《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, The Stirring Moments Chapter 2


“How is this? Is this to your liking, Miss Alisa Hertuclaire? This is a refined diamond which I personally bought from Ehon City.” A man in his early twenties said as he presented a thumb-sized diamond in a ring to the young Alisa who is sitting on a grandiose throne.

“Oh? Another one? This is getting tiresome. Just how crude and bleak these people’s brains? They are clearly presenting me something garbage.” The young Alisa who is wearing a beautiful lace gown decorated with frills and ribbons.

The gift presented to Alisa was taken by a maid and lined it up together with several more gifts of extravagant price. Despite that, the young Alisa looks at them with dead eyes as if they worth nothing more than a pebble.

It was her tenth birthday but Alisa, in the middle of her birthday party surrounded with extravagant ambiance, is attending to her suitors.

“All are the same. See me nothing but a pathway to fame and further wealth. Deplorable people with no sane hobbies. Nothing but leechers who want to smooch my father’s feet. I, myself can earn as much wealth as my father in my age.” Alisa thought of those cold words which she cannot express openly.

“Oh, Miss Hertuclaire…!” Another man said with a horrible smile.

“Again, another one. This time, it’s a middle-aged man with horrible stench and bulging belly.These animals never learn.” Alisa’s eyes grew colder as she stares down at the fat man.

“How stale.” Alisa’s words together with her glare made the man jolt from his place with a pale face as she kicks the gift presented in front of her. The gift is another jewelry that she herself doesn’t even have a speck of interest.

“Logic has far transcended from these people’s pint-sized brains. Ogling me like a prized treasure when they themselves are nothing more than a pile of rotting garbage. It makes me want to vomit.” Alisa rested her head on her arm as she beckons the next suitor.

That is such the nature of the young Alisa.

Sees people nothing more than a pebble on the roadside, heart wretched with thorns as she knew when she grows older, such fate of being married forcibly to someone she doesn’t even know is inevitable, possibly to another man with equal influence and fame.

Next up from the lined suitors is a human with shiny blond hair and clear blue eyes. His demeanor is unlike any other human she saw as his visible age seems easily discernable but the air around him gave out that he is somewhat older than what he looks.

“Oh my, please don’t glare so much, Miss Hertuclaire. I’ve come not as a suitor but someone who is just obligated to hand you a gift from a young boy who was here earlier.” The man said as he expresses a confident smile.

“Just get it over with.” Alisa said with a bored voice.

“Yes. Here it is. It came from a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. Please remember it.” The man once again smiled and hand over three flowers. Not a rose, not anything fancy, just simple dandelions which were carefully wrapped in a pink transparent paper.


“What kind of a joke is this? Presenting me with something that is obviously plucked from somewhere dirty.” Alisa said with disdaining eyes towards the flowers.

“Is it? It might be. But, isn’t this more fitting gift for your tender age? That’s something logical, right?” The man smiled.

“I see…” Alisa wasn’t able to say anything back.

“The boy who wanted to hand this to you have to go home early. What he did brought is something he thought of fitting for the girl of the same age.” The man said as he hands over the flowers to the maid.

The maid then walks off with the flowers with the intention of disposing of it.

“Wait!” Alisa shouted at the maid.

“What could it be, my lady?” The maid replied courteously.

“…Vase it.” Alisa ordered the maid without returning a look at the maid. The maid once again curtsied to Alisa before taking off.

“Well then, I have a business to attend to. Hmm, I wonder where your father is.” The man said as he stood up and walks off with wandering eyes.

Alisa gazes at the man’s back with displease. Suddenly, a little girl wearing a simple pink laced gown with bunny ears and the same golden hair runs up to the man and hold onto his hand.

After that encounter, before the party ends, Eould Hertuclaire, Alisa’s father, announces that he will no longer accept suitors for her daughter.

That one night forever changes Alisa’s life as her father became more lenient and supportive of her own desires. The same night, Alisa stared at the dandelion at the vase while mulling over of who was the man, of who was the boy who gave it to her, and what is she going to do from now on.

“This is…frustrating. That boy got a nerve to unsettle my mind like this!” Alisa said with a voice tinged with irritation but what she doesn’t know, her eyes are warmly staring at the flowers.

Her eyes slowly close and everything becomes hazy. She fell asleep as those thoughts keep bothering her mind.

“Hngh…” Alisa’s voice leaks out as she once again opens her eyes that trembles

What behold in front of her is a furnished wooden ceiling. She immediately noticed that her body is covered with a warm and comfortable futon and the fact that she is lying down.

“Where…am I?” She asked herself as she slowly rises from her rest and glances over to the opened sliding door. What beheld in front of her is the beautiful and worldly scenery of the night sky filled with bright and shiny constellation with green and blue aurora that dances throughout the space.

“Beautiful…” Alisa’s heart races as her eyes twinkle in bewilderment.

“Ah, I feel really light too. Maybe because of my current clothes? It’s been a while since I dreamt of that day…” Alisa’s eyes soften as she recalls her dream and examines the flower-themed eastern clothes she was dressed up.

“In the end, I never knew who was that man or that boy…” She muttered to herself as she brings her groomed and fluffy tail in front of her and brushes it tenderly with her fox ears drooping.


“That’s called Kimono, the one you are wearing. I made it myself.” A voice suddenly resounded behind her.

“Eh? Ah…It’s…you…Sig.” Alisa widens her eyes as Sigrun enters the room with the same type of clothes.

“How are you feeling? It’s really commendable for the three of you to come here.” Sigrun complimented Alisa as he sat down beside her.

“What’s with you, honestly…! I came all the way here…to apologize and yet, you seem so nonchalant.” Alisa breaks out in a faint smile.

“I kind of know that’s it. That’s why I am happy. I’m sorry too…for showing you something unpleasant.” Sigrun replied as he bows his head.

“To be honest, it should have been clear to me from the start. I should have seen that coming but still, it shook me. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t hold any more fright towards you but…” Alisa’s eyes moisten as she tried to stop her eyes from spilling tears.

“What you left to Reed and me…are more frightening. That’s why I want you back with us. What’s more, my pride won’t let me leave you alone like this, not after what we’ve gone through together.” Alisa added with a firm voice as she conveys her sincerity to Sigrun.

“Alisa, you are amazing. Not only beautiful and radiant, you are also upfront, bold, and always carry logic as your weapon all the time. To be honest, I think I starting to like you and Reed. I always get this fuzzy feeling in my chest.” Sigrun said as he leans closer to Alisa to the point where they can feel each other’s warmth.

With feverish cheeks, Sigrun gently lays down Alisa on the bedding and straddles on top of her. Alisa showed a bewildered countenance from Sigrun’s sudden action.

“Instead of going back, Alisa…why not just live with me here? Together with Reed…the three of us together. I’ll grant you and Reed longevity so we can stay together forever.” Sigrun’s voice a suggestion, almost his desire, to Alisa who let him do as he pleases.

“Sig…that’s…” Alisa tried to say something, however, she was stopped.

Her eyes once again showed its surprise as Sigrun forces his lips on Alisa. Sigrun’s tongue easily enters Alisa’s lips and starts clasping on her own tongue as both their saliva mixes and transferred to one another. The sound of lips deliciously smacking together resounds throughout the room.

For a moment, Alisa drew her lips away from Sigrun but to no avail, he seizes her once more and continued the act.

In the heat of the moment, Sigrun gently places his hands on the back of Alisa’s head and hips and raises her body up. The sticky fluid that is their saliva started leaking down from their mouth and mixed with their sweat from their heated bodies.

Showing his impatience, Sigrun separates his lips from Alisa which left a string of saliva. He then started gently pecking at Alisa’s neck and sensual kisses with short momentary licks mixed in. His hand slowly crept to her breasts inside her clothes with natural movements.

Though they are not bountiful, however, Sigrun caresses them like they are treasures. They still avail softness and the tension to rouse up a man’s desire.

Up to that, Sigrun then places his hands on Alisa’s thighs while keeping his lips assaulting Alisa’s body. His lips started crawling down up to her chest and at that moment, Alisa places her hands on the back of Sigrun’s head and pulls him closer.

Her lips steered closer to his ears with ragged breathing, and suddenly, she leaked out the words.

“Sorry.” An apology, almost inaudible but sure enough, Sigrun heard it as he stops from his act.

“I see. Well, that’s how it is.” He only shrugs as he leans a little away from Alisa with a sad smile. “Must have really feel unpleasant, right?” Sigrun asked.

“Who knows, but I want you to know one thing, we are not going to stay here. Like what I said, all of us came to this mountain to drag you back.” Alisa stated as extends her arms and pulls Sigrun closer and hugs him.

“Ah, how childish.” Sigrun said with a chuckle.

“Shut up. Since we’ve come this far, you are going back with us, right?” Alisa said with a weak voice as her body limps from the tension earlier.

“I might as well. How can I decline after what I did to you.” Sigrun smiled as he stroke Alisa’s hair. “Though, it won’t change that I started developing this feeling for you and Reed.” He added with certainty.

“…to me, both of you…I…” Sigrun was about to say something when…


“Ahaha! Savior, that tickles!” Nio burst into the room while buck naked. Following behind her, Reed rushes with a towel in hand.

“Nio, please come back here! Ah, caught you!” Reed said as he caught Nio in his arms and embraces her tenderly.

Suddenly, Reed realizes that Sigrun and Alisa are in the room.

“Ah…” “Eh?” Alisa and Reed simultaneously leak out voices from the sight.

Reed holding a naked little girl in a sensual embrace, both are wet with a flushed face. While the girl is wearing nothing, Reed’s state is only a little better with a disheleved appearance with his strong and manly physique visible.

On the other, hand, Alisa is embracing Sigrun while Sigrun himself has his hands placed on Alisa’s thighs and breasts. Both of their cheeks are tinged with a red glow and weird fluids drip from each other’s lips.

“Hey there…” Alisa said with a forced smile. She could not have known what Reed is doing with the little girl but she can’t speak her mind out as she is aware that Sigrun and her are the one doing obscene acts a few minutes ago.

“H-hi…” Reed, likewise, showed a pale countenance. He do not have any idea what Alisa and Sigrun is doing before Nio and him barges. Maybe something explicit? However, he is aware that he is not he in the position to say any opposition, in fact, he felt guilty the most as they saw him handling a little girl in a rushed manner.

The room is now bathed in an awkward atmosphere.

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