one's inner mana and boosts magical damage. Dependent on level. Also enables oneself to create custom spells from preexisting ones. Currently boosts magical damage and magical force by 15%.

What seemed like seconds to her, was actually 4 hours. When she finally told her master she had finished his task, he petted her.

Salem: "Congratulations! It only took you 4 hours! It normally takes a student much, much longer!"

Artemis: "What's next?"

Salem wasn't expecting her to finish so fast, so he didn't have the preparations ready for her next step. He asked her if she could wait a moment while he sets it up. However, that was a mistake. By the time he got back, his favorite desk's leg had been clawed to hell! The culprit was still hard at work sharpening her claws without a care in the world.

Artemis in the meantime didn't know what she did was bad, because it's in her nature. She ended up giving him a confused look, when she saw his sad face.

Salem decided to forget about it, and continue on with her training.... maybe even get revenge during it...


Salem: "Artemis, I will now train you about the elements. Since you are highly attuned to light, due to your race, we will first focus on that due to high affinity. It will allow you to learn much faster, and thus help you grasp spell-craft."

Artemis: "So, what do I do?"

Salem: "Focus your mind. Create an image of a ball made of light. The position has no relevance, but you can train it to the point where you can cast spells from locations different from you yourself. This will help greatly in combat"

After half an hour, Artemis finally got the hang of it, and now has a better understanding of spell-craft. She also understands the inner workings of the spell since the ball of light is a spell so basic, that it doesn't even count as a skill. None were generated, but he told her this same method is how she can develop more spells unique to her.

Curious, she decided to attempt to make a spell that used all her mana, and her holy element, as well as her divine element. After many failed attempts, she managed to make a skill.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Heaven's FallUltimateBeginner Level 100%Sacrifices all the user's insane Mana pool to summon a focused beam of light that does continuous damage to all the user deems as hostile. Even the gods wouldn't want to get hit by this. [Cool-down: 3 weeks (real world time)] Damage gets higher the higher ranked the skill gets.

Her eyes almost popped out of her head! Thankfully, the creation of the spell didn't trigger the cooldown. However, both her and her master were speechless.

Salem: "I'm starting to wonder who's the master and who's the apprentice." "Haah." Salem let out a long sigh, as he saw the description of the spell that his student just created.


Artemis decided she would never use the spell unless it was life a threatening situation, due to the insane cooldown.

Salem decided that it was time to teach her more magical theory, since she already has a fine mastery of her own element. She' only bound now by her knowledge. Since she understands the basics, she can devise her own spells for any other element. All she lacked was sufficient information.

Salem led Artemis into a private sealed library that is normally only admissible to the headmaster alone, but he made an exception for Artemis, due to the fact that she needs to be able to protect herself. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if his failure as a teacher got her killed.

Artemis spent the next month reading everything in the hidden library, and learned everything. Her curiosity never seemed sated. By the time she was done, she earned 100 int and wisdom. She had in mind ideas for countless spells. However, she would have to wait until later to test them, due to how scary they may turn out to be.

After she was finished reading, all he had left to teach her was Magic sight and external magic control. So, he proceeded to guide her on how to obtain both, which she did after a mere 8 hours. Something that took him decades took her hours.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Magic Sight (Passive)Hidden SkillBeginner Level 100%Allows the caster to see what spells the enemy is casting, The flow of mana, how powerful the spell is, and magical traps, as well as magical ingredients that may be found while exploring.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:External Magical ControlLegendaryBeginner Level 100%Enables user to control mana existing in nature. At higher levels allows user to interfere with enemy magic.

Having nothing left to teach her, Salem gives her a rune engraved charm that he attached to her collar. It acts in place of a staff, and helps her in casting spells. He then sent her off to find her own path in life.

Artemis then decides that it's finally time for revenge on the bastard creature known as the bunny.

Players who witnessed Artemis killing rabbits that day never wanted to hunt rabbits again. In fact, they wanted to grab one, pick it up out of fear for its life, even if it bit them, and move them to a new map.

Eventually she decides to go deep into the woods, because the prey where she was were too easy for her with her inflated stats. What she finds next, made her run for her life.

Quakes can be felt that tell everyone nearby something MASSIVE is walking.

Artemis is running for her life.

When the players nearby notice what is chasing her, they all faint.

The Guards practically shit themselves.

Only one word managed to escape the Guard Captain, who was nearby



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