《Tale of Yashima》029. Sou


“My lord, have you gone mad?!”

“You can’t be serious?!”

Both Riko and Ayane began their assault of heated words while Kuniaki sat across from them laughing. It was about the reaction he had expected.

“Oh my, my boy, you certainly are a fascinating creature, I’ll give you that. But how can I argue with those terms? Agreed.”

“Sou, you can’t-”

Sou held both hands up this time to silence the objections coming from either side. “Enough!”

Silence fell over the room. Sou tried to gather his thoughts.

“I will marry Izue, with her consent, of course.” He looked over at the unconscious body. Various feelings flooded through him. Perhaps not love, no. Far too soon for that. But something. There was something about her, and this decision felt right. “Our clans will be joined, and you will continue to serve us as daimyo of Bijo province. As a Yashiro vassal you will assist us when needed, and of course we offer the same in return to you. An attack on Wada lands is an attack on Yashiro lands, and we don’t take that lightly. Through your daughter and any future children we may bear you will also find legitimacy.” Sou felt that wasn’t terribly important to the self-made daimyo, but he figured he’d put that out there anyway.

“You certainly make an offer a man can’t refuse, young lord,” Kuniaki replied. He set his empty tea cup down on the table. “Not that I think she will, but if my daughter refuses you?”

“You will remain as our vassal, but I cannot guarantee that in your time of need our people will be fast enough to respond to your call of assistance. Sir.” The threat was unspoken but loud and clear. Kuniaki let out a loud, bellowing laugh again.


“I like you, my boy. But what makes you think that your father will agree to all this? Surely he has loftier plans for the marriage of his only son and heir than to the daughter of a former oil merchant?”

“I agree, my lord, I don’t think Yashiro-sama will-”

Sou held his hand up to silence Riko again, giving her a look. “Go outside and see what Toshio is doing for me, would you?”

Riko bit her tongue and stood up. “Yes, my lord.”

He turned to Ayane on his other side as Riko left the room. She shook her head. There would be no further objections from her.

“My father will agree.” Sou turned back to Kuniaki. “Don’t you worry about that. There’s one more thing, however.”

“And what’s that?”

“Your head guard. What’s his name?”

“You mean Kikuchi? That boy’s been with me for years now. Used to help me peddle oil. What about him?”

“I’m promoting him. He works for me now.”

“Oho, is that so?”

“He fought well. I was impressed by his talents, and we could use more men like him. Where are the most valuable farming lands around here?”

Kuniaki poured himself another cup of tea and pondered the question. “Hmm. Aozaka has proven to be quite fruitful this last season, it certainly provided one of the richest crops…”

“Good. That land is now his. Make it happen.”

Kuniaki snorted and took a sip of his steaming tea but raised no objections. “Very well, young lord. I’m sure young Kikuchi will be most pleased to hear that.”

“One other thing.”


“That nurikabe…”

Kuniaki laughed out loud once more. “Ah yes, that thing. Quite the pest, wasn’t it?”


“It killed countless scores of my men.”

“Yes, well, that is the nature of war, son.”

“How did you control it?”

“What makes you think we were controlling it?”

“It was camouflaged with your castle. It attacked my men.”

“Again, what makes you think we were controlling it? It attacked your men because they attacked it. We left it alone and it left us alone. It was a good arrangement, really, until you came along and killed it.”

Sou fell silent. It still struck him as odd that such a vicious yokai would happily co-exist with humans, but he said nothing more. A groan sounded nearby. Izue was waking up.

“Ugh, what…” she sat up, holding her head. “I was…” she turned and looked at Sou, then Ayane. “You!” She pulled a dagger at the same time Ayane pulled her sword, the tips each pointed at the other’s necks. Kuniaki let out another belly rumbling laugh at the sight.

“I don’t think you quite understand the situation you’ve gotten yourself into with all these women, my boy.”

“Ayane, put the sword down!”

“Not until she does first!”

“I should have killed you the first time I saw you!”

“The feeling is mutual!”

Kuniaki placed a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Izue, sweetie, calm down. We were all just having a friendly chat, there’s no need to spill blood all over my expensive table. You know how difficult it was to get this thing.”

She nervously eyed Sou and then Ayane again, before finally lowering her blade. Ayane did the same. Sou placed a hand on her forearm.

“Go and help Riko find Toshio, would you?”

“Sure.” She stood up, gave Izue another glance and then exited the room.

“Good, good. We have a lot to catch you up on, my dear.” Kuniaki smiled.

Izue took her father’s tea cup and drained it. She poured herself another cup, took a small sachet out of a bag hanging by her hip and dropped some green powder into it. “My head is pounding. Do I have you to thank for that?” She drained the cup in a single mouthful again and then turned to Sou.

“No, but that’s no longer important. Your father and I were just discussing the terms of your surrender.”

“Surrender. I see.” She cast a glance at her father. He shrugged. “And what were those terms?”

“Your father is to remain here as a vassal of the Yashiro.”

Izue seemed surprised for the first time at that.

“I’d also like for you to marry me.”

Surprise crossed her face for the second time.

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