《Tale of Yashima》033. Sou


Sou had seen this picture before. Ayane was sitting alone at her table doing calligraphy. Last time he saw this image they were better, more light-hearted times. He’d barely seen Ayane since they’d returned. Too much was going on.

“I see you’ve upgraded to a six year old level,” Sou tried to joke from the door frame. She didn’t laugh. Didn’t even bother to turn around. There was no crumpled up ball of paper flying past his head, no dig at his own failings. Nothing. It stung. He closed the shoji screen behind him and entered the room. It was sparsely decorated, but the window to the inner courtyard was open and he could see the ume trees in full blossom. They were beautiful and always reminded him of happier times. The blue robin he carved Ayane for her birthday sat on the table beside her inkstone.

“It’s okay, Sou.”

He was confused. “I don’t-”

“I know why you’re here. And it’s okay.”

Silence descended once more. A messenger arrived not long after Sou returned from his successful defeat of Daisen Castle informing them of the Kuroda takeover of Hirozaka. They had gained one only to lose another. It wasn’t just the Kuroda, however. The Bitou banner had also been spotted during the takeover. It wasn’t Ayane’s father, however, who had taken part in the fight. It was his son, and Ayane’s younger brother, Kenichi.

Ayane had yet to be informed of that little fact.

“I am going to set you free,” Sou told her. She continued her calligraphy as he spoke. She had improved greatly compared to when she had first arrived in the castle. The brush flowed as though it was an extension of her hand. “But I can’t just yet. It’s too dangerous.”


She pulled out a new scroll and began writing her next character. “Too dangerous?”

“It wasn’t your father that rode into Hirozaka Castle under the Bitou banners.” Sou paused. “It was your brother, Ayane.”

Ayane put her brush down and turned to look at him. “My brother? Kenichi? But… but he’s just a boy!”

Sou rubbed his forehead. “That’s not all. It wasn’t Lord Kuroda that killed Harada… Toshio’s father.”

Ayane shook her head. “No. He’s just a boy. He would never… he couldn’t…”

It had taken everything Sou had to keep Toshio from killing Ayane in revenge. It was merely his honour as Sou’s vassal that had stopped him. But if he didn’t like Ayane before, he certainly didn’t now.

“Lord Kuroda has also proclaimed Kenichi as his choice of successor when your father dies…”


Sou had debated whether to tell Ayane or not, but in the end he hoped it would help her understand why he couldn’t let her go just yet. It was too dangerous, especially now. If Mitsuhide or his men got their hands on her she would be dead. But alive, she still held her claim over her family’s clan. She had gone from hostage to refugee.

“I’m going to keep my promise, Ayane. But I can’t let you go, not now. They’ll kill you.”

She fell silent. Sou put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”

Ayane picked up the blue robin carving from the table. She stared deeply at it. “Please don’t kill my brother. He’s just a boy. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

Sou stood up. “I’ll do what I can.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was barely a whisper. He nodded. There was nothing he could say. Ayane went back to her calligraphy and he exited the room. There was still someone else he had to see.


He found Kazu training in the yard. He was a thin, wiry man, more like a monkey than a soldier. It frustrated his opponents greatly.

“Kazu!” he called out. The man who had helped lead them to victory smiled and ran over, bowing deeply. He was shiny with sweat.

“Lord Sou, to what do I owe this honour?”

“The honour is all mine. Without you we would never have taken Daisen Castle. You did well. Thank you.”

The younger man beamed. “It was nothing, really.”

“It most definitely was not. We really couldn’t have done it without you, Kazu. You’re an extraordinary soldier, and a waste to my army as a foot soldier.”

Kazu’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“I’m promoting you to samurai.”

Sou watched the myriad of emotions that ran through his face, before finally he tried to suppress his smile and bowed as deeply as he could.

“Thank you, Lord Sou, thank you!”

He smiled. “Stand up. That’s not all. I can’t have a samurai running around without a name. I’m granting you the surname Mori, in reverence of the great feats you achieved in conquering the forest that stood between you and Daisen Castle.”

“I… I have no words. Thank you, my lord.”

“Go see the armourer when you have the chance and let him know how you want your kabuto made. He’s working on the rest of your armour as we speak. I also have the swordsmith working on your new swords, they should be ready in a week or two. I see a bright future for you, Mori Kazu. I would be proud to have you fight by my side again.” He slapped Kazu on the shoulder. The smaller man grimaced in pain but smiled.

“Thank you, my lord, really. I don’t know what to say.”

“You see those men over there?” Sou pointed to the men Kazu had just been training with.


“They’re under your command now. I’m trusting you to whip them into shape.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Now go. Don’t forget to drop by the armourer, he’s expecting you!”

Riko walked by as Kazu practically skipped back to his men. He could hear the congratulations when he told them what just happened.


She stopped. “Yes?”

“I need you to do something for me.”


“I need you to get in contact with Ane. I want you to bring her back.”

Riko was taken aback. “Are you sure? Last time she was here she tried to kill you.”

“I know. But some difficult times are coming, and I’m in need of her… unique skills.”

Riko tilted her head. “Okay. But it’s your funeral.”

Sou sighed. Big changes were coming. He hoped he would be ready for them.

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