《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, Nio’s Lax Adventure Chapter 3


“Young lad, I heard from Juggs that your purpose for being here is for a visit. I take it that you bring goodwill.” The priest asked Reed while making a solid eye contact.

“Well, I am here together with my little sister. I just thought that I’d take her to places for today and we’ve decided to look around in this part of the city.” Reed explains to the priest with an observing gaze.

“I see, I am thankful for considering our orphanage as one of your destinations. Here, you may adopt another sister or more. Would you want some?” the priest teased Reed.

“No…I’m already satisfied with my little sister. By the way, my name is Reed Chelle. My little sister is Nio Chelle. It’s a pleasure to be your acquaintance.” Reed replied with an introduction as he outstretches his hand for a handshake.

“Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself in the face of a visitor. I am Lucius Stile and as you can see, I am a priest.” Lucius spreads his arms and had Reed behold the grandeur of the chapel.

“Stile? Isn’t that one of the four major families in Brent City?” Reed rummages his thoughts as he comes across someone who carries a heavy background.

Brent City’s Four Major families are head figures that greatly distinguished the city itself.

Each family rules over a business district and their influence spreads all over. They are a lineage that seated in the Brent City for a long time now and has made quite a remarkable contribution to the growth of the city.

The Hertuclaire Family governs the Business District One and as stated before, they are a family that specializes in weaving inscriptions to materials, daily necessities for people who don’t have magic and alike. Inscription, by itself, is installing pseudo magical nodes on an item and functions as what the inscription stated such as hardens, sharpens, heat, and a lot more.

Next is the Lloyd Family that governs the Business District Three. They manufacture magical items and wares. They have huge ties to the Hertuclaire Family as they are consequently collaborating on a lot of projects. Not only magical items, they are also responsible for the development of Exturbos for the masses use, a prominent family known as inventors.

And so, the Stile Family that greatly diverges from the first two families. Stile Family greatly focuses on commercial establishments, firms, and a lot of entertainment facilities that make up most of the Business District Two. They are also known as development-field experts as they are expert economic traders and land establishers, one that propagates a plot. It is nothing short to say that they also manage the city’s agriculture.

“How does a man from the Stile family ended up as a priest?” Reed threw a serious question that made Lucius stare back at Reed.

“Oh? I’m not someone who will freely reign up my disposition. It’s not like a flunk out of college or anything.” Lucius let out a very serious atmosphere.


“…He definitely did, huh?” Reed could only sprout a troubled smile.

“Well, I’d like to meet this little sister of yours too. I’ll just take up a little bit of her time. Juggs, can you call her?” Lucius said as he looks at Juggs.

“Aye, priest. Just a moment then.” Juggs replied as he proceeds to leave the chapel.

As soon as Juggs closed the door, Lucius immediately changes his default countenance into a curious and an inspecting gaze.

“Now then, there’s one thing I’d like to clarify. If my memory serves me right, Reed Chelle is supposed to be an only child.” Lucius stated.

As if his spine as struck by a lighting, Reed’s body stiffened. The man in front of him seems like his onto something about him.

“No, in the first place, it was quite obvious since I am a little bit known.” Reed tried to reason out Lucious statement all by his own and prepares an alibi, however…

“And it seems the record of Nio Chelle just recently popped up in the records. Census, per se, like it is all too natural. None even batted an eye. Was it someone with greater authority who did it?” Lucius continued to speak that crumbled Reed’s first step of reasoning.

“Did he do a thorough background check on me? What is his goal? But, isn’t this the first time we’ve met?” Reed started raising his vigilance.

“Reed Chelle, as of now, you…” Lucius' voice trailed off as he walks closer to Reed and peers into his eyes like he has seen through everything.

“What?” Reed replied in anxiousness and over vigilance.

“You…I don’t think two or three more little sisters won’t be a problem now? Just adopt some of my children here!” Lucius said as he clasped Reed’s hands.

“You…like escalating things quickly like this, huh…” Reed said with a dumbfounded expression. “And I’m not interested! Nio is enough for me.” He hurriedly followed.

A comical ambiance replaces the stern atmosphere. Lucius’s stern countenance is overwritten with an amused one as Reed loosen his hostility.

“You’re quite an amusing fellow, lad.” Lucius said with a grin.

“Say, about Nio…” Reed once again spoke in an exasperated tone.

“Worry not for I don’t have a fiddling interest in your relationship with her. Although I am curious about what you might end up doing with her.” Lucius voices out his contradicting concerns.

“You’re not making any sense. Can I take your words to be true? Anything about Nio, can you keep it a secret?” Reed asked with a worried gaze.

“Young Lad, I am a priest. A priest does not lie!” Lucius said with a confident smile.

Upon Lucious dubious declaration, the door of the church slowly opens once more. Reed and Lucius peeled their eyes away from each other and direct their sight at the door.

“Ah, Reed!” Nio enters from the door and started walking at a fast pace towards Reed.

Reed immediately saw Nio with garlands of white flowers in contrast to her sheer raven hair to be really adorable. Flower made to be hairpins dangles from all over her hair giving a really innocent and adorable girl who is loved by nature.


In her thin and frail looking neck also lays a string of flowers and a brooch is inserted on her one-piece white dress. Even her straw hat is decorated to the brim.

“Look!” Nio showed it off to Reed with a blooming smile that seemingly enjoyed herself.

“Ah, so cute! You even smell so good with all the flowers!” Reed said with a melting smile as he immediately took out his phone and snap a shot.

“You took a picture?!” Nio immediately knew what Reed just did and tried to take his phone away, however, due to their difference in height, she can only reach up for it while Reed hovers it upward.

“Nioooo!!” “Niyooon!~” Two girls suddenly called out to Nio as they entered the church with Juggs following behind.

“Ah, sorry priest. These two has gotten too close to the lil sister.” Juggs apologizes.

“It’s nothing sort of even a problem. They are happy, I’m happy.” Lucius said as he warmly gazes at the two girls approaching Nio.

The two girls suddenly clasp closely at Nio with glee and giggles and the girl herself seems to be not bothered by it. In fact, Nio shows how pleases she is with their level skinship even though they just met each other.

“Nio, introduce us to your brother!” Said by the girl with a candid smile while wagging her thick scaly tail. The girl has a gleaming bright topaz iris that greatly compliments her hair tinged with a shade of red. The scales under her jaw is an ashen hue of blood color. All of the indications tell that the girl is of the race of Oreals.

“Reed, listen! This here is Mei-mei and this is Sen-sen!” Nio said as she pointed at the girl earlier as Mei-mei and the other girl as Sen-sen.

“I’m Mei-mei, nice to meet you!” Mei-mei said as she playfully curtsied with her long cream dress. She sprouted another smile as she ruffled her red hair.

“I’m called Sen-sen, pleased to be your acquaintance!” The girl with short fringed blond hair and deep colored ruby eyes with sharp fangs said as she twirls with her cute pleated skirt like appealing to Reed.

“Sen-sen said she is a vampire!” Nio added.

“Yeah, I’m Reed Chelle, Nio’s older brother. I am quite happy to meet all of you.” Reed said as he petted Mei-mei’s and Sen-sen’s head.

Suddenly, Lucius nudges on Reed’s back.

“How is it? Want them? Little sisters? Future brides? Just treat them well.” Lucius whispered daringly behind Reed’s ear.

“I-I’m not interested! Future brides?! In the first place, I’m already in love with someone!” Reed tried to reason out with Lucius.

“Oho? In love with someone, huh.” Lucius muttered back those words with great satisfaction.

“Hmm? Wait, in love with someone? I do? I…I think I am…” A doubt sprouted from Reed’s mind as delve into his thoughts about what he just said.

“A-Anyway, I’m sorry. I can’t adopt anyone here…” Reed said honestly at Mei-mei and Sen-sen.

“No need to apologize because we are living here happily. Being adopted is just one option but, we live a good and satisfying life here.” Mei-mei said.

“Sir Priest teaches us properly about general educations! We can read and write properly and he takes care of us like his real children. Though he is quite eccentric.” Sen-sen said.

“Hey, I’m here.” Lucius snaps at Sen-sen’s rude remark.

“Ahahaha! What about it, Priest?! The girl is on spot!” Juggs laughed and defended Sen-sen.

“Goodness, I am turning into a quite a villain here.” Lucius said while she shakes his head.

Reed couldn’t help but feel warmness swelling from his chest as there’s a light banter happening in front of him. Nio’s importance keeps growing for him as he felt joyous to see her laugh and giggles.

Although their relationship is fake, his feelings for her is simple, honest and sincere. It was nothing that deviates from what he thinks of what an older brother should be to his little sister.

Suddenly, one of Juggs’s henchmen comes rushing inside the church.

“Juggs, a news just came!” He shouted with a countenance sweltered with sweat.

“What is it?” Juggs promptly asked.

“They said that the train operations are halted until tomorrow morning because of an emergency maintenance. The affected lines are from Business District One to Business District Two.” He said.

“Really? The sun has started setting too. Oh well, we still got our motorcycles parked nearby, right? Let’s go home tonight with that.” Juggs suggested with a pained smile.

“Wait a minute! That means…” Reed suddenly grew paler.

“Eh, ah, yeah. It seems you two will be stuck here. If not, you can just call a taxi but that would prove to be quite expensive.” Juggs said as he suddenly realized Reed and Nio’s predicament.

“Now, now, since we had a cliché development, if you want to stay overnight, I can recommend you to a fine classical inn atop of a hill filled with cherry blossoms.” Lucius said as he sprouted a grin once again.

“We are moving too fast again…I need to call home if we were to do that. Otherwise, we’ll just take a taxi.” Reed sprouted a tired countenance as Lucius made a suggestion out of his options.

After a while, Reed’s conversation with his parents over the phone finished in a blink of an eye.

“So?” Juggs urged Reed.

“I did expect their answers but…yeah, they approved. It seems Nio and I will be spending a night at the inn where Lucius said.” Reed said as he took Nio’s hand.

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