《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Mock Examination Chapter 2


“I…still don’t get it.” Sigrun said as he mulls over the lesson that has transpired today. Leaning on the extravagant bed he was given by Meld, he sighed with a tired countenance.

“I absolutely can’t get over the usage of magical energy as the medium for conjuring elemental magic. Not to mention, there’s also about the Exturbos in which I don’t see any real purpose if people can reach greater heights of power.” Sigrun knitted his brows, thinking how pointless having that huge chunk of metals fight.

He unfastens the necktie and opens his shirt slightly a little by one button and lets out another sigh.

“At this rate, I am going broke! Well, not really but, after returning here with the pretense of running away from home as the story that Sir Quarts told people, I don’t want to show something embarrassing to Meld.” Sigrun buried his face on the bed.

“Haa…I don’t want to stay in this house for a while. I think I’ll go study at the café near the business district. If it is that near, I don’t think anyone would mind.” Sigrun pumped himself and stood up to gather his bag full of notes and study materials.

Sigrun left his house that was located on the premise of Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy and sent out to seek the café he was referring to. To the west side of the Academy District lies one of the four business districts and in the boundary between them is a café.

He kept his hat with him and since today is quite chilly and not to stand out, he wore a scarf. Since it was just around afternoon, he met with a lot of pedestrian throwing glances at him and furthermore, people taking photos without permission again but, as for Sigrun, it was nothing.

Then, as he arrived at the café, he nonchalantly entered and immediately found himself a table next to the café’s window.

The café’s interior was not quite bland but it gives off a casual and classical ambiance especially made to create a firm and still atmosphere. The wooden flooring painted with robust brown to look like exactly as a chopped lumber and the ceiling plainly painted with the same textile.

There’s also a classic wooden counter with a girl polishing cups of coffee and another employee who is attending and waiting for customers. Both wear lovely frilled uniforms and their hairstyle are charming.

What’s more, they are thoroughly trained to have a good etiquette and would always smile for the customer. As such, since Sigrun is a customer, the girl responsible for waiting approaches him.

“Welcome to Riria Café, what can I do for you today, Sir?” The girl said with a smile as the two leaves dangling atop of her head perks.

“Um…Black coffee.” Sigrun said as he stares at the leaves on the girl’s head.


“Yes, coming right up! Would you like some sugar cubes and creamer prepared separately or mixed?” The girl followed a polite question.

“No, I’ll drink it as it is so there’s no need to bother.” Sigrun replied as he tried to peel his eyes away from the dangling leaves.

“Understood! Please wait a moment!~” The girl left with a skip.

“……” Sigrun stared at the girl’s leaving figure.

“…What was that?! It’s so cute!” Sigrun said in his mind with exalted voice.

“What race did she come from? Why does she wear a lovely twintails? Her pinkish hair is quite cute and her bright yellow eyes are like topaz.” Sigrun asked those question to himself while taking out his notes.

Meanwhile, Sigrun thew a glance at the girl at the counter. The girl Sigrun observing has two tiny horn peeking out from her bangs that covered half of her face. Her eyes are docile and the soft expression on her countenance is quite alluring as if she is a small animal.

“That’s…an Alpsis. She, contrary to the girl earlier, seems gloomy. With that face she is wearing, I bet…it’s fun to tease someone like her.” Sigrun thought as he pulled his sight away as the girl noticed him staring.

Realizing that Sigrun has been staring at her, the girl’s cheeks ignites in a light blush.

“Damn…I think I picked the wrong place to study. If I am here, I’d definitely do nothing but stare at them. That’s maybe why there are a lot of customers too.” Sigrun observes his surrounding and found out that several customers are also staring at the girls, whilst, not knowing that he is also part of the gallery.

A young boy that can be easily mistaken as a girl, wearing a scarf around his neck with a lovely gentle expression. His dark hair invites mystery and his ashen dark irises imbue a gasp to anyone who would stare while skimming on some notes, no wonder one would have their eyes pulled towards him.

“Thank you for waiting! Here’s your coffee! Oh, are you studying?” The girl who noticed Sigrun’s notes asked.

“Yes, we’ll be having a mock examination on Friday but, I am still having difficulty with the lessons.” Sigrun said with a wry smile.

“Um…with your uniform, by chance, you are a student at Estelle Academy? So prestigious! Well, though there are several students from that academy that comes here, you are the only one with this really significant atmosphere.” The girl said while returning a gleeful smile.

“Is it really that amazing? Well, anyway, my name’s Sigrun. May I know yours?” Sigrun asked as he reaches out a hand for a handshake.

“Oh, ah, eh? I’m Lecia and the girl over there, the bartender, her name is Rita.” The girl said in panic from Sigrun’s sudden question but nonetheless, shook his hand.


“Ahahaha, to suddenly introduce someone else like a family, that’s quite the energy.” Sigrun complimented.

“Ehehe, is it weird?” Lecia asked as she hid her face behind the metallic round tray.

“Yeah, but in a way that it won’t invite negative impression. It’s adorable if I do say myself.” Sigrun threw a one-liner heartstring puller to the innocent girl.

“Is that so…Thank you…I’ll return to my job now. Thank you for the brief conversation.” Lecia bowed before leaving.

Lecia, seeing that no one needs her service, returned to the wooden counter and sat beside Rita with a timid countenance.

“Lecia…why…?” Rita, who hunches her back to whisper, asked her.

“I’m sorry, Rita. I got swayed again.” Lecia meekly apologizes.

“No, it’s…nothing. More importantly, that boy is Sigrun Valker, the son of Meld Valker, the headmaster of Estelle Academy…” Rita informed Lecia.

“A bigshot?!” Lecia screamed in surprise.

“Shhh, calm down!” Rita scolded her lightly with her whispering voice.

“I’m sorry…It was just…ain’t that too sudden? Now I am more nervous! He is totally staring at us too…” Lecia voices out her worry.

“Yes…I also noticed it.” Rita added her confirmation.

“What do we do?!” Lecia asked in a fluster.

“Eh? Why are you asking me? I guess none. Treat him as any other customer.” Rita suggested quite frankly.

“That’s the correct thing to do, I guess. Though, I still wonder why he kept throwing glances at us…” Lecia wondered as she sways her head that also swayed the two budding leaves atop of her head.

“I think I know for sure why he keeps staring at Lecia…however…why me too? I’m just bland and boring…” Rita mulled as her mood worsens a little.

Meanwhile, Sigrun concentrates on his study while sipping the piping hot coffee on his cup.

“At this rate, I’m not going to get anything done. I should slowly skim through the part that I don’t even have the slightest idea. If only someone could actually teach me about these things, that would surely be a blessing.” Sigrun muttered to himself as he started reading again.

“Alisa is quite unavailable at the moment since the only place she can travel for now is the academy to her house and vice versa. It’s not surprising for her given her standing. Reed is…he headed home early with Nio to buy some clothes for her. That too can’t be helped. I don’t have the face to make Meld help me too…” Sigrun’s thoughts races as he started leaning his face on the table.

“Ah, this is…really hard…” He once again said coupled with a sigh.

Sigrun started losing his motivation bit by bit, not until what he will saw the next moment.

“Ah…that’s…!” He gasped out the window as he saw a familiar face.

Without second thoughts, he stood up from his seat and went outside the café. He inhales some breath and called out to him.

“Seigen Lloyd!” He shouted to capture the attention of Seigen who is wandering in the streets with a worried countenance.

“Ah, it’s Sir Sigrun. It’s fancy meeting you at such place.” Seigen said as he moved next to Sigrun while bowing lightly as a form of respect.

“Don’t be so stiff! Also, drop the sir in my name and just call me Sig.” Sigrun admonished Seigen’s respectful words.

“Well then…Sigrun…” Seigen said in a low voice as he looks around. He immediately noticed that Sigrun himself has gathered quite an attention which he himself deter to have.

“Well, that works for now. I’ll be frank as I am pressed for time! Seigen, could you please tutor me?” Sigrun said as he bowed his head while clasping his hands.

“P-Please, don’t do such thing! If I am to be of help to Sigrun, I’ll gladly lend you a hand.” Seigen immediately accepted his request.

“Really? Then, come, come inside the café! I have my study materials there!” Sigrun pulled on Seigen’s hand as he dragged him into the café.

He urges Seigen who is quite confused about the sudden situation to seat and showed all of his notes. However, Seigen immediately showed a perplexed countenance upon laying his eyes upon the notes. Which, in return, made Sigrun knits his brows.

“What’s wrong? Are they badly written or there is something wrong with it?” Sigrun timidly asked.

“Umm…there are several miscalculations and things that need to be corrected, however, my most worry is that…Sigrun, we have a techbook. They are provided both in school and in our houses. In a total of two in which what, you typed in the techbook in the school will be recorded in the techbook in your house. You have such thing, don’t you?” Seigen explained.

“Now that you mentioned it…there was one back in my house…” Sigrun replied in utter shock.

“I see…this is quite troubling, however, for now, let’s make do with what we have. I am free this afternoon until dusk so I’ll be thorough with you.” Seigen said.

“Yes! Please do!” Sigrun answered energetically to the princely boy.

Then, for Lecia and Rita who found themselves graced with another man with a big and sparkly atmosphere, they cower in the shade of the wooden counter.

“They are too bright…!” Rita said as she curled while hugging her knees.

“That other guy…that’s Seigen Llyod…right? Oh…wow…one of the major families…” Lecia said with a stiff smile with trembling hands.

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