《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 7


“To think that the three of you are having so many troubles just buying video games.” Amaryl said with glee as and munched on her burger with a small bite. The meaty and greasy smell wafts that Sigrun who had a whiff swallowed his saliva.

“That, is it tasty?” Sigrun asked as he stares at Amaryl’s burger.

“Oh? You bounce back suddenly. Want to have a bite?” Amaryl asked as she extends her hand with the burger to Sigrun.

“Is it fine?” Sigrun then looks at Amaryl’s eyes, asking for confirmation.

“Yeah! Help yourself!” She simply replied with a smile.

Receiving the okay sign, Sigrun sunk his teeth on the burger and took a good portion from it. He held his mouth as it gotten full all of the sudden and tried his best to chew, whilst making his face rounder as his cheeks puff out.

“Ah…it reminds me of a squirrel. Be sure to chew it properly.” Amaryl giggled as she watches Sigrun.

“Anyway, Amaryl, what are you doing here?” Reed asked her bluntly.

“I’m hanging out by myself.” She bluntly replied as she seats on the bench opposite Reed’s group.

“If that’s the case, why not tag along with us? Since Sig isn’t familiar with the whole city yet, we are taking him to various places.” Reed said.

“Oh, if that’s the case, I’d be glad to! Also, since we are already talking about, if you have future plans too, please send me a text.” Amaryl said as she flashes her phone. “And…what’s wrong with Miss Hertuclaire?” she added a question.

“Ah, don’t mind me…it’s just that…I embarrassed myself.” Alisa replied with blank eyes.

“Hey, Miss Hertuclaire, there’s an ATM on the second floor.” Amaryl informed Alisa.

“Really? Then, I think we know now where we headed now!” Alisa regained a new vigor.

“Wait, Alisa! I know that you are rich and all but, your father might get angry if you are not frugal with your money.” Reed said with a tone of reminder.

“Ah, it’s my own money. I make my own money, however, under the name of my father since I am not in the legal age.” Alisa explained.

“Oh, Miss Hertuclaire, must it be, your inscriptions? I heard they are quite pricey too. Since my parents own a huge firm in Ehon City, your and my family are basically lifelong partners.” Amaryl sprouted a wicked smile.

“Yes, such business, Inscription is the best when paired with a good metal after all and your family is good at refining them.” Alisa with the same smile started giggling evilly.

“Well, thanks to you that I was able to pass my Basic Inscription Class. I was able to instill a one layer enhancement by the time I finished your tutorial on your blog.” Amaryl gave her thanks to Alisa.

“Same, Miss Helion, I really love the favor you are giving me with the metals of my choice such as adamantine. Be sure to import a few high-quality to our company next time.” Alisa, in business mode, rubs her palm together.

Reed has a complicated face as the two talks about high-level money juggling while he, on the other hand, has a weeping wallet. Trying to find a comrade, he turns to look at Sigrun whose mouth is still chewing. In fact, earlier, Amaryl just gave all the burger to Sigrun as her discussion with Alisa got heated.

“Wait…Sig must have a lot of treasures back at his house. If he takes even one of it, he’ll be rich in no time…” Reed inwardly said as he felt lonely, being the odd one out.


“By the way, Miss Hertuclaire, I heard they auctioned a novelty item pipe seemingly with three inscriptions on it, made by you. How much did you get from it?” Amaryl steers closer to Alisa as she perks her pointed ears.

“About…mumble mumble…something something…eight digits money something….” Alisa whispered to Amaryl.

“Ah, is that so? It’s quite a success then.” Amaryl said with a relief.

“Then, let’s go withdraw some cash!” Alisa exclaimed with vigor.

“Maybe you shouldn’t, Alisa. I bet you are going to get an absurd amount of it. After all, that can wait.” Reed said.

“Ah, yeah! I think I’ll try earning for it by myself. And now that I think about it, I really don’t need it, for now.” Sigrun said as he was able to finish the burger.

“So…plan aborted. What should we do?” Alisa started contemplating again.

“Then, why don’t you guys come with me? Before I spotted you three, I was about to head to the park down by this district. There’s a new confectionery shop with tons of assortment. What do you say?” Amaryl suggested.

“Oh, I’m in.” Sigrun immediately gave a response.

“If it is Amaryl’s suggestion, then I’ll come.” Reed agreed.

“Well, Miss Hertuclaire? I’m really sorry crashing in your family outing though.” Amaryl said with a teasing tone towards the contemplating Alisa.

“No, you were a good reliever from the dampen mood earlier.” Alisa declared so without any hint of declining the offer.

“So then, let’s go. With this, I am harem number three of Reed Chelle’s group.” Amaryl walks off while beckoning them.

“Harem…huh…hardly.” Alisa muttered with dead eyes.

“Ahaha…but Sig is a guy and Alisa is a really good friend. Amaryl is more like a proper rival.” Reed said with a light chuckle.

“Good friend? Wow, I’ll smack this guy’s chin upside down when I have the chance.” Alisa said inwardly with disappointment.

Amaryl joined the party. They received a new quest and are now heading to the park that Amaryl mentioned.

The Quartet left the mall and started striding all over the city, being distracted with occasional food stands, mainly Amaryl who kept getting lured by food. Together with Sigrun, they ate a handful of foods that normal people couldn’t.

“You two…especially you, Miss Helion, how can you eat so much yet, your body looks so fit?” Alisa asked with a troubled face because she herself always checks what she is eating so she won’t get any problem getting a flabby waist.

“Ahahaha, please, stop with the Miss. Why not call me Amaryl and in return I’ll call you Alisa. We’re classmates now!” Amaryl exclaimed as she took another bite of the pink cotton candy while Sigrun is eating a blue cotton candy.

“Ah…really? I’m really getting tired of the formalities too so I’ll call you Amaryl from now on.” Alisa replied with a smile as their bond level elevates. From a former rival to a friend.

“I’ll take you sometimes to a gym that specializes in heavy training. An exercise promotes a healthy body and fit physique, though I don’t see any wrong with you, Alisa.” Amaryl stated as she traces a finger on Alisa’s waist.

“Hyaa! S-stop that! We Vasters have higher appetite than the rest of the races so I do tend to keep my urges and instinct in check. Though…for a Serensis…you eat a lot. I wonder where all those food goes…” Alisa said with a flushed face from Amaryl’s words, however, her last words seemingly swim towards Amaryl’s breasts.


“You know, I’m quite conscious of them so I know when someone is staring at them. Even now, little Sigrun can’t help but to look at them!~” Amaryl exclaimed with a smile as she directed at Sigrun’s direction.

“Oh, you are quite perspective regarding that matter. I am staring at them because they are an incredible sight.” Sigrun simply said as he made another one long glance at them.

Alisa hangs her head in dejection upon comparing herself to Amaryl.

“Don’t be so down, Alisa. Sometimes, having them in moderate size is good. What important is that you yourself is lovely as a whole and I think Alisa is lovely.” Amaryl cheered up Alisa with words of comfort.

“Ah…are you an angel? I want to call you big sis!” Alisa looks at Amaryl with sparkling eyes of admiration and buries her face in her breasts. “Ah…this is unfair…too soft…” Alisa said as she feels the softness and warmth the breasts brought to her.

Meanwhile, Reed who is walking behind the three looks at them with warm eyes. Although he was feeling a little left out, forming a friendship through this kind of bonds is something he cherishes. Still, he still felt left out…

He also turned a deaf ear from the conversation regarding breast sizes…

“They aren’t actually moderate…they’re just A cup…” Alisa muttered as she spills a single tear with dead eyes.

“…I see…” Amaryl only muttered as her face petrifies in a weird but still comforting smile and pats Alisa’s head. “That’s…even rarer within your race...you could say that…it’s a great status symbol…” Words such as those followed.

“It’s quite actually not a bad thing! It gives an idea that you are tight down there!” Sigrun said so with a fervor.

Alisa and Amaryl could only stare at Sigrun with their mouth hanging. Even Reed who heard Sigrun say that has his face reddens a little as the idea hits his mind.

“Ah…ah…ha…a…” Alisa turns her head towards Reed’s direction like a cogwheel, unable to form proper words.

Reed immediately averted his gaze to somewhere else, specifically, towards the walking pedestrian along the road, however, it didn’t cover his ears that erupted in blazing red. Realizing that Reed actually heard that, Alisa’s face ignited in a fierce blush too and turns her head away from Reed.

“Stupid, moron, idiot, moron, stupid, moron, moron, idiot, idiot, stupid, stupid…” Alisa starts repeating those words as she walks away in hasten manner.

“Oh…this is quite…” Amaryl muttered as the scene unfolded before her eyes sparks interests.

“Both of them are quite cute, are they not?” Sigrun softly said in a low voice to Amaryl.

“It is, it is! Oh my, I thought hanging out with you would be the most interesting but now, I just saw a romantic comedy duo here. Fufufu, I’m all aboard to this.” Amaryl said as grins ear to ear.

For a while, Alisa walks ahead of Amaryl and Sigrun while Reed walks behind them. They thought that this is the best so they can cool down.

But not for so long…

As the quartet ventures throughout the city to go to the park Amaryl mentioned, they find themselves in a cross intersection, stuck in a red light with a crowd of pedestrian, though since the four of them are renowned, there was quite a distance.

“Red light, green light, yellow light. It looks horrible altogether.” Sigrun said as he watches the blinking red light.

“They are colors that children can easily remember. On top of that, it can easily draw the driver’s attention.” Amaryl said as if satisfying Sigrun’s curiosity.

“Oh, it turned green!” Sigrun exclaimed as his sight returned to the crowd people who are about to cross.

Then, a little girl runs out in excitement as she crosses. At that moment, a screeching sound alerted the people.

A black compact mobile car furiously drove its way towards the girl’s direction. Following them is the mobile car of the police who loudly rang their siren. People who noticed it immediately backs away except the little girl.

The parents of the child were also in panic as they saw the car and turn to look at their child.

“Whirlwind Sprint.” Reed whose reaction was superb immediately took action. The magical energy that he allocated to the sprint has far burned out his body in one go but in return, he burst through the crowds and even blowing them away in his wake.

Before the car could hit the little girl, Reed caught her and embraces her whole body to protect her from the impact of their fall. Amaryl comes out from the crown in succession to Reed’s action and gathered magical energy.

“Freeze.” Amaryl casts a spell that suddenly blows the black car up. It didn’t get airborne but instead, the ice held the car while freezing its whole body, suspending it in the air.

“Damn!” The driver of the car, possibly a criminal, left his comrades inside and jumps out of the car with a magically enhance gun with inscription.

However, before he could even point his gun at someone, a raging fire in a form of whip hits him.

From the crowd emerges Alisa with an enraged countenance. The whip in her hand dazzles in a blaze that the man immediately identified her.

“Concede, outlaws.” Alisa simply said.

As such the whole situation was immediately disclosed with the three’s help. The police were able to catch up with them and they are informed that the criminals just stole from a bank in the neighboring district taking advantage of the false alarm earlier.

Thus, they weren’t able to deploy sufficient forces instantly and the chase got dragged all the way here.

With the situation at hand, their plans are canceled.

Seemingly no harm was done and they are today’s heroes, Amaryl, Reed, and Alisa are all sent home together with Sigrun.

On the way, Amaryl parted from them, thus, giving Alisa a leeway to ask one question to Sigrun.

“What’s wrong, Alisa?” Sigrun asked as Alisa stopped at her track while glaring at Sigrun.

“Hey, Sig…I don’t want to be rude to you or anything. I also don’t want to assume some things but…I just want to ask…you already know that the car of those fugitives is coming, right?” Alisa asked with darkened expression.

“I do.” Sigrun simply answered.

“Then…you could have done something. You could actually stop anything before the whole scene started. You are the Hero of Aldieas after all, a supreme existence…yet..you just watched.” Alisa said while clenching her fist as she stares at Sigrun.

“I can, however, I am not compelled to help.” He simply replied.

From those words alone, Alisa’s face frowns in anger. Reed, on the other hand, could only listen as he doesn’t want to stretch the problem further.

“Now that I remember about it…the first time we met…you said that…you just felt responsible for Reed’s death at that time. So…if anyone in front of you will die that you didn’t have any concerns with, you won’t bother about it?” Alisa sent a question as she bit her lips in hopes that Sigrun will answer no.

“Yes.” Was Sigrun’s instant reply.

“I see…then…Sig…can you go with Reed for today? I’m…suddenly feeling a little unwell…” Alisa said as she turns her heels away from them.

Reed and Sigrun watch Alisa as she parted from them.

Alisa, for the last second, didn’t bother to look at him in the eyes, however, Reed who is watching the exchange noticed one thing.

Sigrun’s eyes are serious, his voice is nonchalant, but he clenches at the hem of his shirt. Reed could only watch…he doesn’t know what to say.

And most of all, he doesn’t understand Sigrun’s reason and Alisa’s protest is what most likely he wanted to side with.

But he kept quiet, knowing that what might happen may put a crack on their friendship, especially with Sigrun who he just knew for less than a week.

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