《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Heart to Mend Chapter 1


A week has passed since Sigrun returned to the mountain, Reed and Alisa’s relationship fell miserably apart.

Through Emeralda’s announcement, Reed and Alisa were both shaken, however, it was not to the point that they have ceased from doing their daily activities. It was a curious reaction from Emeralda’s view but she doubts she could be of any relief for the two.

Friday passes, Saturday passes, Sunday passes, the two never looked for Sigrun. Emeralda observed the situation with heart gripped with a thorn.

At Monday, they still walked together, however, it was covered with a painful stillness. Their connection with each other was lost somewhere. The bridge that connected them crumbled and the friendship that they have from before meeting Sigrun got worse than ever.

Nevermind walking together, Alisa started going ahead of Reed without even waiting for him. Understanding this, Reed also started going on a separate way home from Alisa. Both each started hanging out with each and their own peers.

Such an adverse effect tore them apart from each other. They would be seen often looking at each other and meeting gazes, however, they’ll immediately avert away.

“Sigrun, what have you done to these children?” Emeralda’s fleeting voice leaked out as she kept an eye on them.

As Sigrun disappears, his classmates also felt the trembling effect and they’ve become crestfallen. Even the professors started skipping his name from the attendance.

Meld showed no visible emotion. It was simply that he could not express anything to Sigrun who he momentarily knew. As for the Ten Paladins, they gave Seyren punishment for his conduct. They decided to stay at Brent City for a month so they won’t be going anytime.

“Is this…really alright?” Reed kept asking those words inside his heart every night, not knowing how Sigrun actually felt that time. Not knowing how Alisa feels at the same time. He can only clench his teeth and grits in vexation.

Who is to blame? He doesn’t know.

“Alisa…” Reed’s heart squeezes as the lovely fox girl slowly drifts away. In his mind, her lifeless eyes slowly turn away from him.

It was a startling Thursday night... when that thought flooded Reed’s head.

Meanwhile, for Amaryl…

Staring at out at the lovely sight of the city night illuminated with bright colorful light, her eyes adrift at the corner of the room where Esser is standing. She herself is unsure of the situation.

The day Sigrun showed his pitiful emotions of rage, Amaryl also cultivated fear.

“Esser…” She muttered with a weak voice.

“Amaryl, please don’t so sad. Don’t be scared too, I am here for you.” Esser comforted her.

“That’s not it. That’s not it…I am scared. That’s a fact but…It’s been only a few weeks and Sigrun just have to disappear like that. How could I confront him about this feeling when he is not here anymore.” Amaryl’s weak and shrilly voice pierces Esser’s heart.


“The Hero of Aldieas, Sigrun. You wanted to be close to him?” Esser inquired as she held onto Amaryl’s hand and sat beside her.

“Who knows? He abruptly appears and then abruptly disappears. It’s frustrating. He hid his identity just for us to find out he is that kind of existence. That it is in itself is surprising but…instilling fear in my heart and snatching away the possibility of confronting him is…frustrating.” Amaryl said her innermost thoughts with melancholic eyes.

“Either way, I don’t care. Amaryl, do you remember that day?” Esser asked with lonely eyes.

“What…day?” Amaryl tilted her head in confusion.

“No, nevermind.” Esser dismisses it and cuddles to Amaryl with face tinged with redness.

With a pleasant atmosphere, Amaryl and Esser quietly spend their time in that position before retiring for the night. Because of Esser, Amaryl’s heart felt a little comfort. For her, Esser is someone who abruptly came to her too but for some reason, she felt eased around her.

And then, at the top of a skyscraper, two men stand, looking at the whole city blanketed with the night sky.

“So, how did it go? The investigation I mean.” A man said who conceals himself in a hood said in a daunting tone.

“The incident last week, as expected, it was their doing. They really investigated Amaryl Helion and her nature carefully.” Another man said from the cover of the darkness.

“I see. And, they didn’t account Esser being with her. Either way, tracking them down will be the most ideal. A month of stay in this city, I hope it would be sufficient enough for us to catch them, The Hoarders.” The man in hood said with an angered tone.

“We can’t let them roaming now, can we? Their information network greatly matches ours. Trafficking and capturing people to turn them into slaves…really deplorable.” The man in the darkness said.

“The record as of now, the races they have collected has a certain percentage pattern. Five percent Humans, ten percent Alpsis, ten percent Oreals, fifteen percent Serensis, and the vast majority that are used as sex slaves…sixty percent Vasters. The hooded man recounted.

“What about the other Paladins? Are they also investigating?” The man in the darkness asked.

“Some are aware, some are not. It’s better to divide our forces like that. As for you, are you fine working like this? Don’t you have classes? I heard that Sigrun Valker left and it made a huge impact in your class.” The man in hood replied back with an inquiry.

“Hmm, I can’t say I am not sad but, it was something my boy Sigrun decided. Right now, I have to focus on the mission.” The man said as he turns his back and left.

“Hmph, what a shrewd boy.” The hooded man muttered.

Disappearing from the astray darkness of the night, the two figure went their separate ways. The night filled with mysteries passes by without regards to the event taking place.


Friday comes and it has been nothing for Reed and Alisa.

In the middle of the class, Reed who hasn’t slept soundly kept glancing at Alisa.

“I can’t focus. My mind keeps reeling back to the thought of Sig. My eyes kept getting pulled to Alisa’s direction and I still think about how it is too stupid of me to be scared, of all people, to Sig.” Reed’s mind is filled with anxiety. His eyes are weary and his lips couldn’t form any curves.

“When I think about it, I think Alisa is more attached to Sig. I wonder what kind of pain she is experiencing right now? I want to talk to her but I can’t even start a conversation. I am useless. If it is Sig, his bold personality would have already solved this.” Reed lamented.

“Sig…in the mountain…” Reed’s thoughts flew as the sight of the enormous mountain suddenly came up to his mind.

After that, Reed fell asleep and receives scoldings. The professor brought him in front of the class and made him stand there while taking a sermon. At that moment, Alisa’s eye reeled towards him.

“Reed is…his eyes look so tired. I wonder what was he thinks all night. I can’t face him after showing how scared I am at Sig. I am nothing but a coward to someone I ought to treat dear. I ran away without thinking of Sig’s feeling. Showing that I was scared of him, it might really pain him.” Alisa thought as she felt her chest tightening.

“I feel like every single day that Sig is not here, my friendship with Reed that I built for a year would crumble in just a matter of days. It’s not like I need Sig but…I feel like Reed is really lonely without him. No, I could…say the same for me…” She felt like an empty husk as those thoughts invade her.

“I am…good for nothing…” Alisa muttered quietly to herself. Before she knew it, tears started spilling from her eyelids like a dripping faucet.

“Miss Hertuclaire?! Are you alright?!” The professor took notice of Alisa and immediately dashes to her.

“Ah…eh…? Um…I don’t know…” Alisa, confused and befuddled, started wiping her tears with her sleeves. “Eh? They aren’t stopping? Ahehehe, how stupid.” She said with cracking voice.

A sound of chair abruptly being moved then resounded. Heavy and fast footsteps approach Alisa from behind.

“Sir, I think Alisa is hurt somewhere. I’ll take her to the infirmary.” Amaryl declared so as she takes Alisa’s hand.

“Is that so? Please do so, Miss Helion.” The professor said with a thanking gesture.

“Yeah, let’s go, Alisa.” Amaryl then led Alisa, who still can’t stop her tears, out of the classroom and takes her to the infirmary.

Seeing the sight, everyone murmured their own conclusion but Reed knows better. Standing there, only looking at Alisa’s last visage, his eyes turned to something else.

“......” Reed’s eyes become serious that it loses its light.

That night, at Chelle’s residence. After eating an early dinner, Reed prepared a huge backpack and cradled it at his back.

He came over to his mother who was washing dishes.

“Mom, I’ll head out. I’ll stay over at Enheirt’s place until Monday. I’ve already called their place so don’t worry.” Reed said as he heads out.

“Reed, you do be careful, okay? Call once in a while too.” Reed’s mom said so as she permitted his high spirited child to go.

Reed left the house and started strolling with his bicycle. However, instead of the direction going to the neighboring residential area, his aim is instead…

The Sacred Mountain.

The biting coldness of the night is repelled with Reed’s thick clothing. He prepared everything he needs for a camping and even resolute himself to hunting if he ever in need of additional food. He even brought a portable sleeping bag.

As for why Reed is heading to the mountain…

“I don’t want to see Alisa crying like that again. I have to man up. I’ll bring back Sig no matter the cost.” Reed said to himself as he pushes forward.

“Well, I said that but I don’t think that’ll be easy.” He added as the towering mountain which most of its body is covered with clouds gave him a nauseous feeling.

“If I continuously use Whirlwind Sprint, maybe I can reach the top in just a day?” Reed muttered as he calculates his time in climbing the mountain.

He steers his bike from the separate path that divides the highway and the uneven path towards the mountain. The path that he took immediately changes to a green scenery as trees started covering his sight from the view of the city.

After that, the road becomes uneven and biking becomes severely hard as he started driving the pedal. Seeing that he expends more energy, he let go of the bike and continues by foot.

Pushing through the thick forest comes stone step that counts up to hundreds. It was a shrine where the entrance to the mountain is located. Without hesitation, Reed started venturing the steps and eventually, reaching the shrine.

“I heard that some magical beasts live on the mountain so I better gear up too.” Reed said as he armed his self.

Ahead, he saw a shrine with two monster like statues. Behind the shrine itself is a path leading to the path for the mountain.

With a dagger in his hand, Reed started climbing up the mountain.

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