《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Disastrous Week Chapter 2


“Yup, this is a lot better for me.” Sigrun said amusedly as he looks at his self is reflected on an elongated mirror while tightening the necktie around his collar.

Sigrun is currently fitting at Reed’s room with a standard uniform of Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy in preparation for today’s school. What reflected back from the mirror is a Sigrun who is wearing a navy coat with the same design as the female uniform and the cuffs are more firm and darker in color. Inside of the coat is a plain buttoned shirt with a navy blue necktie with a pin with the academy’s crest. He wears standard black slacks the perfectly fits and showcase Sigrun’s slender legs. Moreover, the shoes are leather black that gives off a slick and sharp feature overall.

To finish it, Sigrun ties his long black hair in a low ponytail that just gives a dashing ambiance. Sigrun himself is amazed at how everything just fits for him.

“Ah, that looks cool.” Reed complimented as he shows up with the same set of uniform worn. He emerges from the door leading outside.

“Ahaha! Of course, a man needs his pants after all. I am not really opposed with the female uniform because it gives me a little sense of freedom but this definitely makes me comfortable the most.” Sigrun smirks.

“Well then, shall we go?” Reed asked as he picks up his bag.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see Alisa again.” Sigrun said as he also picked his bag up and carried it over his shoulder.

The two of them head out of the house. They are met with a bright and sunny weather where the neighbors are busy sending their beloved ones to school or work. The chilly season of spring still gives off a fresh breeze and the clouds curtaining the blue skies are floating restlessly.

The laughter of people from young to old resounds, their polite greetings and chatter mixes well with the serene atmosphere and the falling leaves of the trees simmered the surrounding in a crunchy but grassy smell.

Reed and Sigrun walk side by side while chattering about the game that they have played yesterday. While onlookers occasionally come and greet them on their own volition because of how well known the two are, nonetheless, they continue a peaceful along the path towards the academy, whilst slowly blending together with the slowly growing pedestrian.

And with their pace, they arrived at the usual place, where they meet up.

A corner that slightly paces itself away from the road where vending machines, benches, and a few post boxes rests under a large tree.

And without a doubt, Alisa’s standing figure while staring at the passing cars and people enters their sight.

Reed may have known Alisa for a year now so he will just greet her normally, however, Sigrun saw something else from Alisa.

Resting on that empty gaze of the girl with fluffy fox ears and tails entails a beauty rough but serene beauty. Her golden brown hair sways ever gracefully with the wind and her brown irises the focuses on nothing allures in a special way. Her slender body imitates a fragile maiden in the dawn of lovesickness.


“No doubt about it, Alisa is just beyond being pretty. A spectacle like that should only be called beautiful Not just for a standard of the Vasters but as one that could compete in any races.” Sigrun said inside his heart as they approach her.

“Yo, Alisa!” Reed simply greeted her.

“Good morning…Reed…” Alisa replied with a meek tone as she turns her eyes towards Sigrun. For a slight moment there, her eyes seem to be in an utter disarray upon seeing Sigrun’s new appearance but she quickly changed gear and kept a calm countenance.

“Alisa, I have something to tell you.” Sigrun said as he walked towards Alisa and stopped right in front of her.

“I want…to say something to you too…Sig…” Her voice is faltering and a little bit shy but Alisa forces a gaze at Sigrun.

“I’m sorry!” “Please forgive me.” The two of them simultaneously said as they bowed their heads towards each other.

“……” Reed could only stare at the spectacle with a dumbfounded countenance. He wants to smile but he also wanted to be cautious of each of their feelings.

“No, you don’t have to say sorry, Alisa, when you did nothing!” Sigrun hurriedly exclaimed as he tried to get Alisa raise her head.

“No, no, no! Why are YOU apologizing?! Aren’t you mad? Aren’t you angry at me? I showed you something unsightly…it’s like I am imposing my ideals on you!” Alisa, in return, insisted to lower her head and talked in that fashion.

“No, I’m wrong all along! I’ll admit it, what I said yesterday is true and nothing will change about it, however, at the precise moment, I judged the situation wrongly.” Sigrun explained what Reed told him yesterday to Alisa.

“However, the bottom line is that I showed you a bad attitude. You might have some reason for not helping despite it was just a wrong call.” Alisa still tried to rebuke herself.

“No, it’s my fault whatever the circumstances!” Sigrun then strongly insisted.

“Okay then, it’s your fault.” Alisa simply answered with a nonchalant tone.

“Eh…?” Sigrun uttered hearing something else from Alisa’s lips. Even Reed had his mouth gaping from the sudden change in Alisa’s tone and personality.

“What? You strongly insist it so I am going to treat this matter as your fault then. Am I wrong?” Alisa said with, of course, logical being mixed in the conversation. “This won’t end and could go on for a whole day if no one concedes.” She also added.

Sigrun looks at Alisa and blinked twice in confusion.

“That’s why, Sig, you have to properly take responsibility, okay?” Alisa said with a blooming smile on her face.

Whatever direction the conversation took off, there’s one thing Sigrun can be certain and that’s Alisa telling him that it is his fault but as willing as him to forgive each other. To begin with, both of them misunderstood halfway and mistaken that each side is mad at them.


Alisa coquettishly passed the whole blame to Sigrun but in a way that doesn’t seem to have any ill intention. Sigrun understands that as soon as Alisa’s smile made a pang in his chest.

“I see…I have to take responsibility for it, huh. Good thing I prepared something in advance. Alisa, stretch out your arm towards me.” Sigrun simply said.

“Okay but, what are you planning to do?” Alisa tilted her head as Sigrun reaches for something in his pocket.

Suddenly, Sigrun wraps something around Alisa’s wrist and tied some sort of strings.

“It may be cheap, it may mean nothing to you. If you want, you can throw it away or burn it, however, for now, this is the only thing I can give to you as my token of apology I made this just for you.” Sigrun said as what revealed in Alisa’s wrist is a weaved string bracelet with a lovely night color.

“This is…” Alisa asked with her eyes staring wonderfully at the bracelet.

“I made it. I bought some kit in the city yesterday and used some portion of my hair for it. By that, it sounds cheap, right? It also looks a little outdated for this era…” Sigrun explained with a wry smile seemed a little embarrassed.

Alisa’s eyes become a little glassy as she stares at the woven bracelet. Her lips tremble as her heart quiver from such heartfelt gift. Alisa herself is aware that it is cheap, it is outdated, however, it is something that her heart immediately cherished as soon as Sigrun said that he made it just for her.

“Alisa…?” Sigrun peered at Alisa’s face.

“Geez! It’s early in the morning! Let’s not make a scene! Let’s run for it or we will be late!” Alisa shouted as she turns around and started walking at a really fast pace. She began marching as she held her hand where the bracelet is worn.

“I’ll treasure this…this is…something I’ll keep with me for the rest of my life. Sigrun…you just appeared out of nowhere and you are already making me feel like this…” Alisa said inside her heart as she bolted away from Sigrun and Reed.

“Hey, Sig, let’s go! She’s really going to leave us behind!” Reed exclaimed anxiously as Alisa is already hundreds of meter away from them.

“Ah, yeah!” Sigrun then started jogging slowly together with Reed’s pace.

The friendship that Sigrun thought to have strained with crack was arbitrary proved to be mended all along. He felt that he understand something precious of Alisa and at the same time, deepened his bond with her.

Although he still needs to learn how to adapt the new era’s common sense and lifestyle, Sigrun is assured that in just a week, he already gained people he can now call friends.

Even though he had lived for more than a millennia, Sigrun’s heart is invigorated again with what they called youthfulness as the two people around him, Reed and Alisa, indulges him in a happy life in the academy.

Or so that story should go…

As soon as the trio arrives at the school.

“Sigrun Valker, I challenge you to a duel! After school, we can commence the duel at the coliseum where we can show each other our strength.” Said by a man with a striking princely feature. The man himself is named Seigen Lloyd, the one called the Light Prodigy.

“Me…?” Sigrun pointed to his self as Seigen and his cahoots blocks their way through the entrance of the school.

Needless to say, another unwanted attention is drawn to them. Another sea of bystander has gathered everywhere and watches the scene unfold.

“Yes! Please, accept this.” Seigen then immediately held out a letter to Sigrun, a letter meant for an official match for him.

“It’s pink…” Sigrun quietly muttered to himself as the letter clearly looks like a love letter. Nonetheless, Sigrun accepted the letter.

“Well then, later. I’m not forcing you, you may not come if you don’t want to.” Seigen then stormed away from the place.

That scene alone made quite a scandal as some girls in the vicinity who witnessed it squeals and giggles. From another point of view, it was a bold declaration of love. Sigrun roughly knows about it but didn’t care much and tucked the letter into his bag.

“Sig, that’s Seigen…a third year in this school.” Reed informed Sig.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about him too. They called him Light Prodigy, right? He is quite famous so knowing about him is an easy task. Even so…a challenge…” Sigrun said as he wonders.

“Are you going to accept it? I think there’s really nothing to worry about but…it’s suspicious how the letter is sealed inside a pink envelope…” Alisa gave her own idea.

“Well, since I’ve got nothing better to do, so why not?” Sigrun answered happily.

In that very moment, Quarts appeared out of nowhere.

“Hey, Sigrun, I’ve been waiting for you.” He greeted as he places his hand on Sigrun’s head and violently pets him.

“Is there anything you need from me? Wait…do you need me because I’m going to get my tier now?!” Sigrun excitingly asked.

“That’s too, however, Saturday morning, you’ve made quite a job for us. I don’t think I can sleep well tonight without giving a punishment for someone!~” Quarts smiled, however, it was a smile where one can feel great anxiety just by looking at it.

“Um…err…please…be gentle…” Sigrun only said as Quarts takes him away.

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