《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, The Stirring Moments Chapter 4


Emeralda walks in the hallway of Sigrun’s mansion with stealthy strides. She knew something is going on between Reed and Alisa right now, however, she is only limited to intuition and the strong perception of their presence.

“What are they doing right now?” Emeralda asked herself with a grin as she moves like a wind. She cannot calm the excitement welling up from her chest.

“To think that Sigrun would want to be involved with those two though. Maybe he wants a three-way relationship with them?” She once again speculated a question.

Her movement is flawless, her presence is thoroughly erased, and her breathing blends well with the atmosphere. That was the truth until she arrived in front of the room where Reed and Alisa are.

As she set her foot in front of the door, an unfavorable creak made by the wood clearly announced her presence.

“Oh crap!” She exclaimed inside her mind as the creak created a noise.

Since her presence is already announced, Emeralda fixes her posture and straightened her back before opening the wooden sliding door. She puts on a nonchalant expression and with a cool greeting, she entered.

“Hey there, how are you guys doing?” Emeralda was able to say it with a casual tone.

However, in front of her, Reed and Alisa are clearly not.

With the exception of Nio who happens to be in the place, Reed and Alisa are both looking down as they hang their heads which dyed cerise. They both sat away from each other at a considerable distance, however, the folds in their clothes and how sloppy they sat, it’s relevant to say that they separated from each other in rush.

“Did they do it, or did they not?! I can’t just ask them straight up!” Emeralda brooded inside her mind as she looks alternately at Reed and Alisa. “At this moment, there’s only one I can ask, huh?” She thought as she glances at Nio.

“Nio, dear, what has transpired here?~” Emeralda asked Nio with a smile.

“…Savior, foxy are--!?” Before Nio could finish her words, Reed immediately covered her mouth.

“Nothing really, Lady Emeralda…” Reed uttered in a weak voice barely audible.

“We were just talking, that’s all!” Alisa supported Reed’s claim.

Emeralda could only squint her eyes in suspicion. Upon her inspecting gaze, Reed and Alisa started sweating profusely as if they are actually guilty, however, Emeralda cannot just be certain of it if they really did it or not.

“So if Sigrun does it, they were fine. I just don’t understand these two but that’s what makes them interesting!” Emeralda inwardly said as she sprouted a smile on her lips. “They both admire Sigrun, that’s a fact. If, and if, Sigrun started craving for them, then it would be inevitable for them to have a relationship.” She once again noted such circumstances in her mind.


“Okay, for now, you two should thoroughly rest. We’ll depart on Sigrun’s signal. Although the travel may be a little short, we can’t have you two endure any more fatigue. On that note, you two will miss one day at school.” Emeralda announces.

Upon hearing the word school, Alisa and Reed started trembling.

“Yeah…school…I bet my mother is worried now…” Reed muttered as he remembered what he told his mother before leaving the house. “I actually forgot to call Enheirt. I hope he gets the signal and makes up some excuse for me.” He added with eyes brimming with despair.

However, Reed’s worries are incomparable to Alisa as her face becomes white as a sheet.

“Come to think of it, Sigrun once said that a maid is spying on me wherever I go. If that’s the case, then my household would be in a great panic right now…” Alisa said in a shaky tone. “I forgot my phone too…In the first place, can we even get a reception here? I wonder how many people are waiting for my new blog? Argh…I’m so worried right now…” She added.

“Ah…” Emeralda’s only reaction.

“I bet her face is being broadcasted throughout the city right now. From television to the internet, she must be a missing person with top priority. I forgot her position in the open society…” Emeralda suppressed her worry too as she just remembered what kind of standing Alisa has.

“Ah…” Reed also reacted slightly with the same thought as Emeralda.

“You know, we won’t be leaving here anytime unless Sigrun said so. Taking you two back with me will also be the same method. Rest now and regret it later, okay?~” Emeralda said as she leaves the room with a smile.

Upon Emeralda’s words, Alisa heaves a heavy sigh.

“Haa, there’s nothing else we can do now. I’m tired so I am going to sleep.” She said as she tucks herself back onto the futon laid down for her.

“I see…Well then, Alisa, I’ll go now. Goodnight.” Reed said with a wry smile as he takes Nio with him.

“Put that child some clothes on and take her to me. Don’t think I’ll let you sleep with her.” Alisa uttered from her bed towards Reed.

“Ahahaha…” Reed could only laugh nervously as Alisa chides on him.

And so, with that, Reed and Alisa sought each of their own rest while Emeralda continues intoxicating herself with liquor as much as possible.

What they do not know, a process of tuning the flow of Magical Energy of Aldieas is currently on-going.

In the enclosed space where Sigrun together with Yah and Weh are, they gathered around the coffin made out of stone with intricate carvings.

“I stand in your presence, Order.” Sigrun said as he gently brushes his hand on the top of the earthen coffin.


The strongest among the Vajras, the one who stands atop all ten of them below, Order, the Vajra of Cosmos, lay rested here.

Upon her command, the very universe will move.

Upon her command, all livings will do her biddings.

Upon her command, the world shall meet its end.

Upon her absolute command, the rest of the Vajras with Yah and Weh as an exception, they will lose their powers.

However, none of these ever happened in reality. As the Keeper of the Balance and the wielder of a Cosmic Blade pertaining to stability, Order never desires to take control things forcibly.

And upon her end, she was the sweetest and the most irresistible woman that Sigrun only loved.

“The promise that I made with you, I’m still doing my best to keep it. And I’m sorry if I just recently gave the people a chance.” Sigrun dearly muttered with gentle eyes.

“That’s right, Sigrun dear, after hiding yourself for three thousand four hundred thirty-eight years, you’ve finally decided to find in your heart to show up.” Yah said as she crept her hands on Sigrun’s body from behind.

“Finally, the beautiful existence namely Sigrun will sully himself with the mortal once more. How vexing, yet attractive.” Weh said as he started holding Sigrun’s cheeks and fiddles with his hair as he pulls it to his nose.

“”The beautiful Sigrun who is the very definition of hypocrisy.”” Yah and Weh simultaneously said.

Upon their words, Sigrun couldn’t do anything but fell into bitter anguish. He could not retort, he could not say anything in defense, he could not shake off the two Supreme Existence that holds the power of Creation and Destruction.

Yah, the Vajra of Creation.

She is an existence that solely contradicts her nature as she is intoxicated with the idea of destruction. She desires the break down of her creation and she loves to see things fade away as it crumbles. It was nothing less of sane, even for a Vajra.

Weh, the Vajra of Destruction.

Nothing less can be said too as he also contradicts his nature. He loves creation and would like to exercise his supreme power to break everything. He loves birth and creation to the point that he is inseparable to Yah.

A twisted existence that solely exists for each other.

The two Vajra’s, upon the defeat of Order, voluntarily handed their cores to Sigrun, however, because of their nigh-infinite power, they can still exist.

But their powers are limited.

They are such existence that also won’t threaten the world. Specifically, they do not have the desire to mingle with the world which is Aldieas. To come to terms with their cravings, the only way to satisfy themselves is through inflicting death and revival by someone who does not originate from this world.

“Sigrun my dear, let’s do it now.~” Yah said as she pulls on Sigrun’s hand.

“It has been a long time since we’ve stilled our cravings. Only you, our precious Sigrun, can we do such thing.” Weh said as he started licking on Sigrun’s neck.

“……” Sigrun didn’t resist, he didn’t show any opposition. He just let Yah and Weh do as they please to him.

“Ah!~ Sigrun, Sigrun, Sigrun! Our plaything, our toy, our most precious! Please, break once more in front of us!” Yah shouted in euphoria as she violently stripped Sigrun’s kimono to show his bare body.

“Your neck should serve as our best respite. This pearly white neck that became beautiful and untainted, this is the neck that I wanted to see.” Weh said as once again licks Sigrun’s neck vigorously.

“Break him! Break him! Break him! Go insane like before! Go insane as your memories are slowly consumed by your madness! Ahaha! Sigrun my dear, you are dearly our most favorite!” Yah immediately urged Weh.

In the hand of Weh, a pitch black scythe manifested from thin air. It has an unworldly gleam that one would avert their eyes from how it is sinister in color.

“The overflow of the Magical Energy the could potentially break the leyline of the world, remember your jobs.” Sigrun said as he sighs and prepares his self.

“Of course, Great One. We shall tune the world and use every excess and unneeded magical energy to revive you. Oh, how beautiful that process is.” Weh said as he raises the scythe diagonally.

Upon seeing his impending decapitation, Sigrun closes his eyes.

What memory would he lose from his old world? He couldn’t remember it anymore. He couldn’t even get a single glimpse of what life he led from that world. He could only sigh in relief as nothing relevant would be lost upon his punishment.

“Weh, try to be careful not to mow down his hair.” Yah said with a grin.

“You wouldn’t have to worry about that, Yah. Oh, on a side note, Sigrun.” Weh’s voice resounded to Sigrun’s ears as he called out to him.

“You gave a fragment of our cores to a mortal, correct? Is it because you knew that the boy is a long descendant of Zephyrus? Well, no matter.” Weh then swings the scythe.

Upon Weh’s words that shook Sigrun from the very core, he opened his eyes in shock just to meet the scythe that decapitated him.

All he could remember is his head rolling on the ground before succumbing to death.

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