《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, The Stirring Moments Chapter 5


The horizon is dyed with fleeting blue sky with a crystal clear ocean beneath it that sends calm and rousing waves. The sandy white beach permeated with the salty smell of the sea wafts and the boundary of the tropical ocean to the grassy lands is set forth behind.

On the beautiful escapade brought by nature, a girl wearing a pure white sundress bask in the sun as she curiously looks at the beauty brought forth. Her silvery hair flips together in the breeze that it makes a wave in the air and her beautiful pale tanned skin glistens as she was drenched in water.

“Ah, this is…beautiful. Is this what you wanted to show me? Truly, what a magnificent place filled with wonder. Say, am I making a smiling face right now?” The girl turns around and her topaz like irises stares back with wonder as her bright cheery smile beheld.

“I am? So…this is a smile brought to happiness. I know, I’ve been doing this expression a lot ever since we got closer. My heart as well started thumping with ba-dump sound. This is love as well, right? Does that mean that this love exists between you and me? I’m happy.” The girl spoke in delight with a heartfelt joy.

“I wish to learn more. About this world where I keep the balance, about this place that gives me this upbeat feeling, and about you who gave me an opportunity to be this joyous.” The girl peered closer with her lips plucked.

“And this is…the kiss you are talking about. I still don’t get why it makes my heart race every time I do it with you. Ehehe, are you surprised? I am as well embarrassed by my sudden conduct.” With a bashful smile, the girl laughs.

“Swimsuit? The one that you had tailored yesterday? Hmm? Should I wear it? Ahehe, very well. It just might be one of your lecherous conducts but I don’t hate it. As long as I know that you are pleased with it.” Another heartfelt smile floats on the girl’s lips as she takes several steps backward. The hem of her dressed flutters and her striking beauty becomes even more dazzling.

“We can go together again. Let’s play a lot and talk a lot about ourselves. That’s why…Sig…don’t ever hate this world for me, okay?” As she said those fleeting words, the world started becoming dim.

Slowly, everything started breaking down together with the girl. Blurred and hazy, things have taken a darker turn.

And then…

“Ah…” With trembling eyelids met with a bright light, Sigrun opens his eyes.

“Have you come, Great One?” A voice breached into Sigrun’s hearing.

“I can’t believe that I’ll be getting a nap on a lap by a guy…” Sigrun muttered as he faces Weh who is dearly holding his head.

Holding onto his faint consciousness, Sigrun observes his surrounding and found out that he lays down on the ground while Weh is tending to him. Relief came when he found that his neck is intact.

“Worry not, Sigrun. We have attached your body without foreboding problems. The tuning of this world’s magical energy is a success to be reckoned as well. On top of that, the gallant me showed you a piece of a wonderful dream!~ Aren’t I a precious girl?” Yah said as she walks over to them with a smile.


“I see. Thank you, Yah. Thanks too, Weh.” Sigrun simply said as he stood up.

“You are indeed most welcome. We offer you our gratitude as well, Sigrun, for keeping our desires in check.” Weh said as he slightly bows his head.

“On that note, Weh, now that you guys have calmed down, I’d like to further hear about the details of Zephyrus having a descendant. I’ve never heard of such thing.” Sigrun queried with knitted brows.

“Yes, we must tell you such thing.” Weh muttered with distant eyes.

“Let me speak on behalf of Zephyrus.” Yah presented herself.

The story goes as such…

Aeon ago, specifically, Four Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Two years ago, one of the Vajras, Zephyrs the Vajra of Wind, first developed empathy and emotions among everyone.

Zephyrus ceased all functions as a Vajra and seeks further knowledge of the heart of people. He was the first one who walked among the mortals of Aldieas as he took a form of a human and set his life along with them.

In his search for meaning, Zephyrus fell for a noble human girl.

He studied human culture in the olden time and learned how to court a girl. Zephyrus even attained a standing within their society through knowledge alone.

However, at that olden times, things aren’t enough for him and the girl to be together. For the noble girl who also reciprocated his passion, Zephyrus has become desperate.

He took the girl’s hand and ran away with her.

They both indulged in each other’s embrace and their yearning passion bore fruit.

However, even Zephyrus knows that his mingling with the mortals has its limits. Having no heart to lie to his betrothed any further, Zephyrus told of her the truth in which the girl willingly accepted him. But, due to his inclination to invoke his job as a Vajra, Zephyrus sent the woman away from the place where she will surely live.

As such, the girl birthed to their child safely, far from the calamity that he and his fellow Vajra will evoke to this world.

“I understand it now even though it’s a little vague. However, how did you guys determined Zephyrus’s descendant? Surely after thousands of years, his blood among the people are now thin.” Sigrun said with a serious countenance.

“Oh, it is thin as you said but, there’s one factor that made that thin blood flow vigorously again.” Yah said with a feeble smirk.

“Was it, your core fragments?” Sigrun threw a doubting query.

“No, it is as you said, Great One. It’s our core that resonated with his blood. Through the thin blood of the Vajra inside him, we were able to discern his lineage without a problem. Ah, but rest assured since it won’t hinder his everyday life and we won’t interfere.” Weh said his reassurance with a slight shrug.

“We do not want any contact with a mere mortal, even if they happen to have a single speck of blood of a Vajra inside them, casually.” Yah said while cocking her head closer to Sigrun.

“I see…then, here’s my last question. What are the Eight Tomb Ruins?” Sigrun once again queries.

“Oh? Sigrun, can you find satisfaction by seeking all the answers from us? I never knew you turned this boorish after mingling with those mortals.” Yah said with a disappointed countenance.


“I see, if that’s how you guys wanted it, I shall refrain from asking about it. Incidentally, I think it’s time for me to head back.” Sigrun stated as he turns his sight to the place where he entered.

“Is that so? Then, our little talk ends here. Weh and I are going to take another nap as we wait for you again. We do not rush you but be duly aware that we two have our needs too.” Yah said as a reminder as they start floating away.

“Until next time, Great one. I am indeed in hopes that you see to it yourself your promise with her.” Weh said as their visage started disappearing from Sigrun’s sight.

Left all by himself, Sigrun looks down with a grimace.

“You don’t have to tell me that…” He muttered with a low voice.

With that bearing in his mind, Sigrun left the enclosed space while leaving no trail of the portal behind. He once again beheld the lake atop of the mountain with the glistening cosmic sky covering the world.

Upon his descent again to the world, Sigrun immediately took notice of the presence staring at him from a distance.

“Great one…presence…felt.” Nio’s broken words reached Sigrun’s ears.

“Fafnir’s daughter, huh? Aren’t you together with Reed?” Sigrun asked while walking gently towards her.

“Savior sleep, fox sleep.” Nio uttered those words.

“I see…” Sigrun said under his breath as he stares at Nio from top to bottom with empty eyes. He momentarily contemplated something before reaching his hands out to Nio’s shoulders.

“Don’t make any noise, don’t make any sound. Whatever happens, keep your current appearance.” He said as he pushes her down on the ground.

Nio didn’t show any surprise or shock, she just nodded from Sigrun’s words as she obediently lay down on the ground while she spreads her arms.

With skilled and dextrous hand, Sigrun swarms his palm atop of Nio’s chest, however, he suddenly stops.

“I’m sorry. You can move now.” He said as he moves away from Nio. “That’s not something I should be doing to anyone after all even if I feel this lonely in my heart…” Sigrun voices it inside his heart.

“Great one…? You…want…copulation?” Nio said quizzically.

“Don’t mind.” Sigrun simply replied.

“In a few years, Nio will also be copulating with her very father, Fafnir. It’s something natural for their race to procreate between parent and child. I really don’t have any reason as to not but, this is just plain wrong. What I did to Alisa earlier is wrong too…” Sigrun mulled.

“Come, you shall have a rest too. Tomorrow, we shall return you to your father.” Sigrun said to Nio as he beckons her inside.

As such, quite time has passed when Alisa, Reed, and Nio slept.

Minding that they need to come home, Alisa and Reed woke up quite earlier than Sigrun anticipated. For that matter, they immediately protested to go home.

Of course, with none being left behind.

However, Sigrun and everyone encountered another problem upon returning Nio to Fafnir.

Standing in front of them in his black dragon form, Fafnir gave a deep bow towards their group.

“I deeply apologize for my daughter imposing to you, Great One. For my further request, I shall be conveying my sincerest apology.” Fafnir said.

“What could it be that you tried so hard to extract my forgiveness?” Sigrun asked with knitted brows.

“My wife, whom my previous granddaughter, told me that I shouldn’t keep Nio with me any longer. She said that she wants to take Nio away from me but I know better that she wants her to be raised for someone else, as such, won’t you take Nio with you? Down where the mortal live…” Fafnir further dug his head into the ground.

Hearing such plea, Emeralda broke into a huge grin.

“Oh? Oh?! OH?! Is that so?! You want us to take care of your daughter? IS THAT SO?!” Emeralda said with an exalted voice.

“…Well…for one, you saw my daughter's potential, right? She was able to block your strongest attack.” Fafnir bantered back with a mocking voice.

“Kuh…! True, your daughter’s barrier is far sturdier than the father’s.” Emeralda flinched a little before biting back.

“Even among us, she is somewhat odd. Doing her best to learn the mortal language. She can even keep her human form indefinitely even with so much discomfort. Every dragon born here has a high magical energy output, however, my daughter Nio, is an abnormal one.” Fafnir explained.

“Yeah, I felt how exceedingly strong your daughter’s magical energy. But, I still don’t see any viable reason to take her along.” Sigrun said with a cold voice.

“That’s…I am truly…” Fafnir’s voice trembles from Sigrun’s reply.

“In the first place, even I have to be taken care of down there myself. Are you implying to burden my friends any more?” Sigrun followed another question without a tinge of yielding.

“Me! I’ll take care of her! I’ll train her to submi—I mean I’ll make sure to give her proper education!” Emeralda suddenly raises her hand.

“Well, now that’s dangerous.” Sigrun said with a disgusted face.

“Who?!” Emeralda retorted with a flabbergasted countenance.

“Anyway, Emeralda, if you are saying that you’ll take care of her, does that mean you’ll keep her, correct? Are you fine with that, Fafnir?” Sigrun confirmed it with Fafnir.

“Uhh…” Fafnir’s hesitating voice resounded.

The person in question, Nio, is actually clinging to Reed who is just listening quietly together with Alisa. Even as Emeralda approaches her, she’ll just steer away and use Reed as a shield.

“I think it’s fine.” Fafnir briefly said without second thoughts.

“That’s too fast for a response regarding your daughter’s safety. Just to be sure, what is your real plan for your daughter?” Sigrun asked with a glare.

“Eh…I actually thought that it would be better if she learns further than we already have here. And to choose a man to her liking. This is a good opportunity for me to send her off actually so that’s why I am asking.” Fafnir explained as he makes a sidelong glance at Reed.

“Fine, I’ll play along with your whim, Fafnir. We’ll take Nio with us with the pretense of marriage, okay?” Sigrun asked.

“Yes, please take care of my daughter.” Fafnir directed those words to the dumbfounded Reed.

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