《Artemis The Celestial Beast(Hiatus)》Chapter 3:The Great Escape [Proof Read]


~Edited for grammar by agentXshadow~

Chapter 3: The Great Escape

After Artemis was given all those treats, the staff devised a necklace/collar that can read her mind (like the capsule does), and then transmits her "voice," translated into human language by the computers. Only after they tested this device on her for over three hours, they were finally assured it worked 100%, and no translation errors would occur. Confused, Artemis questioned the silly humans in the lab why they decided to help her speak now, when it was very obvious how rushed they were to set this item up, even though it wasn't planned, per se.

She decided to pester them by purposely "meowing" over and over without an intent of actually talking. Kind of how cats do when they beg for treats. She knew eventually one of them would crack. She'd had.....extensive experience with this,so she was sure it wouldn't be her that cracked.

Eventually, as she predicted, a young researcher named Crystal gave up and answered Artemis' questions.

Crystal: "Please, just make it stop! I'm going to have nightmares about nothing but meowing at this rate! I understand you wish to know about why we seemed to randomly want to talk to you now rather than seeing you as a pet. Your high IQ shocked us to the core. We decided to treat you equally, rather than as an animal. It should also help us with the project if we can understand you, both inside and out of the game."

Artemis: "I understand."

Crystal: "Come with me to get the mandatory exercise before you sleep."

Artemis: "..."

Crystal: "A-Artemis? Where did she go? Oiiiii Artemis, where are you?"

Day 2

The researchers failed to find and force Artemis to do her daily exercise. In the end, they decided to give up and adopt a "Better luck next time" approach.


Artemis: "Time for me to log in~"

Nameless Researcher: "Man, I still can't get used to hearing a cat talk...."

Nameless Researcher 2: "I agree, but we'll probably get used to it eventually."

Crystal: "HEY! Quit slacking!"

Nameless Researcher 1 and 2: "Y-YES MA'AM!"


Artemis decides that it's time to continue exploring the city when she finds a suspicious hole about the same size as her. Located behind a statue, in a place people are unlikely to look, due to the hole not being big enough for the average person to fit into.

Artemis: "Well, I did want to explore, so I might as well take a look." she thought.

Artemis walks into the hole, and discovers that it wasn't just a small hole, but in fact it was a hidden lair that goes deep underground and into a massive cavern. She assumes it was added by the goddess for her. How'd she assume I would find it?


Artemis jumps a good 10 feet in the air, startled, before turning to look and spots a blind Celestial Beast. It appears to be a snake, most likely the last of its subspecies.

Artemis: "I'm sorry to have disturbed your rest. My name is Artemis, may I ask your name?"

???: "My name is Chaos young one.... judging by your aura, you're a Celestial Beast as well....though i don't know what type."

Artemis: "My aura? Couldn't you just tell that, and my subspecies just by looking?"

Chaos: "I may have eyes, but I have been trapped down here for thousands of years... I have lost my vision to the abyss known as the darkness that surrounds us.... what lay before you is naught but a shell of its previous self... locked away in seclusion until I finally gain eternal rest..."


Artemis: "That's horrible! Who would do this to you? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Chaos: "My time is almost up. You cannot help me, but, you can help the rest of our kind. Lay at rest to find out why this happened to us and who caused it. Please... avenge me if it is within your power."

Quest: Solve the disappearance of the Celestial Beasts [Optional: Avenge them]

Quest Difficulty: S [Optional: SSS+]

Time limit: None

Quest Fail Requirements: None

Quest Rewards: Unknown

Chaos has asked you to find out what happened to our people and if possible avenge them.

Do You Accept?

Yes or No

Artemis: "YES!"

Chaos: "Thank you youngin'. I can finally rest in peace. However since I feel this quest is too much for you, I shall leave a portion of my power with you that shall live on inside you forever. Much luck on your ventures..."

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Power Of ChaosGodlyBeginner Level 100%Enables user to use powers the Celestial Best Chaos had during his lifetime. Will unlock more abilities as it levels up.

Currently Unlocked:

1: Chaos Step [warps user behind foe at the cost of 1000 mana.]

Pleased with herself, she decides to go and level so she can talk to users and NPC',s and not just animal/beasts. So, she heads to the gates, when suddenly the guards stop her.

Guard: "HALT! By order of the King, no one is allowed to leave until a month has passed."

Artemis decides to act like she listened, and heads off to an area that is nearby, but, out of sight. The only reason they noticed her in the first place is because she was heading to them from their line of sight.

Sneakily, Artemis makes her way between the two guards, and heads outside. She attempts to kill a rabbit, when she notices that her claws do one damage per hit. Confused, she then remembered her title effects. One of them gave her -500% physical damage.

Vexed, she decides to sneak back in and heads towards the Mage Guild, to try and learn.

Thankfully, the headmaster can read minds, so they could talk to each other. He would listen to her thoughts, and answer out loud.

Headmaster: "Such a curious thing. Meeting one of your kind in a Mages' guild. Normally, your kind automatically knows basic sorcery."

Artemis: "Apparently, I never learned them. Would you be so kind as to help me?"

Headmaster: "Certainly. May i see your stats, so that I can see what you can learn with your current int and wisdom?"

Artemis: "Sure. Show Stats to....ummmm...."

Headmaster: "Salem."

Artemis: "Show stats to Salem."

Salem: "!!!!!"

Artemis: "Um, how is it?"

Salem: "Would you like to be my official apprentice? I will teach you all this Arch-Mage knows."

Artemis: "Sure!"


Will You Continue?

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