《Tale of Yashima》038. Kazu


“Here it is, good sir. Just like you ordered.”

The armourer sat Kazu’s helmet down on the counter between them with a loud clang. It was perfect. Even better than he expected. A samurai’s kabuto was his brand. It was how people knew who he was on the battlefield, and where he was on the battlefield. It inspired fear, it inspired terror, but it also inspired hope. Kazu chose what he felt best represented his rise from a no-name peasant to that of a samurai working under the command of daimyo of Miharu, Yashiro Sou.

Long strips of metal fanned out from the top of the kabuto, like the rays of the sun. Only they weren’t rays of the sun. No. If you looked closely enough you could see what they really were. Kazu had to give it to the armourer, it was exquisite work. They were bamboo leaves, like those he and his men fought through on their way up to Daisen Castle. His most dangerous and important mission to date and also his biggest success. This helmet would be a constant reminder of that. Of his origins as a peasant and the hard work that got him to where he was now.

But he also hoped it was at least a little fear-inspiring to his enemies.

“Can I try it on?”

“That’s what it’s for.” The armourer smiled and gestured for him to go ahead. It was heavier than he thought, but with so much metal sitting on it he supposed that was to be expected. He’d get used to it, in time. He tied the straps beneath his chin and threw his arms out to the side.

“How do I look?”

“Like a samurai.”

That was what he wanted to hear.

“Lord Yashiro’s crest here on the fukigaeshi is made of real gold. No expense spared. The leaves here are made from the finest metals mined from the Itani Mines. These metals aren’t cheap, you know. Very dangerous mines. They say they’re full of yokai. Many miners go in, few come out. But I digress.”


Kazu wasn’t listening. It was strange, seeing Lord Sou’s family crest right there on this helmet. The three ume flowers surrounded by a double ring. Kazu never had a family. Never had a name, a home. Never had anything but the shirt on his back to call his own. Now he was a samurai of the Yashiro. He had men that relied on him and trusted him. Already they were like the family he never had. For the first time in his life, dare he say it, Kazu actually felt happy.

“… but even if you were to cross paths with some wild oni on a rampage, why, one look at your helmet and the sacred metals of Itani rising high into the sky from it would scare him right back into the mountains he came from.”

The armourer was still talking.

“Anyway, here, here, the rest of your armour is back here. A kabuto is no good if you’re not alive to wear it! I see you have your swords… all three of them… okay but come, get dressed, let’s introduce the world to its newest samurai, the illustrious Mori Kazu!”

And Kazu thought that he talked a lot. The armourer continued the entire way, using several large words Kazu wasn’t sure he even knew the meaning of. But that wasn’t important. What was important was that the man did fine work, and the sight of his armour sitting on the wooden mannequin before him was breathtaking. This was it. The final piece. He took the kabuto off and set it down on the table. He never once took his eyes off the armour.

“Can you help me get all this on?”

It was mostly brown with highlights of red and blue. Not the flashiest colours, but again he felt the brown suited him. Normally his men would help him into it before battle but the armourer had him fully armoured in no time. He tied his two swords around his waist and once again lifted the heavy kabuto back onto his head.


“And there he is. Mr Mori Kazu. How do you feel, good sir?”

The armour and helmet were so heavy he felt like he was going to collapse under the weight.

“I’m supposed to be able to fight in this, right?”

“Of course!”

“I don’t think I can move.”

“Well you are a little thinner than the majority of samurai I work with, it is true… but nothing a little exercise and second helping of dinner can’t fix!”

Kazu smiled painfully. He took a few wobbly steps before finally removing the helmet and holding it beneath his arm. The leaves stabbed him in the face.

“Baby steps.”

The armourer smiled politely.

“Indeed. Baby steps.”

“Thank you so much for all your hard work, it’s really so much better than I expected.”

The armourer continued to smile and nodded his head towards Kazu. “Not at all, young samurai. I await the day we hear of the great deeds of Mori Kazu, running into his battle with his metal leaves of Itani striking fear into the heart of his enemies. Why, did you know that-”

“Thank you.” Kazu quickly cut him off before he started yet another story. He grabbed the old farmer’s sword from the table and with his hands full made his way towards the door. “I’ll let Lord Sou know of the great work you’ve done here. He’ll be very pleased.”

The armourer waved and shouted more words of encouragement as Kazu stumbled as fast as he could down the dirt road. Despite all the leather and metal trying to drag him down Kazu felt uplifted. People’s heads turned as he walked by, noticing him as the samurai he was for the first time. Or maybe they were just watching the odd spectacle of a man in full armour in the middle of town trying not to trip over his own feet.

There was one more destination waiting for him today. He clutched the farmer’s sword tighter and made his way to the outskirts of town.

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