《Tale of Yashima》042. Saika


There was no better feeling in the world than running free in her true form. Disguising herself as a human allowed her to blend in, but returning to her true form allowed her incredible speeds to travel the great distances she often needed for her line of work. No human could travel as fast as she could. And for as much as she struggled to achieve it, somehow her human form always felt like a prison. It wasn’t really her. It was just holding her in. She was less powerful that way, more easily controlled. It was her human form that had gotten her into this whole mess in the first place.

‘I’ve found him, Nurarihyon. I’m certain of it. Time to keep your end of the deal and return what you took from me all those years ago.’

Hirozaka Castle stood high in the distance. Kuroda banners flew proudly in the air. Time to get back into her role.

Mitsuhide was training with Kenichi in the yard when she entered. The boy, taller than the Kuroda daimyo, had his shirt off and was hitting some poor soul with a wooden sword. Mitsuhide let out a grand laugh as the man fell to the ground and threw up his arms to protect his face; he didn’t even have a weapon. It wasn’t training so much as an exercise in cruelty, and Mitsuhide was the only one enjoying it.

Saika cleared her throat loud enough to be heard. Both Mitsuhide and Kenichi turned around.

“My lord. I bring news.”

Mitsuhide dismissed the boy, leaving a hand lingering on his sweaty shoulder just longer than was comfortable for all involved, and walked inside.

“Good news, I hope.”

Mitsuhide sat down and poured himself some sake. Saika remained standing. The man was losing his usefulness to her and it was becoming less important to remain on his good side now that she no longer needed him. Mitsuhide was not the person she sought, that much was clear. Her trip north had proved quite informative, and she suspected she had now met the one she was truly after. Soon she could stop pretending she actually served this wretch of a man and get one step closer to her true goal; getting her orb back. Taking control of her own life again.


Just a little longer now. Soon everything would fall into place.

“Lord Sou appears to be a highly competent and intelligent daimyo.”


“And it would appear that he’s not going to sit back and let this castle go freely.”

“Are you certain?”

“He never stated in such words, but it would certainly appear that way.”

“I don’t need appearances, I need to know.”

“I would prepare the men for defence, my lord.”

Mitsuhide took another drink. A full scale war was what he wanted, after all. Wipe the Yashiro out, steal their lands, move one step closer to the capital. Once the Yashiro fell the clans supporting them wouldn’t be too far behind. The Wada were tiny and would be crushed under the Kuroda’s weight. The Itami were small and mostly peacekeepers. The Arai were busy with clans further east. Nothing and no-one would be able to stop his march on the capital.

He just needed to defeat the Yashiro. A tiny clan with an inexperienced and unproven daimyo. Like taking candy from a baby.

“How big is his army?”

“Assuming he brings all his men, large enough to put up a fight.”

“I see. Can we win?”

“There’s a good chance.”

Mitsuhide set the cup down and fell silent. He was thinking.

“There’s a good chance,” he repeated, thinking out loud. “Do you truly think he poses a threat? He’s just a boy.”

Saika was reminded that Mitsuhide had never actually seen Sou in person. She would hardly call him ‘just a boy.’

“He has a sharp military mind and the skills to back it up. He did break into the impregnable fortress, after all, a feat achieved by none before him.”

“Yes, yes, I heard about that little matter.”


“And while his father may be dead, his vassals and their armies are not. You killed one of their most beloved rulers. The entire clan is out for your blood.”

Mitsuhide smiled at that. The more others despised him the more he enjoyed it.

“Yes, well, I can’t take all the credit for that one. The boy did help, after all. Such a good boy, that one. Yes. Such a good boy…”

Saika wondered whether it would be worth it to stab him through the eye right now and end his miserable existence. But she couldn’t. Not just yet. She needed to let this play out.

“Alright. Send for Shiroyama. It’s time for that pompous prick to lend his beloved brother-in-law a hand. Threaten him with his sister’s head if he refuses again.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Another person who wouldn’t lose sleep over Mitsuhide’s horrible death, Saika suspected.

“Oh, and did you see the Bitou girl?”

“No, my lord.”

Handing her over to him would be the last thing she’d do.

“Hmm. They probably have her under strict lock and key now. Nevermind. I have the boy. Their lands will soon be mine. Thank you, Saika, you may go now.”

He dismissed her with a wave and poured himself another drink. Saika bowed and closed the door behind her, happy to see the end of the ungrateful wretch of a man. His time would come soon. Sooner than he realised.

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