《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Mock Examination Chapter 5


Wednesday and Thursday have passed.

Sigrun diligently studied under Seigen Lloyd’s guidance. From class dismissal up until late night where Seigen is even forced to stay the night, they studied to push Sigrun. Seigen himself took upon himself to properly see to it that Sigrun will pass, thus, took his way to even make Sigrun an easy study material.

A few times Sigrun fell into utter despair as he imagined that he will fail and his allowance will take a huge toll, not to mention, Meld hasn’t reaped the punishment yet from his past actions.

Nevertheless, Seigen didn’t give up.

Seigen did his best to the point where he even cooked and cleaned for Sigrun on his own initiative. One of the major family’s heirs, Seigen Lloyd, cook and clean.

Seigen Lloyd, the one called Light Prodigy, willingly volunteered himself as such.

Sigurn is not short-sighted enough not to take notice of Seigen’s selfless efforts. On top of standing as his mentor in studying, he also did mundane chores for him while he studies. That’s why Sigrun promised Seigen that if he passed this mock examination, he will hang out with him on Sunday.

Thus, Friday morning has come. In front of Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy, Seigen and Sigrun walk side by side with an intense atmosphere.

“I have done everything I can to maximize your learning efficiency, as such, I expect a favorable result. This is my only wish, Sigrun. Do your best.” Seigen said as with an emotionless countenance.

“Yeah, I will get that passing mark and prove that our time together isn’t for naught. I won’t let it falter (my allowance) to the brink of nothingness.” Sigrun replied as he made a steadfast stride.

As such conversation floated between them, they both raise their fist and bumps it.

An onlooker, Amaryl Helion, saw the two.

“I heard that Sigrun has returned since Tuesday but…I never thought I’ll miss a lot during my sickness for three days. How did they become so close like this?!” Amaryl said inside her mind with knitted brows.

However, Sigrun and Seigen ignored every murmur, especially Seigen who is quite sensitive about it because he was so popular. All he could think of is about the mock examination Sigrun is about to take.

They parted ways in the halls and proceed to each and their own classes.

Sigrun marches and arrives at his class and found out that everyone is also doing an intense review of the lessons. He still has ten minutes to review everything he learned over these two days. Now, he will put everything into use.

He sat on his seat and booted the techbook under his desk. All the information he has input on his techbook back home is also recorded here, that includes Seigen’s lessons and guides.

A little while, Amaryl arrive and also gasps at the sight as if she just remembered that a mock examination is about to take place. She panics and head straight for her chair.

After another five minutes, a dreadful aura of a battle maniac covers the while atmosphere as Alisa Hertuclaire arrives, filled with lust to win and triumph.

She didn’t have time to talk to Sigrun and went straight to her studies too.


And soon after, Reed Chelle followed carrying a compose atmosphere while reading his hand-written notes.

They rush their mind to painstakingly remember everything.

Soon, the first examination came as Quarts enters the classroom along with a stack of papers.

“Good morning everyone! We won’t be using any electronic gadgets and whatnot for the test today. We will have a properly written examination for you guys to take.” Quarts said as he happily slams the paper on the table.

From his words, some students suddenly fell sullen unbeknownst to Sigrun.

Then, the examination started from Quarts' signal.

Sigrun flips the test paper that was passed earlier and picked up his pen and stared hard at the questions printed on the paper.

“Okay, first is about Exturbos! I’ve been in hell together with Seigen for this but I’ll get over it!” Sigrun fired himself up and starts answering.

As Sigrun filled the first question with certainty, a sudden wave of hostility rushes over his senses. For Sigrun to feel this kind of hostility, the one who releases it must be someone considerably strong.

But Sigrun knows well that no one possesses such power. Instead, he already thought of the one who is releasing such strong hostility and that is none other than the competitive fox girl who is taking this test seriously.

“Miss Hertuclaire is too serious for her own good!~” Quarts thought as he observes Alisa who furiously writes on her test paper. Meanwhile, his sight landed on Reed.

Reed, on the other hand, has calm composure around him, not minding anyone around him. However, his eyes show that there’s no other enemy in this world right now but his test paper.

“Well, Mister Chelle is equally serious, huh?” Quarts inwardly said to himself as he sprouted a smirk. Then he looks straight at front of him and saw the troubled Sigrun.

“Gununu…now I’m stuck! This question is…arrghh…” Sigrun mulled as he stared hard at one number.

“Hahaha, doing his best on his own!” He chuckled internally.

For the duration of the intense examination, internal discords happen, panics inside of the student's minds ensues, and questions about what is life are asked.

In the first place, it was just a mock examination but for some people, it is a mock examination that a shameful display shouldn’t be shown due to being a student of Estelle Academy. Failure means they are not fit for the prestige of the Academy. They have long given up aiming for the top because of the two unmovable rocks called Alisa and Reed.

No one is certain anymore of what they are fighting for. The second test came, the third, and so on and so forth. It is like they are fighting for their lives as the mood is swayed by Alisa’s competitive spirit that contrasts to Reed’s calm dangerous atmosphere.

“Oh god, can’t they just take this test peacefully?!” Amaryl who was caught up in the pace exclaimed inside her mind as she concentrated on her own sheet. “This test questions are all basic, like, we’ve learned most of this back in middle school. Not to mention, this is just a mock examination.” She added.


A silent battlefield where one’s presence becomes a big deal.

And so, the sixth test ends and everyone’s tension loosens.

Alisa and Reed gradually cool down and their usual demeanor returned. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the test ends. Sigrun himself leans on his desk with an exalted expression.

“Ahh…didn’t know that is going to be that hard…” Sigrun muttered with a tired countenance.

“Sig, how did you do with your test?” Suddenly, Alisa threw a lighthearted question out of nowhere as she approached Sigrun from behind.

‘Ugghhh…I am compelled to believe that it is quite taxing. How about…you…?” Sigrun now directed a question mixed with uncertainty.

“So-so!~” Alisa cheerfully answered with a smile.

“……” Sigrun could only sprout a stiffened countenance of the contrasting atmosphere Alisa is showing compared to earlier.

As Sigrun contemplates of what kind of retort he should give to Alisa, Reed comes over with a refreshed glee smile. He taps on Sigrun’s shoulder to get his attention.

“Yo, Sig!” He greeted.

“Yeah, good to see you confident like that, Reed.” Sigrun returned the greeting and forces a smile.

“No, I’m so nervous the whole time! My heart was pounding throughout the day!” Reed replied as he scratches the back of his head with a troubled smile.

“……” Once again, Sigrun looks at Reed with a knitted brow full of doubts.

“Does the two of you have a loose screw or something?” Sigrun asked in all honesty because of how absurd and how wide the gap in their personality from earlier.

After that, Reed and Alisa left early.

For the reason that Reed is still taking care of Nio and her official papers with Meld’s help. It seems that Meld plan is to make Nio take on the name of Chelle since he doesn’t want to be more conspicuous by letting her take the name of Valker.

And then there’s the school for her. It was a worry since Nio speaks in broken words, thus, the needs for her to learn.

As for Alisa, she is still restricted from traveling away from school and house, thus, needs to go home early with a lot of escorts. Being one of the major family in the City, Alisa has a reputation to keep, however, the alone seems to be failing lately.

Sigrun picks himself up and stands before the almost empty classroom as he recovered most of his spirit back. He then suddenly meets with a particular person’s eyes.

“Ah…haven’t seen you in a while.” Sigrun said as he sprouted a friendly smile to Amaryl.

“Well…I’ve been sick…” Amaryl turned her head to Sigrun and gave a polite bow.

“Eh? Good thing you are well now. Want to hang out? Since the test just finished, we ought to have a little celebration, right?” Sigrun said to Amaryl.

“Sorry, I have something else to do today with Lady Esser…see you around.” Amaryl said in a hurry as if she was avoiding Sigrun.

Amaryl left Sigrun in haste.

“That’s expected…” Sigrun solemnly said as he made a bitter smile. “Things can’t simply go back like how I left them. It seems I have to rebuild some relationship after all.” Sigrun added as he resolves himself.

Without nothing else to do, Sigrun decided to go home and lay down.

So that’s what he planned in his mind but, upon laying his eyes on the gate of the academy, Seigen is already there waiting for him. As soon as they made eye contact, Seigen immediately walked towards Sigrun.

“How’s the test?” Seigen asked hurriedly with a calm voice.

“I really don’t know how it will turn out. I don’t want to hold much doubt but I don’t want to be confident of it either. Say, have you been waiting for me?” Sigrun, after answering his question, returned a query.

“I just realized that you promised to hang out with me on Sunday but…won’t the result comes out on Monday or even Tuesday? That’s why let’s hang out now.” Seigen said as he beckons Sigrun.

“Not a bad idea. Let’s talk at the café where we met.” Sigrun suggested a place gleefully.

Upon his suggestion, the two of them walks together while being inconspicuous of the stares they are receiving. They did no small talk, just a walk with matching pace. It may start new rumors about them but it’s none of their business by the end of the day.

They arrived once again at Riria Coffee shop and they are greeted by Lecia.

“Ah, It’s you two again! Welcome! Please make yourself comfortable!” Lecia said with a bright and sunny smile.

Sigrun then turns his head towards the counter and saw Rita smiling softly at them with flustered cheeks.

Seeing that the same spot as last time is vacant again Sigrun and Seigen seated themselves in the chair as Lecia strides stop at front of the table.

“Lecia, I want to order the same thing last time. Black, no sugar, no creamer.” Sigrun said.

“Such refined taste. Then, I shall order an iced coffee with a cream top.” Seigen then followed with his order.

“I understand! One black coffee and one iced coffee with a cream top, coming right up!” Lecia said as she dashes off with their orders.

Then, Sigrun then faces Seigen with a smile floated.

“Now then, let’s get down to business. Seigen, what do you want to learn from me?” Sigrun asked.

“…I see. You also took consideration of that.” Seigen replied with widened eyes.

“I won’t grant you power but, I could give you knowledge. What do you want? Ancient magic? Knowledge of alchemy from the past? Arts of war?” Sigrun listed some of tempting suggestion, however, Seigen shook his head.

“It’s none of those that you mentioned. What I want to learn is…the origin. How and why magic existed. I hope I can expect answers from you, Sigrun.” Seigen said in a heavy and serious tone.

“Very well then, I shall foretell you that I may be a little vague of something and I may hide some crucial things about me. Is that fine?” Sigrun said with a condition.

“Yeah, please tell me.” Seigen briefly answered.

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