《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Disastrous Week Chapter 10


A dazzling sky dyed with hazy chaos, an atmosphere that spells doom, and a foreboding power that enveloped the whole world in utter rage. It is his anger, Sigrun’s deepest emotion sealed inside his heart. For how long does Sigrun suppress such emotion inside of him?

However, the malaligned chaos slowly dies down. As if it has not originally occurred and caused a short commotion. The panic that ensued found needless anymore as the primal instinct of everyone in the world is shaken.

In the middle of his lost cause, a single phrase would stop Sigrun, a verse of promise.

For you who is my dearest, Sigrun. Please don’t give up on them. Always find inside yourself to give them salvation. And, one day, please learn to restore your love for them.

A calm and gentle voice of a woman resounded inside his head to clear up the fog of wrath enveloping his mind. Before Sigrun’s eyes flashed the memory of the woman he deemed dearest, the woman who he gave up every disdain he has to give chance to this world.

“Order…” Sigrun muttered as if light returning to his eyes. As if the very promise he had from the past was the trigger to bring back his lost composure.

“Oho, that’s quite scary now! I almost piss my pants.” Seyren said nonchalant but his face is drenched with sweat. The Cosmic Blade of Balance then disappears from his hand. “With this, we, undoubtedly identified the authenticity of Sigrun.” He added as he falls on one knee in front of Sigrun.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Sigrun asked as he looks at Seyren with sharpened eyes.

“I may have caused you grief or reminded you of something bad so I want to express my apology, O Great Hero. My very actions are inconceivable and a bit unconventional but I assure you that its cause is for the safety of this world.” Seyren’s sincere words resounded the whole room.

“Never dare point that blade unto me again, even by mistake. You are…declaring a Universal Decree of Cosmic Mutilation. In other words, you are commanding the Cosmic Blade of Chaos for a duel that could potentially inhibit the balance and chaos.” Sigrun explained with crestfallen eyes.

“It was…that bad?!” Seyren asked with flabbergasted countenance.

“It’s bad to the point that I almost got riled up. It’s a gesture to implement a heavy command for a chaotic attrition between the wielders of both blades. Most likely, the Blade itself will give you a surge of power in order to fight me, however, as you are, even with the help of the blade, certain death will only be granted to you and a wide scale of destruction shall befall in this world.” Sigrun once again clarified the effect of the blade and the decree that it will bring.

“So it was really bad. I guess I should have asked before doing something stupid again, hahaha!” Seyren laughs it off.

“We are dealing with Cosmic Blades here, the very manifestation of the Cosmic power. And more like, it’s a surprise that someone has picked up that blade. No matter, don’t answer that. What happens to the blade is not my business anymore. However, I do tell you this. The blade itself is just going along with you. It will never allow you to reach its highest peak of potential.” Sigrun said.


“I see! You really do know so much about the blades. Then…why do the Hero of Aldieas, the symbol of salvation…holds not the blade that signifies Balance? Instead, you wield the blade that outright spells Chaos?” Seyren’s question has a tone of deep curiosity and pursual of an answer.

“…I believe I am not obligated to answer that.” Sigrun simply said as he turns his back from Seyren. “I am going home.” He simply said as he started walking out of the room.

“Sig!” Reed shouted as he runs to follow Sigrun.

“Wait, Reed!” Alisa cried as she goes after Reed.

And so, as the three of them left the room, a brief silence looms over. The only sound that everyone can hear is the blaring siren that spells a danger all over the city and phones ringing, hoping to be answered as people waiting for orders.

“Seyren, you don’t have to go that far! Even just asking questions is enough!” Meld shouted with an enraged face.

“That’s right. You dumbhead! Well, not that we really expect that Sigrun could be that almighty powerful. Way powerful than we anticipated.” Ruby’s dignified voice crumbles to a coarse tone as she shudders from remembering the sensation of being bathed in Sigrun’s rage.

“Seyren, think of the time and place. Amaryl is also shaken…” Esser said as she soothes Amaryl who is still speechless.

“Ahahaha! But, what do you guys think? Sigrun, the Olden Hero, helping us conquering the Eight Dungeon Tombs! With that, we can actually delve deeper into the mysteries that those tombs bring!” Seyren’s laugh and energetically said those words without a single hint of remorse.

“Seyren…I don’t think Sigrun will even help. It was really unacceptable for you to use such mundane method just to sate your curiosity.” Emeralda said with weary eyes.

“Hmph, We can’t have that. Forthright, I shall do something about it.” Seyren said as he turns his heel away and headed for the door.

“I am sorry to inform you this Seyren but could you stay for a while?” Quarts voice suddenly broke the dreary atmosphere with his lighthearted tone.

“Sir Quarts, we are indeed in need of personnel. I can’t just sit tight here and—“ As Seyren is about to give his reasons to excuse, he immediately pursed his lips.

“Stay.” Quarts once again said with a smile, however, his eyes are not something that even Seyren dared to oppose.

“I…got it.” Seyren settled and obediently returned.

“Well then, since another chaotic event happened, all of you are going to help us to take care of this mess, especially you, Seyren, who pushed Sigrun at his wit's end. No one is leaving until everything is back to normal!~” Quarts once again wore a cheerful smile that gave everyone conflicting emotions.

“Well…Esser already escaped together with Miss Helion…” Quarts said as he tries hard to locate Esser. “Then, then, then, without further delay, let’s start.” He added.

Without even a speck of resistance, Ruby, Hart, Emeralda, Seyren, and Meld all worked together. For some odd reason, they do not have any single complaints when Quarts issues them an order.

Meanwhile, Sigrun together with Reed and Alisa.

“Hey, Reed, can I crash at your place tonight?” Sigrun asked with a cheerful voice as if everything that happened earlier was just an illusion.


“Of course! There’s no need to hold back! Since I already told mother and father about you, they’ll give the okay sign immediately!” Reed happily and readily answered with a thumb up.

“Thanks!~” Sigrun said with a smile.

On the road where the sky has returned to normal in which it was dyed with chaos earlier, the three of them walks home. Even though another commotion has occurred and everyone is panicking, the three of them marches like everything doesn’t seem to matter.

Except for Alisa who's face is painted with anxiousness.

“Yeah, I just remembered it. I want to learn how to use magic. I mean, how the way you guys use it.” Sigrun stated as he faces the two.

“Ahahaha! Well, I mean, it may not be enough to undo your failure earlier but it is better to learn something new, right? Maybe Alisa and I can give teach you the basics. While we are on it, we can also teach you about Exturbos and Inscription, right, Alisa?” Reed, while smiling, said those words and asked Alisa.

However, Alisa didn’t even try to look at them. She just had her sight directed low as if she is avoiding eye contact with anyone. Her fluffy fox ears and tails are just slumping down to show just how negative the emotion she is withholding inside her heart.

“What’s wrong, Alisa? You’ve been still for a while now!” Sigrun approaches Alisa and held her hand, however.

“Eeeep!” Alisa, as soon as she felt Sigrun’s hand, drew away quickly from him.

At that moment, Alisa’s body trembles and her hands are shaking as if she is stricken with fear. Sigrun’s eyes widen in surprise from Alisa’s sudden aversion to him and Reed is looking away. His eyes already show that the talk between him and Sigrun is proven ineffective to still the atmosphere.

In short, it was only a farce to avert his feeling of shaking from the inside from Sigrun’s display earlier.

Upon realizing Alisa’s true emotion, Sigrun’s surprised countenance slowly withdraws into a saddened smile. He then slowly drew away from Alisa too.

“I see, it’s like that…It’s perfectly normal and it’s fine for me.” His words tinged with extreme melancholy suddenly shook Alisa. “I knew it…” Sigrun said to himself.

An existence outside of normalcy, someone who no longer walks in the same path as those who are in this world. His very nature has greatly diverted from them. He learned that he can either be a symbol of salvation or fear.

He was an existence none could comprehend anymore. He has a power that none could ever dream to match. He did not know that the magnitude of his power, or rather, the effect of his pugnacious emotions could dearly affect anyone around him, until now. His long detachment from people made him forget about it.

“It’s fine. Alisa, I’m sorry.” Sigrun said while he turns his back on her.

Excruciating pain fills Alisa’s chest as if she is being pricked with thousands of needles. Fear or worry, what does she think should prevail.

“Sorry, Sig!” Alisa said as she turns away from Sigrun and runs off with tears dripping from her eyes. She could not come up with anything. She couldn’t face Sigrun anymore.

Reed didn’t stop Alisa. He just simply watched her run. He wanted to follow her, grab her hand, and assure her but…

“How about you, Reed?” Sigrun directed a question towards Reed.

“…Honestly, I’m also shaken, and a little bit scared. Sigrun, it feels like there’s something about you that…I cannot understand. I think…Alisa felt the same and she doesn’t want to delve deep into that part of you…like I do…” Reed gave his innermost thoughts.

“I see. That’s also fine.” Sigrun gave a brief answer.

“I’m sorry, Reed. I want you to tell Alisa that too.” He abruptly added.

“Sig…” Reed could only mutter.

“This new era, this new place that everyone built is wonderful. Everything is laid back and overflowing with peace. Though there might also be a lot of difficulties, I firmly believe that everyone has a strong heart to overcome it. This time around, I am not mistaken about it.” Sigrun said with a glance towards the sky.

“Yes…people has grown. We might not be the people that you knew from the past but I can say that we are at least trying.” Reed also followed where Sigrun is looking as he said those words filled with firmness.

“Yeah, you’re right. But…most of all, the best thing that happened when I came to this city is…meeting you and Alisa. You showed me so many fun things here. I love it, I love everything that you two showed me.” Sigrun said with a voice growing weak and shrill.

“Yeah, we will get over with this…and head towards a new day where we can still have a lot of fun.” Reed replied.

“…Is that so? I change my mind. I think I’ll head home for today. Bye…” Sigrun waved his hand to Reed and turn his heel in the opposite direction.

“Yeah…bye…” Reed only said as he also walked away.

At the end of the day, no one knows except those people inside Meld’s office knows what actually happened. The whole disaster was called off as another false alarm.

Because of the wide panic, tomorrow class is suspended and the member of the Ten Paladins did their best to help out in bringing the word to the people that everything is still in order.

A whole day of Wednesday has passed without nothing much to do. Alisa and Reed delve into their emotions and how they will interact with Sigrun starting tomorrow. They both did desire for his presence but as soon as his buried emotions were dug, the two of them started thinking of steering away from Sigrun.

Conflicting emotions disturbed them even in their sleep. Only then those emotions will be resolved if they are to meet Sigrun again.

That’s what they thought in their hearts.

However, as Thursday came, classes resume and they did their daily routine of walking together towards the Academy. Their entire time together in the morning is covered with silence. No interaction, just a serene moment of sensing each other’s presence.

And as they arrived at the Academy’s entrance gate, Emeralda quickly walked towards them in haste with a pale countenance and declared…

“Sigrun…has already returned to the mountain.” Emeralda’s words rang that shook both of them.

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